
Dynamic chart using Fiji (Exadel) library & jsf....

My requirement is to display tables from database in Graph format and I am using fiji for the same. And on doing so I am encountering and exception, My jsp page is as follows. <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:fiji="h...

Servlets, JSP, Java?

I'm quite confused about some terms, I know Java for writting some "usual executable" programs. But I found that you can do servlets with java, and then heard of JSP. I'm not sure about the diference of servlets and JSP.. I dont get the idea, I think it's like PHP or something like that. Do you have any organized reference (or mind to ...

How do I access ModelMap in a jsp?

How can an object be accessed from the ModelMap in jsp so that a method can be called on it? Currently I recieve this error: Syntax error on token "$", delete this token JSP <body> <% MenuWriter m = ${data.menus} %> <%= m.getMenus()%> </body> Java @Controller @RequestMapping("/dashboard.htm") @SessionAttributes(...

Can I 'embed' an iframe into a jsp so that the iframe height is automatically adjusted according to its contents?

Hi all, how can I embed an iframe into a jsp so that the top iframe acts like a row in a table and the bottom iframe acts as a second row in the table and the cell size is adjusted automatically to fit the contents in the iframe? By doing this, there won't be an internal iframe scroll bar appearing when the iframe content is more than th...

How to convert dd-mm-yyyy HH:mm:ss to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss using JSP

How to convert dd-mm-yyyy HH:mm:ss to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss using JSP? ...

jsf context creation

Hi folks, I'm here facing a problem with a Java web project. The project I'm working on has been made with standard jsp mixed up with jsf pages. The main page of the application, called main.jsp is a standard jsp page that needs to access a managed bean with session scope created within a servlet filter used to check the authentication o...

How to limit the HTML table records in each page

Hello All, I am populating a table in my jsp which has more than 20 records. Now, If I want to display each 10 records in a page and then the user clicks on next link to go to the other 20 records. How can I do that in my jsp? This is my current code <table> <tr> <td>id</td> <td>name</td> <td>type</td> ...

URL mapping not working for servlet

I have what I think is a bizarre problem. With the same mapping to a servlet, one url works, and the other doesn't: <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>UL_Admin</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/universal_listings_administration/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>Create_New_Site</ser...

Accepting and parsing an uploaded file in a servlet

How do I get the file in a servlet running on Tomcat after using <input type="file"> in the JSP file? ...

variable input to javascript function parameter within a JSP page

I have the following function call inside a jsp page. jQuery(function($){ $("#product").mask("99/99/9999",{placeholder:" "}); }); What I want to do is pass a different string into the .mask function. In pseudo code it would look something along the lines of: String passedParam= someString if(test): passedParam = "someotherStri...

Page Pagination

Hello All, I would like your help to guide me to the easiest way to do page pagination in my jsp. My code is below which is listing the values in a generated table: <% while(rs.next()){ %> <a href="cir_view.jsp?cir_id=<%=rs.getString("cir_id")%>" Title="View" onClick="return popup(this, 'Report')"> <%=rs.getString("cir_id")%> </a> ...

Copy my addresses in different fields in javascript

Hello, i have in my jsp different addresses, I can choose to copy to my fields. I wanted to know if anyone has sample code in javascript to provide me, thank you. http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?87514f7c3e.jpg Different editable fields . A list of address, when I select an address, I want to automatically informs my fields ...

Servlet and JSP? When to use them?

Possible Duplicate: When do you use a JSP and when a Servlet? I am new to JSP and servlet. After reading some of the tutorials in web about servlet and JSP, one question have come to my mind actually depending upon what criteria we have to prefer servlet or JSP. In other way when to choose servlet and when to choose JSP? ...

JSP table Pagination

Hello All, COuld you please advise on the following issue because I got confused and need help with the easiest way which I can follow. I am retrieving some records from the DB in my jsp <table> <tr> <td>A</td> <td>B</td> <td>C</td> </tr> <% while(resultSet.next()) { %> ...

Sun One Web Server Configuration

Our IT department controls the setup and configuration of our web server. Webserver: Sunone 61sp9 Java version number: 1.4.2 Web Module: 2.3 But developers are only given a folder such as /www/jsp/user/name I don't think it is properly setup for multiple developers to develop their own apps. There is no way that I know how to deploy...

Roles in JSP and Servlet

I want to create an application with three kind of user : administrator, professional and simple user everyone will see special pages, so I must use roles. Do someone have a good example or tutorial on how to do this ? thnx a lot ...

Validation in jsp using javascript

' <TD CLASS="input-label" VALIGN="top">A:</TD> out.println(widget_renderer.getEditableField("A")); <TD CLASS="input-label" VALIGN="top">B:</TD> out.println(widget_renderer.getEditableField("B")); I want to make the attribute B field required based on the values entered for attribute field A. Also would liek to validate it ...

Check empty string in jsp

How to check for Empty String/Null String in Struts-JSP page. Struts Tag - does not works? ...

Filling drop down list from database values in jsp using javascript(No ajax, no jquery)

I have an application where user can mention the transactions. The transaction must be mapped with some of the securities(Company name) that the user has already created. I want user to see the names of securities that he has created and as he starts typing, only the related securities must be visible. Eg. If user types a, then all sec...

Does tomcat create a thread per user?

I am fairly new to web development. So I apologize if this is a very basic question. For example, I create a web application and deploy it to tomcat. Now when multiple users hit the web application, does tomcat create a new thread per user? If that's the case then can I still create threads in my application itself and expect it to stay ...