ASP.NET Gridview columns resizing
I am looking for some solution for ASP.NET GridView that will allow to resize columns. Can anybody have expirience in it and suggest the best solution? ...
I am looking for some solution for ASP.NET GridView that will allow to resize columns. Can anybody have expirience in it and suggest the best solution? ...
I have a series of checkboxes, and everything works except their default behavior has been altered unintentionally so I can no longer check them which is odd since the reason I was using this bit of jquery was to highlight the li around them when they got checked in the first place. Any ideas? //Tag cloud $(".tag-cloud li").toggle( f...
Possible Duplicate: Get QueryString values with jQuery Hey guys, I got a question if i have a tag that looks like this: <a href="?page=cart&action=order&ISBN={$boek.ISBN}">Add to basket</a> What would be the best way to select the value of ISBN in jquery? ...
Hello all. I am trying to create a jquery questionnaire but my little jquery knowledge doesn't help me. What I have until now is the following When you click Questions a popup open with two questions. I want the following: when the user click one of the two answer, the script check his a...
I have this banner rotator code: function ban_rot() { //First preload images // counter var i = 0; // create object imageObj = new Image(); // set image list images = new Array(); images[0] = "../Graphics/adv/1.gif" images[1] = "../Graphics/adv/2.jpg" // start preloading for (i = 0; i <= im...
Hello I'm studying a strange behavior in Google Chrome when using jQuery text function: $(document).ready(function () { $("#btnSubmit").click(function () { var t = $('#txtMessage').text(); alert(t); //this shows nothing in Google Chrome, but works in IE9 }); }); when I change var t = $('#txtMessage').text(); to va...
I have a drop down form that submits itself on change without even relying on jquery: <script type="text/javascript"> $("#sortForm").change(function(){ this.submit(); }); </script> But on a certain page (not everywhere) I need it to also load an external page on success, like this: $('#tread').load('external_page.php #tr...
hey, i'm using the Facebook style autoComplete inside a ajax update panel, by problem is when im doing a postback to the UpdatePanel the Jquery Disapear, Any Idead? thanks, Code: $(document).ready(function () { $("[id$='DDL_Guests']").fcbkcomplete({ json_url: "../../Search.asmx/SearchAC", cache: false, filter_ca...
I have image tag on my page . I need that tag shows different images on every 1s. My pictures are stored in folder "pict". How to achieve this using JQuery ? ...
I'm trying to implement some kind of very basic flow chart functionality in a div. Basically I have some boxes which by default my be joined by a little AND bubble. If I click on the bubble it will change to an OR bubble which will result in the boxes (divs) splitting. Not really to sure where to start on this any guidance much apprecia...
Hi guys, I am trying to implement a way to avoid click spamming. I have a Link button that when clicked sends the request to the server using Jquery $.ajax() command. I want a way to prohibit multiple clicks like the one implemented here in StackOverflow when adding a comment. Any suggestion ? ...
For all submits of all forms of a given site, I would like them to be replaced by a href links. The "a submit button" is done by applying a sprite technique. So, something around those lines: #formLogin .submit { width:60px; background:url('../img/botaoLogin.png') no-repeat; height:22px; margin-left...
I have a form like this: <form id='myForm'> <input type='text' name='search' /> <input type='text' name='maxPrice' /> </form> and table for my jqGrid: <table id='myGrid'></table> I need to POST (not GET) the data from myForm to my server method in order to fetch the row data and populate the grid. So far, I've not been able to get ...
I have this banner rotator which is working fine except for one problem... This rotator here first goes through the function and when it reaches the "setTimeout" statement it triggers the "cycle" function again and again. You guys probably know that in Firefox there is a status-bar in the bottom-left corner, which says "loading" or "wa...
i am loading two divs in a page: divA and divB i have divB display style = none. I have a link that says "Show viewB". When i click this i want div B to show up where divA is and divA to hide. i then want the link to change to "Show viewA" what is the most elegant way of doing this in jquery? ...
Hello, I am using flexigrid in a project and I would like to be able to keep the selected rows after the grid is refreshing. I asked the same question on the flexigrid discussion board and I got this answer: Add a click handler, save the id if the row id of the row selected. On refresh completion, select the row again (if still pres...
i've been reading a lot and have been trying to get this done for about 5 hours now... so here it is I want to write a script that will override a function dummy() {$.ajax(...)}; on a website. here is how i'm trying to do it unsafeWindow.dummy = function(data){differantFunction(); $.ajax(...);}; function differantFunction(){ ... } ...
I'm trying to use the userBox plugin and in the example we have the following array being built: var data = [ {text: "Adam Adamson", id: "[email protected]"}, {text: "Betsy Boop", id: "[email protected]"}, {text: "Jooles Jooles", id: "[email protected]"} ]; I want to build my array at runtime using JSON data I receive from...
Experts, I use ajaxFileUpload for my image upload. I created an API using codeigniter to do the image cropping and save the image to the server and return a xml response. I configure the ajaxFileupload to use the API and it works just fine in Firefox and other browsers but not in IE. The ajaxFileUpload always returns success but it doe...
Lets say i have this array of movie directors: var directors = ['Woody Allen', 'Woody Allen', 'Clint Eastwood', 'Quentin Tarantino', 'Robert Rodriguez', 'Woody Allen', 'Steven Soderberg', 'Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino' ]; A PHP print_r of the aray would look like this: Array ( [0] => Woody Allen [1] => Woody Allen ...