
Please decipher the following error message: "Multiple keys in #<KeywordUser @user_id=1 @keyword_id=2>"

jruby google app engine error message: Multiple keys in #<KeywordUser @user_id=1 @keyword_id=2> Models: (attempting to implement has and belongs to many relationship) class Keyword include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial # required for DataMapper property :name, String # A varchar type string, for short strings ...

How can I get the jruby version at runtime?

I need to get the jruby version for logging & debugging purposes. I tried looking around JRuby.runtime for a 'version' method, but I didn't find anything useful. I also thought about using %x{jruby -v}. It works in most cases, except that there is always the possibility that more than one jruby version are installed, and I want to get ...

JRuby: Rake fails with Gem::Version error

I get the following error on any call to rake. I am working on a Rails 3 running on JRuby (1.5.1) installed with RVM. I don't think this was always the case, but I'm not sure how to track it down. Am I correct in think this has something to do with the gems I have installed (listing included below)? $ rake metrics:all /Users/Eric/.rv...

How to avoid "Unable to establish loopback connection" with JRuby and net-sftp gem

It seems that JRuby cannot handle several file uploads using the net-sftp gem. After successfully uploading several files I get the following exception: IOError : Unable to establish loopback connection The same code and gem under MRI Ruby works fine. Any suggestions? ...

How to configure Textmate to run JRuby?

Trying to work on JRuby with TextMate. ...

JRuby OpenSSL Error

I am having problems configuring JRuby to work properly with OpenSSL. Googling has revealed that this is a pretty common occurence, but none of the solutions I've read have worked for me. Here is my setup: Ubuntu 9.10 jruby 1.5.1 jruby-openssl (0.7) Here is the error: irb(main):001:0> require 'jruby/openssl/gem_only' => true irb(m...

Track down PermGen problem with JRuby on Rails in Tomcat

We're running a small web application written JRuby on Rails running under Tomcat. We're using a Spring back-end that's shared with another production web application. Unfortunately, we keep running into PermGen problems. OS: Ubuntu Linux 2.6.24-24-server #1 SMP x86_64 GNU/Linux Java: 1.6.0_21 Tomcat: 6.0.28 JRuby: 1.5.0 Rails: 2.3.7 W...

Why not Rhino for JVM apps?

I would like to develop some apps for the JVM using a concise, dynamic language. The most popular choices for this seem to be Jython, JRuby, Groovy, and maybe Clojure. Rhino appears to be fast and very stable, but I see no books on Rhino development and little discussion. Why is there apparently little use of JavaScript for other than e...

JRubyClassLoader not getting released

We're running a small JRuby on Rails app under Tomcat 6.0.28 with a Spring-based backend. I've spent some time with the Eclipse Memory Analysis tool and I can definitely tell that instances of the JRubyClassLoader are leaking. I setup our webapp to only use a single JRuby runtime and then I effectively did a hot-deploy to Tomcat by touch...

deployment for jruby on rails app

I am trying to deploy a jruby on rails application. Right now I am running mongrel + Apache2 using reverse proxy from mod_proxy. However, because mongrel_jcluster does not work for the latest versions of jruby, I am only able to run one mongrel server, and cant take advantage of load balancing from apache2. Is there any way other way ...

Is there a delayed_job like gem for jruby?

I'm trying to convert a rails app to jruby on rails. Currently, jruby script/delayed_job run gives: /usr/lib/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/delayed_job-2.0.3/lib/delayed/command.rb:50:in `each_object': ObjectSpace is disabled; each_object will only work with Class, pass -X+O to enable (RuntimeError) from /usr/lib/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/1...

GlassFish gem reload

Using JRuby from RVM and the GlassFish Ruby gem. I haven't been able to reproduce this in other projects. However, in one project of mine, regardless of what's in the config.ru, if I run $ glassfish, then it loads up the server and the output is from when I first launched GlassFish many days ago, even if I uninstall and reinstall the ge...

The best source for reference information on Java interop with jRuby

What have you found as the best sources for jRuby interop syntax with Java? It took me forever yesterday to find something about adding to the classpath and the jruby.org site was not much help. Curious what references others use. Thanks. ...

Are there frameworks for Jython or JRuby, or is it you can run a py or ruby app on the JVM?

Are there specific frameworks for Jython or JRuby, or is it you can run a py or ruby app on the JVM? i.e. you take your python django app, and you can run in on tomcat using jython? Sorry little confused. ...

win32ole gem for jruby

Hi jruby mavens, I'm trying to install jruby gem from http://github.com/bpmcd/win32ole . it seems that standard jruby -S gem install win32ole doesn't work. I'm ruby noobie, and so far I understand that this package is not a gem? Am I correct? Do I need to build it? If yes, could you direct me to the docs that explain how to proceed...

jruby: java class accepts arguments in IRB but returns error when called from a class

I am using a class that accepts overridden methods i meant optional argument signatures (not sure if that matters in this case, but maybe) when I call this from IRB it is working as expected, eg, it accepts the arguments (filtering namespaces and passwords with [filtered] where needed to keep secret stuff secret and my company happy) ...

Can I use Google App Engine for processing data?

Hello, I would like to execute some long running JRuby scripts [ nothing to do with web requests and url fetch ] on Google App Engine. There is a 30 seconds limit on URL Fetch requests. Does the same apply for plain JRuby/Python scripts? If yes, is there a workaround? ...

How do Rails and Jruby relate?

Background: I have a java library that is accessed by many developers - usually via java. However, a few devs hope to access this via a Ruby API. I am gravitating in the direction of Jruby in order to implement a Java-Ruby API. Questions: My main concern is that these developers will not be able to utilize the API in their current, R...

Using styledText in SWT application

I have a simple question really: SWT documentation says that if you're using styledText, you either implements its API or you implement LineStyleListener. So, If I do use LineStyleListener, how can I still control the representation of specific characters in the editor widget? It seems that implementing LineStyleListener only provides c...

Time limit the execution of user code (JRuby)

Is it possible to restrict the amount of time the user code runs in JRuby? ...