load js file in runtime checking whether it is not loaded
hi all how it can be implemented that- load jquery file dynamically whether it is not loaded??? or if loaded then ignore further load.,.?? thanks ...
hi all how it can be implemented that- load jquery file dynamically whether it is not loaded??? or if loaded then ignore further load.,.?? thanks ...
I have a modal that I implemented using the jQuery Colorbox and the modal works great for everything. However I have to have the functionality of an 'Update Your Picture' Member picture area and I wanted to acheive this through AJAX. Apparently this is possible but not really through AJAX. I have tried to implement the AJAX Upload functi...
If an address polo Rd is given, it identifies "po" in polo and alerts error message. So, we should frame a new validation which should not accept address lines 1 and 2 with the values: "PO BOX", "PO BIN", "BIN", "P.O BOX", "P.O BIN", "P.O", "PO" the above values can be in any case spaces before, in between and after the above wor...
Hi all , can anyone tell me how can i make an element draggable by cloning it and at the same time changing its id so that i access the cloned element and apply changes over it. I have an application of post its . i want to drag the tag over an area and access that clone element. ...
Hi all, i m having a problem in appending a tag over an area. I am tring to append the clone of #Normal_Tag1_div to #droppable after changing the id. I also want to make that clone draggable over #droppable only . How can i do that?? $('#Normal_Tag1_div').draggable({helper:'clone'}); $('#droppable').droppable({ dro...
Can u Please help me how to create grid view using JQuery ...
Hey everyone, I'm building some data dynamically using jQuery, but I'm getting the following error: Uncaught Error: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: DOM Exception 3 This happens at the appendTo part of a script that looks like this: $('<tr />').append( /* lots of stuff */ ).add( $('<tr />') ).append( /* some more */ ).appendTo($tbody...
suggest me some sample codes to activate and deactivate a hyperlink on clicking it. i tried some of these, but no result 1) $("a#click").onclick = function() { return false; } 2) $("a#click").attr ('href', '#'); 3) $(#document).ready(function(){ $("#disabled a").click(function () { $(this).fadeTo("fast", .5).removeAttr(...
How to activate and Deactivate the Rails code hyperlink using JQuery for the following code <%= f.add_associated_link "Add another email address",:class => 'add' %> please suggest me to solve this major problem ...
var validator = $("#fullRegForm").validate({ errorLabelContainer: "#error_container", wrapper: "li", errorClass: "reg_error", rules: { fr_birthdate: { date: true, required: true, minimumAge: true }, fr_consent: { required: function(element) { ...
Is there any way to use both the jquery and scriptaculous js files together? I was trying to implement the autocomplete feature of the cakephp framework which required the js files,prototype.js,scriptaculous.js,effects.js and controls.js. I also use JQuery functions in my application which requires the jquery.js file. The auto complet...
Im looking for a way to render an html table as an editable datgrid, with the ability to clone individual rows. I dont need to save any of the changes made, just superficially edit the cells because i then use a jquery plugin to scrape the table as is on screen and save it. Ive tried jeditable, but its designed for posting the output of...
Hi, I'm trying to get the value and text of multiple select boxes and add them to a hidden fields, can any one please help. <form> <select class="select" name="select" id="select"> <option value="0">0</option> <option value="1.99">1</option> <option value="1.99">2</option> <option valu...
I'm using a JQuery UI slider which has two handles (a.k.a range slider). I know how to style the first handle: .ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-handle {background: white url(http://stackoverflow.com/content/img/so/vote-arrow-down.png) no-repeat scroll 50% 50%;} But how do I style the second handle differently? Using Firebug I can see...
Hey guys! I have 5 diffrent scripts on page, which all do the same: <script language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".hideshow-news").hide(); $(".roll-li-news").click(function(){ if ($(".hideshow-news").is(":hidden")) { $(".hideshow-news").slideDown("slow"); $(".roll-li...
Is there a way in JQuery to loop through or assign to an array all of the classes that are assigned to an element? ex. <div class="Lorem ipsum dolor_spec sit amet">Hello World!</div> I will be looking for a "special" class as in "dolor_spec" above. I know that I could use hasClass() but the actual class name may not necessarily be k...
I'm using the jquery validation plug-in. When there are invalid fields, it focuses on the first invalid field. However, my labels are on top of my fields and I want to scroll up just a bit so the user can see both the label and the field. I've looked at the scrollTo plug-in, but haven't figured out an easy way to integrate it. Maybe some...
When doing ajax stuff with jQuery you can pass your data along to the server in two key ways: Use an object like { firstname:'blah', lastname: 'derp' } Use a string like &firstname=blah&lastname=derp (1) Arises naturally when you're passing in values programatically. (2) Arises naturally when you've got input fields. My problem: it...
Update: Final Fix: $('.gasamount').sum(); var num = $(this).attr("id").replace(/[A-Za-z$,-]/g, ""); $('#gasmoney'+num).val(<cfoutput>#mileage#</cfoutput> * $(this).val()); $('.gasmoney').sum(); What I've been trying to accomplish: Create a set value for a row of cells. Multiply the user's value by a stored amount. Get th...
I want to write a script which can determine whether a link is internal or external. This is simple from my perspective, all internal links are relative, so they start with a /. All external links start with an http:// - all good so far. However I can't figure out how to do a ':contains()' on anything other than text - how can a search f...