
Passing HTML table from JSP to Java request object

Hello, I wanted to know if there is a way in which I can pass an HTML table from my JSP page using the Java request object. More precisely, this is what my table looks like.. table id="tableid" thead tr th...column1 header.../td th...column2 header.../td /tr /thead tbody tr td...column1 data../td td..column2 data../td /tr /tbody ...

Checkbox Binding

I am getting error message org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyException: Invalid property 'produts[0]' of bean class [java.util.HashMap]: Bean property 'produts[0]' is not readable or has an invalid getter method: Does the return type of the getter match the parameter type of the setter? when i perform follo...

How to see JSP errors in the Problem view in Eclipse + WTP

I have installed WTP into Eclipse Galileo. When I open up my JSPs, I get red markers indicating syntax or compile errors. However, I do not see these markers in the Navigator, Package Explorer or the Problems views. Is there a way to see which JSPs have problems in any/ all of these views? ...

what is faster to use jsp or servlets for web app

Hi i like to build web application and im trying to think about way to reduce cpu/memory what will be faster for tomcat to use servlets to get the requests and render back the HTML or using jsp ? ...

Nested JSTL Tags

I want to use a formatDate tag inside a param tag. This doesn't work: <fmt:message key="entry"> <fmt:param value="<fmt:formatDate value='${entry.time}' pattern='h:mm' />"/> </fmt:message> How can I do this? ...

logic: equal with the contents of a hidden field

I have a hidden field: <input type="hidden" name="champs" id="champs"> I want do a <logic:equal> with the content of this field hidden, I tried the solutions but not work <logic:equal name="virement" property="statut" value='champs' > just be there is a syntax very precise in the value property of the logic: equal that I can found...

jsp useBean with hashmap

How do I use jsp:useBean with collections like Lists and Maps correctly? I can get Lists by using type="List<MyObject>" but I cannot get the List to instantiate if nothing is passed. class="ArrayList<MyObject>" And the above attribute gives an error: The value for the useBean class attribute ArrayList`<MyObject`> is inval...

How should I structure a website to minimise editing over multiple pages?

I am designing a small website using HTML + JSP. This is my first time using JSP, though previously I have used PHP to make pages. One thing i found was that when i was making separate pages, i was copy + pasting the layout code of the site into each page, and then adding the content. This seems extremely inneficient, and I was wonderin...

JSP in OSGi: How to load TLD from bundles?

Hi! We're building a JSP web application, which runs inside the Apache Felix OSGi container (the web app itself is a OSGi Bundle). Now, we're facing the following problem: According to the JSP 2.0 Spec, TLD (taglib descriptors) no longer need to reside inside the web apps WEB-INF folder, but are loaded directly from the taglib's jar ME...

J2EE JSP-0008 Unable to dispatch JSP page

I'm building a dynamic web application in Eclipse using Struts2 and OC4J I'm using JDK and JRE 5 everywhere, and OC4J runs perfect when started from commandline. The problem comes when I try to deploy the proyect from Eclipse, it throws this error when trying to render the JSP: 2010-07-16 11:21:20.962 NOTIFICATION J2E...

How to JSP display multiple page with one layout (Example index.jsp?page=about display about.jsp)

Hi All! I new in JSP, i have a problem with JSP in php i use $page=$_GET["page"] for display multiple page for one layout it mean i have index , it display layout and when i click on menu go to about us the index url = index.jsp?page=about in PHP when i declare $page above and next step i do Switch($page){ case 1:about includ...

how to populate a drop down list from the database with jstl?

I know this has been asked before, but it just doesn't work for me. I'm trying to populate a drop down list from a database using jstl, here's the class i use as a usebean: public class feedData { Connection con; public feedData() throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, SQLException { ...

Is SMTP server required to send mail through web server, by using JavaMail API?

Is a SMTP server required to be able to send mail through a web server, by using JavaMail API? When I am using localhost for sending mail, it works, but when I upload it on server it doesnt work and gives error: No such smtp provider How can I solve this? ...

servlet, jsp and user feedback from form

Hi there, I have been straggling as to how to implement the following scenario. Any guidance would be much appreciated. I have a form that the user fills in. Using jquery it is validated as much as possible before sending to the server. When the submit button is click the form is send to a servlet. The servlet will then check the db a...

problem of jstl with spring framework 3

i am writing following code in my project with spring framework 3 <c:set var="s" value="hello"/> <c:out value="${s}"/> the out put should be hello but its comming ${s} when i am running the same code in normal web project with out spring in that the code is working fine kindly help..... ...

want to make web site using Java, should i implement struts ?

I want to make discussion form kind of website using java, should i just make it using JSP- Servlet - Java code or should i use some framework like struts ... I am new to Java, but i have sufficient exposure of programming ...

how to show "data loading" in a jsp page using servlets

we have a classic JSP + Servlets application and would like to show "Content is loading" sort of message when data in the page takes a while to load. Is there an easy way to do this via JS? Scenario: Page1 (a.jsp) -> select drop downs -> click search //data is sent back to server for db URL changes to (b.jsp), white page is shown, t...

Using hash symbol in forward URL with RequestDispatcher

I'm trying to forward a request to another URL which includes the hash symbol ('#'): request.getRequestDispatcher("/some/path.jsp#somehash").forward(request, response); Tomcat, however, tells me that "the requested resource is not available". If I remove the hash from the URL, everything works fine. Are hashes not allowed or am I not ...

Checking the form field values before submitting that page.

Hi I have written following function which checks whether start_date field is not empty and displays proper message when submit button is clicked. But then it takes the control to the previous page. So user has to write again all other fields on that form. Is there any way to stay on that page even after prompting the error message, wit...

Ajax function that works in Firefox but not in IE 6

Hello, i have a Ajax function that works in Firefox but not in IE 6 my ajax script : <script type="text/javascript"> function actualiserDLIS(){ var url = 'administration/gestionUtilisateurs.do?method=actualisationDLIs'; var params = 'DR='+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('selectDR').value); var myAjax = new Ajax.Requ...