
displayTag display images in tabular format

Is it possible to display images in a tabular format using displayTag libaries? The displayTag examples shows display of text values in tabular format; but could not find anything related to display content other than text values. ...

JSP - Can I use <jsp:attribute> inside <c:if>? Exception: "Must use jsp:body to specify tag body"

I have the following inside a JSP: <c:if test="${true}"> <jsp:attribute name="extraInlineComplianceJavascript"> window.isSummaryComplianceLinkVisible = '${TabList.isSummaryComplianceLinkVisible}'; window.isDetailComplianceLinkVisible = '${TabList.isDetailComplianceLinkVisible}'; window.complianceSummaryReportTag = '${helper.complianceSu...

Retrieving Value from Row in Struts2 Table While using Displaytag

Hi, I am aware that this is somewhat a re-post, but I feel like re-posting my question will make things more clear. Here is the code for my table in my JSP page: <display:table name="table" pagesize="25" requestURI=""> <display:column title="Action" > <s:form theme="simple"> <s:hidden key="cpc" /> <s:submit action=...

Controller that simulates spring:message tag?

I'm designing help/hint system for my webpage, I'd like to incoroporate jQuery based contextual help. My idea is that I would post request on event and show given repsonse in special div or so. I would like to get similiar behaviour as <spring:message> tag, post message code and get String representation on localized message. It woul...

Parsing string variable with jstl

Here's my problem. I need to set up a process, preferably with jstl/jsp, that depending on what a client enters in a URL parameter, a certain URL will be returned, with the same parameters passed on, and opened via javascript pop up function. Problem I am having, is that the choose statement is not finding one of the parameters unless ...

Display sub-property in table tag (Spring Roo supplied tag library)

I am using Spring Roo. There is table:table and table:column tags. How to display sub-property of colections elements in table? In straightforward way it doesnt work: <table:table data="${knowledgebase.concepts}" id="l_domain_Concept" path="/concepts" z="user-managed"> <table:column id="c_domain_Concept_translations" property="defau...

JSPC: jsp:attribute must be the subelement of a standard or custom action

I'm using Maven to precompile my JSPs in my webapp. I'm using quite a few custom tags but one of them chokes Apache's JSP compiler. The relevant part of the JSP is this: <jb:contentChanger containerId="${previewImageContainer}"> <jsp:attribute name="content"> <div id="${previewImageContainer}"> <jsp:include page="../inc/fa...

dynamically build html input textbox similar to STRUTS and Jakarata Tag Lib

Can a custom tag be utilized to clean up this form input element? <input name="action_for" type="text" value="<c:if test="${empty commitmentItem.action_for}"> <c:out value="${param.action_for}" escapeXml='false' /></c:if> <c:if test="${not empty commitmentItem.action_for}"> <c:out value="${commitmentItem.action_for}" /></c:if>" size="16...

Custom JSP tags: accessing parent tag writer from TagSupport.doStartTag

In relation to Custom Tags in JSP 2.1 (Java EE 5): I understand that to faciliate nesting, a classic BodyTagSupport can pipe the output of the body from its buffer to its parent tag's writer, e.g. BodyContent bc = getBodyContent(); bc.writeOut(bc.getEnclosingWriter()); However, is there an equivalent technique for the simpler TagSuppo...

Custom JSP Tag processor is caching a dated property, so the page shows old data and don't update, how to avoid this?

I made a custom jsp tag that search a historical value on a database an render it on the page. The attributes that the tag requires are the variable name and the date. The problem is that the 'date' property changes according clock move on ('date' points always to the last hour), but the JSP Tag processor's (jasper2) pooling system don'...

Struts2 debug tag thinks toString() is udefined

Debug tag in Struts2 keeps getting this error. Any ideas what could cause this? FreeMarker template error! Expression stackObject.value.get(propertyName).toString() is undefined on line 58, column 122 in template/simple/debug.ftl. The problematic instruction: ---------- ==&gt; ${stackObject.value.get(propertyName).toString()?html} [on ...

Accessing a JSP tag's attribute in JSTL

Hello, How do I access a JSP tag's attribute value within a JSTL tag? In the code below, I would like to access the url attribute and test if it's empty. I am using the JSTL 1.0 specification. <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" %> <%@ attribute name="url" required="false"%> <c:if test="${!empty url}"> ... ...

What is the difference between using "logic:equal" and "logic:notEqual" tags?

For example, I can have a code like: <logic:equal name="userForm" property="isRishi" value="YES"> Welcome, your name is Rishi</logic:equal> And another code like this: <logic:notEqual name="userForm" property="isRishi" value="NO"> Welcome, your name is Rishi</logic:notEqual> Both would function the same. So what difference is t...

WEB-INF content access in another war..

Hi All, I have three war files (War-Common, War-Physical, War-Derivatives) and we are packaging them in an EAR file. I am able to access content (Images, CSS, JavaScripts etc.) of War-Common in War-Physical and War-Derivatives but I am not able to access content of WEB-INF folder of War-Common War. We are acutally placing jsp custom tag...

JSP Tag File Validation

Hi All, I have a custom action that is implemented with a tag file. It has one attribute and if this attribute is used, the custom action body must be empty, and vice-versa. How would I enforce this rule? If this were implemented with a java class, I would simply throw a JSPException, but not sure what to do with a tag file. Thanks. ...

Problem with jsp tags

I'm trying to port a web app to JBOSS server. Application has jsp pages with <@include> to include a standard header fragment. Header fragment opens a jsp tag but it leaves to the main page to close.My understanding is that this style of include is like literal insertion of contents and I expected this to work. However I ended up with co...

Basic architecture guideline for web based project : cloud

We are doing small database maintenance work to earn some money. A new client asked if we can develop a shopping website to list items to sell and buy. This is to cater 300K users,(around 20K users online at same time ). Each user has custom home page, saved setting for shopping carts, items to sell, basic reports (earning etc). we...

i18n translation in JSP custom tag

Is it possible to write a custom JSP tag to take an i18n message key and output the translation phrase for the given request? Normally in JSP/JSTL, I do: <fmt:message key="${messageKey}"><fmt:param>arg1</fmt:param></fmt:message> And I get the translation phrase. Now I need to do the following (there's a good reason for this): <cust...

What is the different between the JSP syntax and XML syntax in .jsp?

Hi, everyone I want to ask a question about the .jsp. What is the different between using the jsp syntax (e.g. <%! .. %>) and the XML syntax (e.g. <jsp:declaration>...</jsp:declaration>). Is there maintenance or some kind of advs by using one of the syntax? Thank you. ...

JSP 2 and Servlet 2.4 broke my custom tags

Hello experts, We recently switched to Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2 on a project and our custom tags no longer work. We have tags like: <myTags:someTag value="${x}" /> and once in the tag we evaluated x bean and went from there. Now the evaluation happens directly in the JSP and we get a String (apparently x.toString()) set for the value at...