
JSF Hibernate decision support

Hi guys, I like JSF and Hibernate but I have a a problem to make the right decision: In fact, I have POJOs for Client, House, Problem and son on. and a Business delegate RentManager. and the programs might help the client to report one or more problems his/her house might have. I want to get all clients, houses, and problems. Can Rent...

JSF Filter prevent direct access certain page.

I created a filter to prevent the user by typing the url to access certain page. I have 3 page, the user supposed to access page2 or page3 only through page1. First page required the user enter username, den go to page2 and so on. I have a managed bean user scoped session.This is my filter method. The problem is that when i never enter t...

Exception thrown while accessing HTML DataTable in backing bean

Hi folks, I am building a simple application in JSF with the CrUD functionality. I am trying to implement edit functionality using the tomahawk component .I am unable to retrieve the selected row in my backing bean. Here's my JSP file snip: <t:dataTable id="data" binding="#{selectOneRowList.dataTable}" sty...

How to hide rich:modalPanel on Ajax response in JSF.

Hi there, I am using jsf reach faces in one application. I am using rich:modalPanel for popup reading some details and submitting tha panel using a4j command button after response from server I want to hide the modalPanel but don't know how to, I am still trying for the solution, Any help Please The code of rich modalPanel is someth...

Passing action in <rich:modalPanel>.

There is some way to pass action in . I want to write simple popup with "Yes" and "No" button, and I want to reuse this popup in different pages, that's why I need that different action was invoked when "Yes" button pressed. There is a way to pass some value in with : ` <rich:componentControl for=“popup” operation=“show” ...

Input File component error messages

Hi all, I'm facing a serious problem with ice:inputFile component. When an error occurred while uploading process (like : invalid file name error, empty file name error, exceeding max size error), i use ice:message tag to show these error messages. I use ice:panelPopup and display the ice:inputFile component inside it. The problem is : ...

EntityManager throws TransactionRequiredException on merge() in JBoss JSF bean

I've set up a JSF application on JBoss 5.0.1GA to present a list of Users in a table and allow deleting of individual users via a button next to each user. When deleteUser is called, the call is passed to a UserDAOBean which gets an EntityManager injected from JBoss. I'm using the code public void delete(E entity) { em.remove(em.merg...

Using RichFaces jquery to add another class to a tab

Hello! I have a rich:tabPanel with several tabs in it. I want to use jquery to record changes on each tab so that when a change is made within a tab I change the background image of the tab. It looks like this: <h:form id="form"> <rich:jQuery selector="#tab1_lbl" query="addClass('testClass')" timing="onload"/> <rich:tabPa...

selectBooleanCheckbox in a DataTable in ui:repeat

Hello, I'm having some problem using multiple selectBooleanCheckBox in multiple DataTables in ui:repeat. Something like this <ui:repeat var="f" value="#{mybean.values}"> <rich:dataTable value="#{f.values}" var="v"> <rich:column> <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{mybean.selected[v.id]}"/> </rich:column> ...

JSF, how to get datatable's first row?

Hi, I have a datatable where I get its values from a table called Items that is in my database.I want to show first five datas from the Items table but also want to show first row's picture. I get all the pictures from a folder named upload. I keep just the name of the pictures in the database. Could someone please write the code that ...

JSF inputText and inputSecret differ in size

Hi %, again just a short one: I've done a login page in JSF which contains an inputText for the username and a inputSecret for the password. Size is set to 20 for both. FF manages to show it correctly, IE shows them in different sizes. Is there a way to make them look similar in both? rgds, KB ...

Seam view aliases

Hi all, I am running a Seam web application with Richfaces for the JSF implementation. I would like to map a view to a particular URL much like you could with Spring MVC in the Url Map. Here is a snippet of my /WEB-INF/pages.xml <page view-id="*" scheme="http"> <navigation from-action="#{identity.logout}"> <redirect view-id="/cont...

Seam Richfaces form validation

Hi all, My form validation works great, but the messages use the JSF component name and not the field label. For instance, I have a field subject and the error message I get when it is empty is something along the lines of: UIComponent:contactBean.firstName cannot be empty. My Form: <div class="field"> <s:decorate id="firstNameDecor...

Where to migrate existing Visual Web Project in Netbeans to?

We currently maintain a JSF application developed using Netbeans 5.5.1 using the Visual Web Designer. Our environment is forcing us to stop using Netbeans 5.5.1 and we now have to find another tool to develop our application in. The problem is that migrating to Netbeans 6.7 we will lose the Visual Web Designer we have grown so accustome...

How to set bean property value in jsf page?

I have Facelet component and I have backing bean for it. When I include my component to some page I pass bean from page to my component: <ui:include src="./WEB-INF/templates/myTemplate.xhtml"> <ui:param name="pageBean" value="#{thisPageBean}" /> </ui:include> My component also have backing bean and I try to pass va...

JSF and Jquery - doesn't work

Hi I am trying to get Jquery work in JSF. But i doesn't work. Can somebody help me ? The scripts are in the folder : resources This is my JSP code : I am using netbeans and the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Document : testpage Created on : 08.07.2009, 01:16:01 Author : reBourne --> <jsp:root version="2.1" xm...

Server Connection dies out with ICEFaces with long request

Hello, I have long HTTP request ( generating large Excel file - about 60K records or so) which takes like 5 minutes to complete. The wheel with icefaces shows connection is dead and although the file is ready on the server, ICEFaces page is dead and I have to refresh it and can't get the file! How to about extending timeout I tried the...

How can I use the check box group in JSF to select the items of database and generate a list in the next page?

I am using NetBeans and JSF to do my project. Recently I encountered a problem that confused me. The question: There is a set of check box groups that identify the artifacts from the nature, creator, period and school. And all the artifacts are stored in a table of database. I would like to select the items by nature or creator or some...

RichFaces rich:columns and sorting

Hi there, does anyone know how to properly enable sorting on a rich:dataTable with columns generated on the fly using rich:columns tag? Setting sortBy with an expression like #{row[column]} doesn't work for me. I'm using RichFaces 3.3.1GA. Here's the example: <rich:dataTable id="table" value="#{localeHandler.locales}" var="row"> ...

ICEFaces action vs actionListener

I am not clear on the difference between these two methods. I see that the actionListener takes an ActionEvent as a parameter, but both may be tied to a method in the backing bean. Is the only functional difference the ActionEvent parameter? So if I need ActionEvent use the listener method, if not, either will work? ...