
JSF Spring security log out button

How do I convert the following from a link to a button? <h:outputLink value="#{request.contextPath}/j_spring_security_logout">Logout</h:outputLink> If I try and add a navigation rule it can't find j_spring_security_logout... ...

Spring Security Current User Session Bean

When dealing with Spring Security do you usually store the current user into a session variable or do you hit the DB every single time you want to access some user information? At the moment I do the following but it seems a bit wasteful: public class CurrentUserService { private UserDAO userDAO; public CurrentUserService(Us...

How to call a web service operation from JSF

I have a Web Service operation called getJobCostToDate(String jobnum) which when passed a job number it will return the job cost to date. The page I am displaying shows job data in a row, and the job cost to date is one column of the table data. I have discovered that I should be able to call the web service operation using a managed b...

JSF 2.0 Using Eclipse ?

I am using JSF 2.0 with eclipse 3.4 and Tomcat6. For Facelets I need to create XHTML files. Now the problem is that there is no XHTML file in eclipse. I can make it using a new and convert its etension XHTML but i am coding it is not showing any tags in autocomplete. In JSP file when I write <h: it shows all relevant tags of and same for...

How to use 3 <h:form/> tag in JSF in same line ?

I am getting a scenerio where there are three buttons() right next to each other. They need to be enclosed by tag to work properly. The problem here is out of 3 buttons, second button operation must open in new window, rest in same window. So I was forced to use 3 tag around 3 buttons respectively with second one having target="_blank"...

JSF and Browser Issues?

Hi, I am using JSF 1.2 without tomahawk and other libraries. The JSF Applicatin works fine in IE7 but there are problems - input controls not enabled (for Firefox 3.0.3) and rendered and disabled attributes of commandButtons do not work in IE8. I am using simple javascript and css to do some validations and conditional displays at the ...

Choosing a Framework for Developing Portlets in WebSphere Portal 6 / 7

I'm part of a team which is evaluating frameworks for developing portlets for WebSphere Portal 6.1.5 (and 7, once we get it). A rough outline of our requirements for the framework are (as many of the following as possible): Support development of JSR-286 compliant portlet applications Should support custom portlet modes AJAX support ...

Ajax4jsf File Upload

I want to upload a file with AJAX in a JSF application. The idea is that as soon as the user selects the file, it is uploaded, and a preview is shown. Currently I am using t:inputFileUpload and have the code to insert the image in a database and show the preview. I tried a4j:support but it did not work. Many thanks, Panayiotis ...

how to create graphs in jsf ?

hello ! Can anyone give details about creating graphs like bars and lines in jsf ? which one is best ? I want graphs by taking data from database dynamically and should work offline.I want each and every step of installation and execution.please reply. ...

The rich:comboBox doesnt invoke valueChangeListener second time

Hi! It's me again! I have next problem: I have one page - where I can show images, which I can get from certain directory (for example - call - /root). So I have the dropdown menu (I use rich:comboBox) to choose the directory with images (I can have more than one directory, but now I have only one). Then I have another page - where I ...

Reset of page index of rich:datascroller

In my application i am using rich:datascroller, i navigate to some page by clicking next in datascroller. when i click on refresh it is not going back to the first page and it is staying in the same page. I had also have reset the datascroller using the below method public void resetDatascroller() { if (datascroller != null) { ...

Dynamic fields in JSF beans

Hi! I want to let my client create his own fields and bean in the CMS dynamically. As well, once he creates a form, I need to create an Hibernate Entity that could be saved to the database. Is there a way to do it? I am using JSF2 and Hibernate 3 With recompiling and without? ...

How to Inject ManagedBeans in JSF2.0

Hi folks, I have got Controller-ManagedBeans and Model-ManagedBeans (like MVC-Pattern). Here my Controller: @ManagedBean @RequestScoped public class ProjectController { private ProjectData projectBean; //The Model-ManagedBean (see below)! private IProjectService projectService; //My Service-Layer public ProjectCon...

How can I determine what constitutes valid nesting of tags in Apache Trinidad Faces?

I have a complex application that contains a mix of JSF and Apache MyFaces. In any case, I'm getting a runtime ServletException about a ConvertNumberTag () that's invalidly-nested (currently, it's under a tr:outputText tag). Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to tell what is valid and invalid nesting. The Apache MyFaces site doesn't...

Confirmation link Email in JSF

How do you make a link which you can email to users to confirm their email address is clicked in JSF? i.e. once they click on the link their account will be activated. ...

How do I enable choosing a row of a h:dataTable using JSF 2.0?

Hello, I'm starting a small project, using JSF 2.0. I'm having problems right in the start, in the CRUD of the first model implemented. What I want to do is pretty simple: The page has some filters to search, and using ajax, it populates a h:dataTable with the results. The user should now select the line with the result he wants to se...

ViewExpiredException in JSF

I am using JSF and have javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD to client in web.xml. What I want to happen is, when session times out and I try to redirect to another page, it must redirect to sessionTimeout.jsf and on click of a button on that page, it must redirect to login.jsf. I have designed sessionTimeout.jsf. Whenever session expires and...

how to combine jsf tags with prime faces?

I am using jsf and jsp tags in apache server for web application and I want to use primefaces for graphs.I don't no exactly how to configure web.xml when primefaces jar file is used.and how the jsp page will be having code using primefaces tags and components.please give simple example.I want to use prime faces only for graphs and its ...

JSF2.0 tags not found.

Recently I've been playing around with JSF2.0+Richface 3.3.3, I'm using STS as my IDE and Maven to build my project, but somehow I can't get the following JSF2.0 tags to work: h:button h:link f:metadata f:viewParam (this is the only one my STS autocomplete recognizes) It just fails during runtime saying it can't find X component. I ...

Navigate to external URL from a backing bean?

I'm trying to implement proper logout for my Java EE / JSF2 application. It requires two things: I need to logout from JAAS and invalidate the session I then have to navigate to an external URL to fire Siteminder logout The Siteminder logout URL (configured on the Policy server -> I cannot change it) is outside my applications conte...