
Is it possible to precompile jsp into eclipse ?

The title is pretty straightforward. I would like to know if there is any possibility of seeing the compiled jsp (the servlet generated) directly into eclipse. Without deploying onto any server. ...

Checkstyle equivalent for JSPs?

Is there any tool to do for JSP files what checkstyle does for Java files? The ideal would be to include JSP checking on checkstyle, but as far as I can see, this isn't possible. I would like for example to check JSP files for : Indentation style Right placements of certain constructs Tab / space check Check for use of scriplets Tha...

Formatting rules of JSP in Eclipse

Eclipse has a huge number of formatting rules for Java and Javascripting, which can be reached via "code-style" option under java and javascript. I couldn't find any JSP settings for formatting rules. Is there any? I could find a few basic setting in Web->JSP Files->Editor which redirects to Web->Html->Editor and Web->XML->Editor. This o...

Oracle clob to String in JSP

I am using JSP to access Oracle 10g. One of the table includes a field with clob data type. When it is retrieved with getString API and be assigned to String type, it gives an error (java.sql.SQLException: Conversion to String failed) I found that it only happens if the Statement is prepared with parameter ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE (...

How to set the JSTL variable value in javascript?

How to set the JSTL variable value in java script? <script> function function1() { var val1 = document.getElementById('userName').value; <c:set var="user" value=""/> // how do i set val1 here? } </script> How do I set the 'user' variable (JSTL) value from 'val1' (Java script)? ...

What is the difference between servlet and jsp?

Possible Duplicates: What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP? JSP Servlet and Web Programming When it comes to the open-source Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application server, how would you characterize the difference between: JSP Servlet While both are able to generate dynamic Web content, I a...

Saving the selected options into one field in JSP

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %> <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <%@ page import="java.io.*" %> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Test Run </TITLE> <script> </script> </...

How do I assign hidden value to JSTL variable?

How do I assign hidden value to JSTL variable? Example: <input type="hidden" name="userName" value="Administrator" /> <c:set var="user" value="" /> // How do I set hidden variable value (Administrator) here? ...

Need to loop through 2 arrays at the same time in JSTL

I have two arrays that I need to loop through. Using foreach, I can only loop through one at a time. A regular for(i = 0; i<7; i++) Loop would be great. ...

JSP post XML data to server

How can I post XML data from JSP page to server? ...

RequestDispatcher to a JSP in the same package

If I have a servlet I am able to forward to a jsp in the WebContent folder with no issues: request.getRequestDispatcher("page.jsp").forward(request, response); request being an HttpServletRequest and response being an HttpServletResponse. Now for the question: What if I want to use package by feature? That is, move page.jsp into the ...

How to bookmark a page which got parameters from one jsp page and generated output?

Hi I have one jsp which accepts avlue from textbox and passes it to another jsp page when button is clicked. Then by getting this value I have written one query which works perfectly. Gives the output and generates the proper report. But now i wants to bookmark this generated report. Can anyone tell me what i have to do for this thing? ...

What is the best IDE for JSP, JSTL and jQuery development

Hey everyone. Being a Dreamweaver user (with some past flirtations with Aptana), I'm now looking for a windows-based IDE that provides the following features: Requirements: Code completion / hints on JSP / JSTL code (tags mostly) Code completion / hints on jQuery code Ability to automate repetitive tasks (uploading to remote server, ...

Calling application.getRealPath() from within a class in JSP

I am writing a class in JSP to retrieve a bunch of config values from an XML file. My plan is to have a class "XMLConfig" that loads in the values from the file, and then uses access methods to get at the values in the config object. My problem is that i cannot seem to call application.getRealPath() from within the class, since eclipse ...

JSP: drop down list 2 depends on drop down list 1

Hello All, I am having difficulties while dealing with two linked drop down lists which the drop down list 1 will fetch the values from the DB and based on the user's selection, it will fetch the concerned records in drop down list 2. I tried to do that in my jsp with that code, but it did not work and many people advised to use javasc...

Passing EL expressions or managed bean instance in jsp:include

I have a generic buttons jsp: <wow:button id="addButton" iconClass="add16 icon16x16" action="#{managedbean.addNew}" type="submit" immediate="true" value="#{lblMsg.label_add }" /> <wow:button id="deleteButton" iconClass="iconCancel" action="#{managedbean.delete}" type="submit" value="#{lbl...

Populating a JSP dropdown list with folder names

How do I populate a dropdown list (in a JSP page) dynamically with all the folders present in the same directory as the JSP page, on Apache Tomcat? ...

How to differentiate between logout and session expired ?

Case 1: Log out : Once we log out, if one tries to access previous, it must automatically redirect to login.jsp Case 2: Session expired : If session expires when user is still logged in, it must try to automatically redirect to sessionExpired.jsp when previous page is accessed. How to differentiate ? I am currently invalidating session...

using javascript variable inside jstl

I want to iterate a HashMap in javascript using jstl. is it possible to do like this? function checkSelection(group,tvalue){ alert(group); alert(tvalue); <c:forEach items="${configuredGroupMap}" var="groupMap"> alert("aa<c:out value="${groupMap.key}"/>"); <c:if test="${groupMap.key==group}"> alert("t<c:out value="${grou...

Parameter "method" not working (Struts 1)

I have the following action declared in my struts.xml: <action path="/updateAccountInfo" type="org.myCompany.UpdateAccountAction" name="myAccountForm" scope="session" validate="true" parameter="method" input="/updateAccountInfo.jsp"> <forward name="succ...