
How to find/detect any textarea in page using jQuery?

I want to put a function call in my pages called enableTinyMCE(); In that function I want to see if there are any textarea's in my page and if so do the tinyMCE.init() function. How do I detect if there are any textarea elements in the page? ...

jQuery post array

Hello, Am wondering how to post an array using $.ajax. My array is something like this: var a = new Array(); a['test'] = 1; a['test2'] = 2; and so on... I tried: $.ajax({ url: baseUrl+"chat.php", data: { vars: a}, type: 'post', success: function(data) { alert(data); }}); Any suggestions? Thank you for your time. ...

php statements within jquery

Is this bad practice to use php statements such as 'if' within a jquery function? should I really just be writing loads more functions instead of limiting a few using php? it seems to work fine but was wondering if this is a major faux pax? example: this is a code snippet, basically if the php variable $url is equal to 'projects' then...

using blueprint css within a jquery ui tab

I'm using blueprint to do a complex form layout that involves jquery-ui tabs, but when I try to use the blueprint span-x divs within the jquery-ui tabs, the formatting gets all screwy.... <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#blahblah"><span>blah blah</span></a></li> <li><a href="#blahblahblah"><span>blah blah blah</span></a></li...

How to handle radiobutton change in IE 7

Hi, I have 3 radio buttons with attached callback: $('#formBuilding input[type="radio"]').change(projectChangeHandler); In callback projectChangeHandler I access radio value with: var currentSelection = $('#formBuilding input:radio:checked').val() In IE 7, unlike to other browsers, currentSelection has value from radiobutton whic...

Jquery AJAX / Animation Control Flow

I'm having a hard time working out a design pattern in Jquery to control multiple AJAX and Animations. I of course have the AJAX and Animations bound to some events like 'click' but I'm trying to keep the code modular with functions and adding wrapper methods ($.fn), but I don't know how to get code to run when a function or a wrapper m...

parsing a Value in JQuery ??

var valueAsText = $('#counts span').text(); i use this tiny script to parse a span that contains the value 10, but i got this value instead 100000000000 can someone tell me what is wrong? and here is the code: <div id="counts"> <span>10</span> </div> thanks. ...

[jquery] javascript formatting opinion: ' vs "

In looking up jquery examples, I see that authors tend to go with ' or " to enclose, selectors, for example. As in: $('#tags').click ... or $("#tags").click Is this a personal style thing, or is there a reason why one is better than the other? In my brief experience, I find that ' is faster to type. Also, building up json paramete...

jQuery Form Plugin does not catch response

hey there, i just tried the jQuery Form plugin with the code example from http://malsup.com/jquery/form/#code-samples it actually shows the Request (beforeSubmit), but it doesnt catch the response (success). It opens the response in the current window, as the browser would do a regular form submit. (response is plaintext). any ideas? ...

jQuery delay between animations

I have two elements that shouldn't be active at the same time, so when one is toggled I fade the other out, however I would like to be able to fade the open element out and then bring the other one in. Is there a way to do this that isn't a hack? <script ="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#jlogin').click(function() { $('#login')....

Internet Explorer does not expand table after ajax call

When I make a jquery ajax call to auto fill a dropdown on page load the dropdown control is cut off by the containing table. I understand that if set the table width to 100% it would fix this but in my case I cannot do that. This code works fine in FF. It's almost like IE won't "re-render" the page after the ajax call completes. Here's t...

ASP.NET AJAX modal popup framework

I'm using ASP.NET 3.5 + Ajax Control Toolkit + jQuery (NO MVC yet) I'm looking for a standard solution for showing a user control (.ascx) as a modal popup (like the Ajax Control Toolkit ModalPopupExtender implementation), where I can pass parameters to it before it opens. Then get some values on closing, and potentially handle events on...

Is it true that Jquery + Rails is problematic?

I saw comments in a previous question saying that it is best to use Prototype with Rails. However, my own experience is that Jquery is a superior Javascript library. Being new to Rails, I have not yet investigated how to use Jquery with Rails but I assumed this would work. Is it correct that this may be a problematic combination - especi...

jquery and wordpress

i am having difficulty making my jquery functions operate within wordpress. can anyone help out with why these should work normally but not in wordpress??? ...

jQuery calls in external js file with MasterPages

I am using ASP.NET 3.5 with MasterPages. My master page has the script references to jquery and jquery UI. My web page that uses the master page has a script reference for a custom javascript file for that page. This javascript file has jquery calls in it (i.e. document.ready --> set up input boxes as calendars). When I run the websi...

Second Call to Ajax get the First Result Allways

I Using this code <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#DoTask').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // added this $.getJSON('/TareasBackGround/DoTaskInteractivo', null, function(response) { $('#ResultadoEjecutarTarea').html("<br />Resutado:" + response.res...

How can you use jQuery to make sIFR-replaced elements fade in?

This is what I currently have: // #content is visibility=hidden sIFR.replace(mix_bold, { selector: '#content p', onReplacement: function(fi) { $('#content').fadeIn("slow"); } }); The fade in happens, but for a split second the replaced flash movie appears before being hidden. Has anyone gotten this to work? I am using jQuery...

Javascript chop/slice/trim off last character in string

I have a string 12345.00 would like it to return 12345.0 I have looked at trim but looks only to trim whitespace and slice which I don't see how this would work. Any suggs? ...

adding an error / removing an error in jquery.validate

Hi, I'm trying to implement a generic way of adding remote validation to xVal / jquery.validate There are only two unsolved questions left: How do I "manually" mark a form element as invalid and add an error message to it from my own javascript code? How do I remove remove the error message at a later time without removing any other...

What's a easy way to truncate an array with Jquery?

Linq has a convenient operator method called Take() to return a given number of elements in anything that implements IEnumerable. Is there anything similar in jQuery for working with arrays? ...