
jsp:include , performance, modularization, alternatives and best practices, Part 96

Hi all, This is a follow-up to the 'overhead of jsp include' question below: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1479218/jsp-performance-using-jspinclude In our application, developers have 'modularized' jsp fragments by heavy use of "jsp:includes" for "common" jsp code repeated throughout the application. Pros The pro's are as follo...

How to disable refresh button once user goes on a particular web page ?

Hi I have to create a web page for a online quiz which will display same questions in different sequence for each user. Now, I have written code which takes questions randomly every time when user visit that page. User goes to that page by login id and password. I have used random function in query which gives questions in different o...

How to pass a string containing double quotes from a jsp to a servlet through URL using get method

Hi all, I want to set a jsp parameter to an attribute value which may contain special symbols, then use a form GET submit to pass the parameter to a servlet controller. For example, the parameter is: <input type="hidden" name="searchTerms" value="${sessionScope.combTerms}"></input> I noticed if sessionScope.combTerms contains double qu...

javascript disable textbox in jsp page

I have these three fields in my jsp page. <td> <html:text property="my_dto.number1" </html:text> </td> <td> <html:text property="my_dto.number2" </html:text> </td> <td> <input type ="checkbox" id ='isTrue' /> </td> now i want if isTrue is che...

Problem displaying popup ( java 1.4 )

I have a JSP with some fields. When I fill in the fields and click the send button, I have to go check that the data in database exists; if it does not, I display a popup alerting the user that the data does not exist in the database. If they choose to continue anyway it goes on the screen; if not it returns to the starting point. I'm s...

Disabling works in IE8 and not in lower versions of IE

I have a jsp code like this <html:option value="${apealstaList.appealStatusMasterId}" disabled="true">${apealstaList.appealStatusDescription}</html:option> This disable the options and it works fine in IE8 and not working in the lower versions like IE7 and IE6. Please help me in this issue. EDIT Please share If there are any other a...

php's Header equivalent in JSP

in php i used to authenticate whether a user was logged in or not by checking the session for a member id, if set ok, else the page would be redirected via Header to the login page. this auth script was in auth.php and i used to include it in any page that required login. simple. however i cannot do the same in jsp. because the rest of t...

How to show loading while moving between pages

Hello All, I would like to have in my jsp when the user clicks on the submit button, a loading message or an image is shown while moving between the pages. So, how can I do that? I tried to use some javascripts, but I did not success. Thanx ...

How to disable submit button once it has been click?

Hello All, I am having a submit button at the end of the form. I have added the condition onClick="this.disabled=true; this.value='Sending…'; this.form.submit();" in the submit button, but when it moves to the next page, the parameters did not pass and null values are passed. Can you please help ...

Can WEB-INF be at a subdirectory JSP Tomcat6

I have an JSP application, it is under server/a/b and WEB-INF is under server/a/b/WEB-INF, not at the app-root directory. Now I get an error saying the package P does not exisit when visiting server/a/b/index.jsp. Actually the package exists and it is at server/a/b/WEP-INF/classes/P/ I want to know whether the error is due to not-at-ro...

Creating a registration page.Gettin problem in taking date.

Hello, I have a created a registration page where i am taking few details from the cardholder about the card. When i take month and date from the user the selected date automatically gets diasplayed in the drop down box.This makes the same date displayed twice.Here's the code: <strong>Expiry Date *<br /> <select name="edmm" id="month"> ...

JSP code to display a JFreeChart using Struts2

All, I have been trying to use this guide to render a JFreeChart on a JSP page. Could someone help me out with the JSP code required to show this on a tabbed panel using the struts-dojo-tags. Eventually I want to render a different graph on each tab and refresh them using AJAX. At the moment I have configured everything as shown in th...

Refresh the contents of a tabbed panel in Struts2

All, I have a question regarding Tabbed Panel in Struts2. If I have a few panels and I want the content on a tab to be updated every five seconds would how would I do this? Also, I only want the tab which is currently being viewed to update at the given interval. The other tabs should update when selected and then continue t be updat...

Technical differences between ASP.NET and Java Servlets / JSP.

My understanding of JSP is that every JSP page on first load is compiled into a Java Servlet. Is this the same for ASPX pages (of course, not into a servlet, but whatever the ASP.NET equivilant is)? What other technical differences should I be aware of with JSP and ASP.NET (MVC 2)? ...

How can I retrieve all values from a Map using EL

Hello, I have a SortedMap which I'm populating in my service classes, I want to display all the values stored in the map in a sorted order. How can I do that using EL (Expression language). Also how can I access the keys? Thanks for the help. Ravi. ...

Exporting data with Display Tag and external pagination

We use the Display Tag Library to display grid data in our JSP's. We use external sorting and pagingation. And we also use the library's export feature to allow exporting to Excel or PDF. Issue is the export is only exporting the data on the current set of results (ie: rows 20-40) while we want the export to include all rows. Any...

Custom tag handler class with tag-file?

We can subclass Java-classes when creating JSP... <%@ page extends="my.package.JspPage" %> Is something similar possible with tag-file? ...

How to show jquery message after clicking on submit button

Hello All, I am new to jquery and would like to learn how to show a message (e.x please wait in green color or submitting ) after clicking on the submit button. Can you please help ...

Can Servlets and JSP be deployed in OperaUnite?

I have used opera unite for deploying a static html/css/javascript website just for fun. I liked it because even though i don't have my own IP address (As i purchase net connection from an ISP...mebbe they use a NAT box...)Still it works awwsumm...without any problem. Please explain me how it works.. Also tell me whether i can do serve...

JSON Object Passing Help

Hi, A while back i was given the answer of using json to pass things from my application to java script. What i don't understand is how i actually pass the object to javascript i see that you have to use a .json file. And then what? I am able to convert my java objects to JSON objects but its passing that i can't get my head around. I am...