
Design/Implementation...most likely needs to be solved with AJAX.

I have a problem that is common, but I am not quite sure exactly how do go about solving it. My situation is I have a form that will have a drop down of States. I also have a drop down that should have military installations(bases), but the bases that are populated are dependent on the value of the state dropdown. In my database I will...

JSP charts and graphs

Hello All, I am having my own query which is: select Name, count(requests) from cap group by name So, how can I show that query as a graph in my jsp? Thanx ...

Problem with JSF form submit

public class MyBackingBean{ private List model; public String search(){ //change model data model = doSearch(); return "same_view" } @PostConstruct public void init(){ model = loadDefault() } //Other code omitted for clarity } And in JSP, for some reasons I use c:foreach to iterate over the model and display the items in a ...

Multiple File upload through threads within JSP

I am uploading multiple files within jsp through a thread. But not getting confirmation message when data upload is completed. I have used join() for thread, & then displayed the dialog box after that & its work fine but only single file is uploaded at a time & others are waiting. I have to show dialog box whenever the uploading gets c...

Handling the browser 'Back' button in jsp.

Hi all, I have a jsp search page (Search.jsp) and a result page (Result.jsp), both of them can choose search criteria. and then passed the parameters to a java controller file (Controller.java) to build a query string and performs query searching. The query string and searched results will be passed to Result.jsp for displaying. Curren...

Precompiling JSPs: Is that server specific?

Since JSPs adhere to a standard API, can I precompile them in my projects and then deploy the result on any server? Specifically, I'm using Tomcat, JBoss and WebSphere. ...

Unhighlight a Row in a rich:ScrollableDataTable

Hello, In my application I need a user to be able to select a row in a table. When they are done working with the data from that row they click a cancel/reset button to reset some other page elements. What I need to do is to also have the reset button unhighlight or unselect the highlighted/selected row in the datatable. I have been ...

JSP and Servlet maintenance on Tomcat

I'm developing a JSP/Servlet webapp on Tomcat. How should I refresh some things (servlet classes, web.xml, JSPs etc.) while it is functioning? I can use a boolean variable in my servlets to detect it will be a maintenance period so all the requests will be ignored. (All my servlets extend my own base servlet class, so the only thing I h...

which scope (application, servletContext, httpSession) will EL use for interpreting attributes

Hi all, when I use <c:out value="${track}"> in a jsp, where should the attribute track be located in (servletContext, httpSession and request)? I tried to have a controller to set the attribute track to the httpSession, but then ${track} doesn't give me anything in the .jsp. On the other hand, if I set it to the servletContext, ${track}...

Is there an argument to be made for/against checking for authentication in every JSP?

Is there an argument to be made for/against checking for authentication in every JSP? Maybe via a custom tag or some such thing. The argument that I am hearing is that it is useful to show different content based on the user authentication state. If I use a filter or container managed security that means I can protect a set of director...

iam not able to connect dreamweaver with tomcat .

i manually deployed it. then when i run it it cannot connect to the local host iam using JSP server technology and i have to make a website for my project.without dreamweaver i cannot do it.plz help ...

Trying to do an OR test with JSTL inside my jsp template

Hi, i have the following code from my JSP which doesn't quite work: <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn" %> <c:set var="contextPath" value="${pageContext.request.contextPath}" /> <c:set var="requestURI" value="${pageContext.request.requestUR...

Memory usage concern for using display:table jstl tag

Hi all, I have written my jsp using <display:table> to display search results. The <display:table> requires a javabean list to be passed in as an argument. Currently a controller will build the list, then the jsp displays it. My concern is that what happen if 1000 users perform search at a time. That means all results will need to be l...

Submit Listener Method in the BackBean is not getting invoked.

My result tables/images will be displayed in the same page. But the submit button is not invoked. I have two drop downs on which the values of the other two drop downs are dependent. If I am writting immediate="true" the method is invoked but only two values are set with whom I have associated processValueChange action the other selected...

Nested expression in JSP/JSTL

Hello everyone, I am using JSPs for the view, and Spring MVC 3.0 for the controller. In my JSP, I want to show the current DateTime, for which I have the following code... <c:set var="dateTimeDisplayFormat" value='<spring:message code="display.dateFormat" />'/> <c:set var="currentDateTime" value='<%= new SimpleDate...

Cannot resolve symbol error during deploying JSP

I just learnt basic Servlets and JSP technology and am designing a simple website using it. The aim of the website is to sell products. The details of the products are stored in the database. I want to retrieve the data from the database and display the dynamic pages. I am using the MVC approach and trying to make it as OO as i can. I...

jspc-maven-plugin - inconsistent genereated class directory

Hi I have a web-app with the configuration below (inherited from a parent's pluginManagement). JSPC precompiles my JSPs just fine but there is some really weird behaviour: In my web-app, if I run of mvn clean install, the compiled JSP class gets placed in target/classes just like I want. If I then run mvn install without cleaning, the...

using browser logos

I'm adding a functionality of browser version detection and showing a message if the version is outdated, just like Youtube is doing for IE6. Is it OK to use the logos of all the browsers? And where can I find the logos for using in my web application? ...

How to overcome caching problem of jsf?

I have 7 drop down in my jsp(Using JSF tag-Select One Menu), 2 drop downs are dependent on other 2 drop downs. The scope of my Managed Bean is session.I have a single page and my result is a graph/table depending on the drop down menu selection. But my selection is getting cached and at times on refreshing the code my bean and my jsp pag...

"source not found" for jsp in eclipse

It is utterly frustrating. I can set breakpoints in the jsp, and they work, however the source does not get loaded into eclipse and I see the blank page with source not found message. I have done the add sources thing and also in the debug configuration I added my jsp src directory. This is a regular eclipse project not WTP, beacuse out...