
jquery selectable: How to make items selected at 1st load

Hi, I am using jquery selectable to select items within a .net listview. user can select his desired item and can save it by clicking a save button. Next time when the user will come to page, he will be able to see his previously selected item. Using Jquey selectable plugin user can select an item by clicking it. Now My question is: ...

How to prevent multiple selection in jQuery UI Selectable plugin

Hi, I am using jQuery UI Selectable plugin. I want to select one item at a time. But jQuery UI Selectable plugin allows multiple selection by clicking/ dragging / holding CTRL key. Is there any way to prevent multiple selection? ...

how to call a web service from jquery

I want to call a webservice from jquery. If there any idea? ...

Capture all links including form submission

Hello, I am wondering how to capture all links on a page using jQuery. The idea being similar to Facebook. In Facebook, if you click on a link it captures the link and loads the same link using ajax. Only when you open a link in new tab etc. will it load the page using regular call. Any clue on how to achieve such kind of functionality...

Need a way to present a prerequisites for an object.

I don't really know how to explain this in a understandable way but here goes. The project I'm working on is a web application that revolves around courses, and each course have a set of prerequisites, the problem is that I don't know a good way to present these for the user. Example: To take course4, the person must have sold at least...

get content to tooltip from url in javascript

I'm using cluetip for tooltips in my web site, and I want to set the tooltip text based on the link url. For example: I have a link on my page to "http:abc.com/display?content=sweeties" and I want the tooltip to read "sweeties" Someone show me how, please? ...

Nested ASP.Net web forms + nyromodal : Postbacks die after modal is closed.

Hi All, I have an ASP.Net web page, which uses a Master Page template. The page has an UpdatePanel with some basic AJAX functionality (change the value of a DropDownList and the UpdatePanel will refresh). This is all working nicely. I also have a link that pops up a nyromodal Modal, inside the modal, another ASP.Net web form is loaded...

Submitting AjaxForm with jQuery in ASP.NET MVC

I have an ajax form in asp.net mvc which is as simple as this: <div class="panel" id="blogPostPanel"> <img src="/images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="ajax-loader" /> </div% } %> I want to invoke the form submit when document is loaded. This should supposedly, call the controller's action and return a result that should...

ASP.NET : Show progress information while saving data to DB

Dear techies, I have an ASP.NET 2.0 Web application.I want to show a progress indcator when user saves some data (Ex : Editing profile).I have already used jQuery in my application for some client side effects. How can i do this ? any jquery trusted stuff to use along with ASP.NET ? Thanks in advance ...

Accessing Nested Objects in Json

I have a custom object which contains other items (ie arrays, strings, other types of objects). I am not sure how to traverse the object to iterate and list all of the object types, keys, and values of the nested items. Second to this issue I don't know how many levels of nesting there are (as the object is generated dynamically from t...

floating menu, make it stop at bottom?

example page I have a floating menu that i've built to the left side (green), and i've made it start moving after 200 pixels. and now i need to to stop and not go over the footer (blue) area. any ideas how to make my JS better? this thing is, I cannot check this on the scroll event, because of the animation going on after i scroll, so...

Practical Uses for jQuery's $().each() method for a presentation

I'm giving a presentation to some coworkers today on how to use jQuery with ColdFusion. This is more of an introduction to jQuery than an advanced session. I'm trying to show how one can loop using jQuery's $().each() method, and in trying to come up with some practical, real world examples and I've drawn a blank. Any suggestions? ...

jQuery: How to select "from here until the next H2"?

I'm setting up a very straightforward FAQ page with jQuery. Like so: <h2>What happens when you click on this question?</h2> <p>This answer will appear!</p> This is all inside a very specific div, so I'll be selecting the header with $('#faq h2'). Simple, right? Click on the H2, and use this.next() to make the next paragraph show up...

Is it possible to hide columns in jQuery Grid by default?

I have been working with the jQuery Grid the past few days and one thing I have not found any documentation on yet is the ability to hide a column by default. The reason I want this is that I'm building my JSON w/ every property of my object yet my grid might only show 75% of these as valid columns. I want the ability to pass back more...

Is it bad practice to return partial views that contain javascript?

Hi, I am implementing a customer database which lets me search for users and companies, browse and edit their details, and many other things using ASP.NET MVC and javascript (jQuery). Whenever a post or get occurs, I do that via jQuery.load and insert the PartialView into the DOM. Some partial views include forms. I want those to be ...

Slide div from behind other div via jquery

We have a div of content (#content) and on the right hand side of the div a tab (#tab) -- when a user clicks #tab it should slide to the right and reveal various options. I'm not sure how to create this via jQuery. I thought (draft CSS that I made up in my head): #content { z-index:10; margin:0 auto } #tab { z-index: 5; float: left;...

Filter the jQuery object with a plugin

I'm trying to build a jQuery plugin that filters the provided jQuery object to only return some elements similar to the .filter(expr) function. This is more for educationg myself then for a real world problem. However I can't figure out how to remove elements from the provided jQuery object (or only return certain others, doesn't really ...

How do you format a line of text within a div when clicked?

Using jQuery or straight javascript, how do you identify / select / choose a single line of text from a div with contentEditable on and add formatting to that line of text only? I currently have a div with contentEditable set to true, which allows the user to edit the content of the div, adding/removing text as they see fit. However, I ...

JQuery Autocomplete in Dialog Errors

All, I am using the JQuery Autocomplete Plugin 1.0.2 in a JQuery UI Dialog. Unfortunately, there are 2 scenarios that cause script errors in IE and FireFox. I will be providing FireFox Firebug errors as they are more descriptive. First off, here is the JQuery Autocomplete script which allows for the selection of multiple names: va...

jquery mouseover question

I have this code: $("div[id^='intCell']").mouseover(function() { $(this).css({ "border:","1px solid #ff097c"}); }).mouseout(function() { $(this).css({"border:","1px solid #000"}); }) But I can't get it to work! In the html there is a list of divs which are generated by php to have ids of intCell_1, intCell_2 etc. Any ideas? ...