
Grails + Struts Tiles

Have someone there any experience with integrating Tiles into Grails (instead of SiteMesh)? I found a few articles like this: http://devdevdev.wordpress.com/2009/01/ and as i understand at least one year ago there was no way to use Tiles inside Grails. Maybe something changed last time? Has anyone tried to do it? ps. or maybe there ar...

jsf submit button not wrking

I am using hx:commandExButton of IBM Faces Client Framework to call my method. But the method is not getting called. But if I use immediate="true" it's getting called. But as you all know with this my model won't get updated, so it has no use to me. Has anyone faced this? Check the hx:commandExButton id="btnSearch" <%-- tpl:metada...

Can I send requests to pages in other websites using POST ?

I've got two servers running jsp and php. I'd like the PHP page to call the JSP page for getting an output. I tried using simple Ajax and Jquery-Ajax, it doesn't seem to work. Why? ...

genStrAsCharArray optimisation benefits

Hi I am looking into the options available to me for optimising the performance of JBoss 5.1.0. One of the options I am looking at is setting genStrAsCharArray to true in <JBOSS_HOME>/server/<PROFILE>/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/web.xml. This affects the generation of .java code from .JSPs. The comment describes this flag as: Shou...

Does generation of debug information to JSP classes add much to javac execution time?

Hi I am looking looking into the options for tweaking the performance of JBoss 5.1.0 and one of the options available to me is to disable the generation of debug information when compiling JSPs. I know that the presence/absence of debug information for the JVM makes no real difference, but does the generation of that debug information ...

param : implicit EL (Expression Language) object in JSP

What if I have URL like: servlet.jsp?myparam=myvalue These 2 ELs should return output "myvalue" , but I actually don't understand why?: ${param.values["myparam"]["0"]} ${param.values.myparam[0]} ...

Spring MVC - JSP - Place to Store Environment Specific Constants

Where in the Spring-MVC/JSP application would you store things that need to be accessed by both the controllers and views such as environment specific base_url's, application ids to be used in javascript and so on? I've tried creating an application scoped bean and then <jsp:useBean> at the top of my JSPs, but that doesn't seem to be wo...

JSP::Confused with the session objects

I just started exploring Java Servlets and JSP and am a little confused about the sessions object. Inside a servlet I have this: public class SampleServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { HttpSession session = request.getSession(tru...

How to go from one JSP page to other by clicking submit button?

I want to jump from one JSP page to other JSP page by clicking submit button. How to do that in easy way? ...

Use CSS referenced images in JSP pages

I am writing a java servlet (struts/JSP etc). I am trying to style a progress bar using CSS in a JSP page but get this error when using chrome's developer tools: Resource interpreted as image but transferred with MIME type text/plain. <%@ include file="../include/css/default.css" %> And in the CSS file: background:url(../images/...

How to transfer attribute from several JSP pages to be displayed in a Tiles template page

I have a file pageLayout.jsp, where the basic structure of each page is laid out, including an HTML title. <title>Project Name</title> Instead of having a static title (like above), I would like to transfer the value of the title of each page to the template. For example, if the JSP page using the template has an H1 element displaye...

Save file as - dialog box with dynamic data

I know that this question is quite common, but its specifics are stumping me. I have an "export" button which I want to take a load of data generated, create a CSV file, then pop up a Save File As dialog box, to save that file on their local machine. The name of this file is dynamic, also. I know how to make the CSV file, but how do I...

jstat and JSP configuration

I have installed and configured jstat in my PC with Windows XP, tested it with sample Java program. But I need to know how to use jstat with JSP or Tomcat, is there any other futher configuration needed or not? ...

how to display a table retrieved from database to a jsp page via a controller page in Struts framework

i have created a model class to connect with database with a function that retrives a table data.now this function should return whole resultset back to a Controller action page. further controller action should send the data to jsp page for client viewing. or simply how to hold Resultset data from query like..select * from table ...

JSP Component Creation

When creating JSP pages one thing that I'd often like is the ability to do something like this: <jsp:include page="fancystoryrenderer.jsp" value="${aStoryObjectInMyModel}/> ... fancystoryrenderer.jsp <div id="fancymainbody"> ... ${theStory.title} ... </div> The main important characteristics of this is that I can reuse...

nested <span> causes a new line

I have jsp page that contains<span class="requiredFieldsMessageAsterix">*</span> I use a jsp include to include this on another jsp page as here Date of Birth:<%@include file="/jsps/includes/requiredFieldsLabel.jsp"%> This works fine. No new line. However when I nest this include within another span as here : Date of Birth:<span id...

Ajax response takes time and status is 503

guys, i have a html page where onclick of a button a ajax request is sent to server , the request calls a jsp page which runs an oracle procedure.The procedure runs the logic and places it in a temp table . once procedure is completed , the values are returned to the client by selecting values from tmp table. as the response is too la...

outlook calendar connectivity with java web service

We currently have a java/jsp online web service that includes it's own custom calendar. I am trying to do some research into the possibility of connecting it to a users outlook. Our basic needs that are most simple is some way to sent the person a meeting request that can be added to their outlook from our service. I know the ideal sol...

Add an Expires or a Cache-Control Header in JSP

How do you add an Expires or a Cache-Control Header in JSP. I want to add a far-future expiration date in an include page for my static components such as images, css and .js files. Any help is appreciated. ...

jsp look alike syntax in android does it exist ?

is there a syntax to work dynamical in android xml files ? ...