
jQuery not working on Windows Server 2008, IIS 7

I am deploying an ASP.NET MVC to Windows Server 2008. I have installed ASP.NET MVC 1, but jQuery is not working on any of the pages. Anyone had this problem? ...

Using bind( type, [data], fn ) and non-inline function

$("p").bind("click", function(event){ // code goes here }); This is quite understandable. But what is the way to use a non-inline function and pass the event as an argument? That is: $("p").bind("click", myFunction(event)); function myFunction(event) { // code goes here } Thank you! ...

jQuery: I have a class, I'm iterating it with each. The result is different each turn. How to use the this and access the value?

I'm a beginner and this is my first time encountering problem like this. I'm iterating a class using the each method provided by jQuery. The page have many class with the same name. So we can expect that it may be 15 iterations. Each iteration have different value. $(".book").each(function(n) { var result = $(this I have to get ...

JQuery and Ajax

Hi, I am working on adding asynchronous form submission inside a jquery dialog. I am using .ajax(). Everything is working correctly, but the submission takes longer than I would like. I am new to jquery and am unsure how to debug/optimize this. How do I determine if the lag is in the front or backend? Thanks, Natasha ...

Jquery - Get the text of multiple spans with the same class?

Hello, I'm relatively new to jquery, so I have what I hope will be a simple question. I need to append multiple spans to the line items in an unordered list. Essentially, each line item contains a and I need to grab the content of that span and append it to the bottom of the line item it's contained in. Here's what I have so far: My ...

How do I force jQuery tablesorter to always sort a column in one direction?

I have a sorted table of results for a sporting event. When I click a header, I want to sort from best to worst, always. I don't want it to reverse when I click again. In some cases the "best" is the shortest amount of time, and other case the "best" is the largest amount (i.e. most weight, longest distance). I have had little luck s...

jQuery override default validation error message display (Css) Popup/Tooltip like

I'm trying to over ride the default error message label with a div instead of a label. I have looked at this post as well and get how to do it but my limitations with CSS are haunting me. How can I display this like some of these examples: Example #1 (Dojo) - Must type invalid input to see error display Example #2 Here is some example ...

how to create a box similar to stackoverflow, click to dismiss

Duplicate: How would I implement StackOverflow's hovering dialogs? I'm trying to create an error message, that is being displayed, so far here's a crude attempt, the message displays fine, however the click doesn't work.. function message(somemessage){ $(document).ready(function(){ $('<div class="error">' + somemess...

Jquery loop - capture the value

I am running this loop in php but using a jquery click function during the output. How can i record which instance of $i was clicked. When I use $(this) it returns the id. The $('#pid-form').val('$frame_id[$i]') actually has the number i want as the value but I am not sure how to use it or convert it to a variable that I can use. f...

ASP.NET MVC + jQuery + IIS6: Multiple Ajax requests

Hello, I'm not sure where the problem is... I have an ajax request that checks the tracking information for a package on a page with a list of packages: $(".fedex_status").each(function() { var item = this; // some code to construct tracking_url $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: tracking_url, async...

Why is my jQuery script not triggering in Wordpress?

I have tested the below script on a demo page which is not using any CMS. The script is located in the index.php file and works just fine. <form method="get" action=""> <input id="label_search" type="text" value="" maxlength="40" name="inputText"/> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> var options = { script:"includes/autos...

jQuery pull images from directory

Is it possible to pull a bunch of .jpg pictures form a local file and throw them into a list? Sorry, I was very vague Pulling from a directory (relitive to the index) like. I want to list them in an image tag, sequentially. ...

Greasemonkey + jQuery: using GM_setValue() within an event callback

I'm trying to set data in long-term storage in a GreaseMonkey script, except that GM_setValue() seems to fail silently: $("a#linkid").click(function() { GM_setValue("foo", 123); // doesn't work, but does not generate error }); GM_setValue("bar", 123); // works properly, value is set ...

Ajax autocomplete issues

I'm having some issues with an asp.net implementation of this JQuery facebook style autocomplete. Basically the json url I am using is an aspx page that takes some paramaters via the query string and writes json to the response. This appears to be functioning correctly however the plugin doesnt recognise it. The strange thing is when ...

JQuery Ajax Voting

I am using this JQuery Ajax Voting system guide as a rough reference but I am a little troubled at the security of this. Right now this guide basically stores the ID of something and the vote statistics for it. I'd like to go off a similar idea but I need to include the userID as well so a user can only vote once. This is stored in a PH...

I'm having a problem selecting an element in jQuery

Hi, I'm using selectorgadget to help me select elements on the document. But when I used it on jQuery it doesn't work. The nth-child selector seems not to work for me. <div id = "wrap"> <div class = "book"> <div class = "chapter"> <p class = "text"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Title</td> <td>...

ASP.NET MVC modal dialog/popup best practice

I am looking for the most standard way to archive modal dialogs in ASP.NET MVC. An example of what I am trying to do is when I select an item from my "list" page, I want the "details" page to be a popup over the list and NOT a new page. I'm not looking for a hack. I want it to be a solution that follows the ASP.NET MVC pattern. I wou...

How to remove a tag, and preserved the text in the element using RegExp?

Hi, I want to remove the element tag and want to preserve the text inside the tag. I use the replace function of RegExp but it removed everything: The tag and the text inside the tag. I dont want that, I want to remove the tag only. Clean up the text, remove the tags, I want to present the text only. var str = str.replace(/<.>[^.]*\/.>...

Things a programmer should know before building a website

Duplicate: What should a developer know before building a public web site? I have been asked to make a website for a county fair. I used to make websites (they all sucked). I want to make this one using HTML, JQuery, and any other tools you guys recommend. I'm still a beginner when it comes to websites though, for example I didn'...

jQuery Star Rating Plugin is not recognizing {split:4}

I'm using the jQuery Star Rating plugin on an ASP.NET MVC site, and I can't get it to work with split stars. As best I can tell, I'm creating the proper radio buttons. I've tried using both the RadioButton helper method and pure HTML, and I've also tried with and without disabled inputs (on this particular page, I intend to use disabled)...