Vertical Text with jQuery
I'm looking to vertically align text by adding <br /> tags between characters with jQuery. <div id="foo"><label>Vertical Text</label></div> would look like this: V e r t i c a l T e x t ...
I'm looking to vertically align text by adding <br /> tags between characters with jQuery. <div id="foo"><label>Vertical Text</label></div> would look like this: V e r t i c a l T e x t ...
I'm creating a data entry app for some in-house stuff. My team needs to enter info about "items" which can have many "categories" and vice versa. I need a quick way to let them enter an arbitrary amount of categories. Here's my idea: On the item entry page, I'll have it so that initially there's one text input for "categories" and if...
I want to list some records from the table in a ASP.NET page. For each record, I want to display some data and at the same time, provide a button for them to click. I want to show a “CLICK TO VIEW BUTTON” If they click on the button, I want to have a box slide down (using jQuery) to display the other details for the record. An example o...
I try get the mp3 flash player to work with my javascript on all browsers. All went well for first, but fast realized that my code doesn't work on MSIE. After trying to find out I found this in the reference code: <!--[if IE]> <script type="text/javascript" event="FSCommand(command,args)" for="myFlash"> eval(args); </script> <![endif]...
I am new to JQuery and am using the JQuery validation plugin. Great stuff! I want to migrate my existing ASP.NET solution to use JQuery instead of the ASP.NET validators. I am missing a replacement for the regular expression validator. I want to be able to do something like this: $("Textbox").rules("add", { regularExpression: "^[a-zA-Z...
I am using the jquery tooltip and here is the code for it this.tooltip = function() { var xOffset = -10; var yOffset = -175; $("a.tooltip").hover(function(e) { this.t = this.title; this.title = ""; ...
As the title suggests, I am having trouble maintaining my code on postback. I have a bunch of jQuery code in the Head section and this works fine until a postback occurs after which it ceases to function! How can I fix this? Does the head not get read on postback, and is there a way in which I can force this to happen? JavaScript is:...
We have had issues with mootools not being very backward compatible and I was wondering if anyone has had any problems with Jquery because we are starting to use it and are now using a newer version for several new tools and I was wondering if it would be ok to get rid of the older version. ...
I want to select a bunch of spans in a div whose CSS contains a particular background color. How do I achieve this? ...
I know they're using a jQuery plugin, but I can't seem to find which one they used. In particular, what I'm looking for is autocomplete with exactly the same functionality as SO's autocomplete, where it will perform an AJAX command with each new word typed in and allow you to select one from a dropdown. ...
Need a way to allow sorting except for last item with in a list. Tried using the cancel option but it didn't work and I don't think that's what its for. I think a solution may be with events but would like your take on it. In practice the list is dynamically generated and relies on tag and relative referencing not id's for selecting...
What is the correct way to convert ASP.NET SOAP-based web services to JSON-based responses? ...And then call these from jQuery? What are "best practices" when integrating jQuery based AJAX and ASP.NET? Articles? Books? ...
How do I make one jquery ui slider control another? If I slide slider #1, it should slide slider #2 also. ...
I'm having a problem where a jQuery setting against an .html() property on a selected element is returning the error 'nodeName' is null or not an object. This only occurs on IE6 and IE7, but not FF2, FF3, Opera (latest Nov 12,2008) or Safari (again, latest). ...
At the moment I have a set of divs, generated dynamically by php and all having their ids starting with 'itembox', with a count number appended. I have a droppable garbage bin area on the page so that the user can delete an individual itembox by fdragging and dropping on to the bin. My problem is that the droppable won't seem to activat...
I'm trying to add a new node to an jQuery SimpleTree, but all I seem to be able to get is "sTC.addNode is not a function"... var simpleTreeCollection = $('.simpleTree').simpleTree({ animate:true, drag:false, autoclose: false, afterClick:function(node){}, afterDblClick:function(node){}, beforeMove:function (destination, source, po...
I'm using the jQuery UI sortables plugin to allow re-ordering of some list items. Inside each list item, I've got a couple of radio buttons which allow the item to be enabled or disabled. When the item is dragged, both radio buttons get deselected, which doesn't seem like it should be happening. Is this correct behavior, and if not, w...
I'm trying to duplicate the effect used in the Firefox search box where, if the search field does not have focus ( the user has not clicked inside of it ), it just says Google in gray text. Then, when the user clicks in the box, the text is removed and they can fill in their search term. I want to use this to provide example field data ...
How can I access options that I set in a jQuery Datepicker? $("#testDatePicker").datepicker({ minDate: new Date(2005, 0, 26), showOn: 'button', buttonImage: 'js/themes/default/images/calendar.gif', buttonImageOnly: true }); var minDate = $("#testDatePicker").?????; ...
I am trying to make work the Validation plugin. It works fine for individual field but when I try to include the demo code for the error container that contain all errors I have an issue. The problem is that it show the container with all error when I am in all fields BUT I would like to display the error container only when the user pre...