
Exception with ICEFaces

Hello, I'm using ICEFaces. I have datatable with multiple columns. One I load the page I get the following exception; however, the page still loads and contiues correctly but after I start pagination the table it's slow, I'm not sure what this exception is about as the page still work and I'm not sure if it's related to the slowness of ...

Javascript submitting all the forms on a page

I'm using jsf 1.2. When a particular jsp has more than one form with a specified id, for example when using something like below, jsf gives the form a seemingly random id. <ui:repeat> <h:form id="repeatingform"> ... I would like submit all forms using javascript. Is there a way to do this without knowing the ids of the forms?...

How can I access methods based on strings in an array?

Hello! I'm not even sure if this is possible, but hopefully it is in Java. I know I've done it in PHP by using variable variables and accessing a variable dynamically, but I read this isn't possible in Java in a different question. I have an array of strings which contains the state of checkboxes in my JSF GUI. If all checkboxes are s...

Java EE Jar file sharing

At our shop, we are maintaining roughly 20 Java EE web applications. Most of these applications are fairly CRUD-like in their architecture, with a few of them being pretty processor intensive calculation applications. For the deployment of these applications we have been using Hudson set up to monitor our CVS repository. When we have a ...

Custom getEntityNameSelectList() fails

Writing a simple JSF application I've some across the following Problem: My entities.controller.EntityNameManager class contains a method getEntityNameSelectList() which I can use to populate a ComboBox with. This works and shows all Entities, since the Method to retrieve the Entities does not have a where clause. This Method was automat...

Best java webframe backend for GWT frontend?

What is the best java based web framework backend for a GWT frontend? Possible Backends: seam, jsf, spring web ... ? Specially I am interested in practical experience and PROS and CONS. Btw: - No dynamic typed Languages please - Have anybody tried seam or spring for this? ...

JSF, change the pictures related to links

Hi, I have links and pictures related to these links on my page. I want to do something like, I want to change the pictures everytime when onmouseover event occured in the links. I want to do this in JSF. Please help me. A lot of Thanks to eveyone. ...

showing 1-n relations in JSF

Hi, I want to place a table on my page. I have two tables in my database for example users and locations. Every location has more than one user. I want to list these locations and show the users who live in these locations. Los Angeles John Locke Dr. Jack Mr. Eco Like the below image, could someone do this in JSF? Thanks. ...

How to invalidate a field in seam?

I need to validate two user input fields against each other in seam. Field1 must be greater than Field2 for each row in a ui:repeat tag. As of now, i have the two fields wrapped in an s:decorate tag that wraps all input in an s:validateAll tag. This allows me to float an error message out to the right of the fields if validation fails fo...

problem when exporting to excel with JSF

Hello, I'm using JSF/ICEFaces. The page is ICEFaces however I'm using the JSF datatable because ICEFaces had slow performance for some reason. Anyway, unlike the ICEFaces datatable, the JSF table doesn't come with export to excel so I'm writing my own. I decided to use Apache POI as below. The code executes well but I don't see pop up t...

JSF, datatable in datatable

Hi, Could someone please tell me, how should be the backing bean of a page that shows datatable in datatable. For example: If I want to show the users in the cities, the below code would be the design part of the page, but what about the bean? <h:form><rich:dataList var="city" value="#{myBean.allCity}"> <h:outputText value="#{city.name...

JSF: navigation

I have to warn you: the question may be rather silly, but I can't seem to wrap my head around it right now. I have two managed beans, let's say A and B: class A { private Date d8; // ...getters & setters public String search() { // search by d8 } } class B { private Date d9; //...getters & setters publi...

Using PersistentFacesServlet and FacesServlet in the same war

So I posted this question in the icefaces forum but didn't get much love, so I thought I would try here. In my webapp I am using IceFaces for the bulk of the application but I want to use regular JSF for a mobile piece of the solution. I can't seem to get the IceFaces Servlet to 'let go' and let it concede to the regular FacesServlet. p...

Any FileUpload replacement to work side by side with ICEfaces and Spring Web Flow?

FileUpload control from ICEfaces conflicts with Spring Web Flow 2.0. If anyone knows another FileUpload JSF control that work OK with Spring Web Flow and doesn't conflict with ICEfaces? ...

how to present a list inside a list in jsf page

Hi All I am a new user to this group and asking my first question. Actually i am working on an application in jsf using rich faces, where i need to show a list in data table which again consists of two nested list. I am not able ot provide rowspan for my first column . please suggest. Regards Pankaj ...

How can i make errorpages in jsf ?

Everytime something gets wrong .. i got to see this. How can i make a simple Errorpage with stacktrace in jsf ? ...

Is it OK to mix up the ?-Faces in JSF.

Hi.. I'm new to JaveServerFaces and played a little bit with ICEFaces and i would try richfaces. So the Basic Question is : Can i use these two addons together or does it get me into troubles? Can someone recommend me some other packages ? (specially for netbeans) ...

How can i add CSS or JS to a JSF page ?

I tried it for 2 hours . i gave up . I have to use JSF . I hate it ! ...

Flex components for JSF

It would make sense to use Flex components with JSF, but searching around I can't find something mainstream. At least not as mainstream as ICEFaces, Woodstock and the other JSF components. ...

Display custom conversation error message with <rich:beanValidator />

I'm using hibernate validators with JSF. How can i set my conversation error messages. I'am trying such way, but it didn't work: <h:inputText id="input" value="#{myBean.number}" converterMessage="#{msgs.convertError}"> <f:convertNumber /> <rich:beanValidato...