
Problem with download link

Hi Everyone, I want to insert in a web page a download link. Here's the code: <li>über <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/handyprogramm/TeamViewer_Setup.exe">diesen Link</a> per Download auf Ihren PC und anschließendem Überspielen auf Ihr Handy (z.B. per Datenkabel, Speicherkarten-Adapter, Bluetooth, WLAN, o.ä.).</li> When ...

Calling a servlet from JSP file

Can I call a servlet from JSP file without using a HTML form? ...

Session invalidation in FF , Tomcat

Hi I am using Tomcat web container. I have an admin console app implemented. When I click on logout a session attribute is made null and invalidated see the below code in my logout.jsp file. After logout the user is taken to the login page. In fireFox I click back button I have the below issues. First I do not get page expired page lik...

relative url and absolute url difference

What is the difference between relative and absolute url in servlet container. for example if there is an jsp called forum.jsp under webinf folder. when i want dispatch the current request to the jsp from the current jsp file which is under the same webinf folder, is the following correct way /forum.jsp relative url means relative to...

problem with primefaces schedule

hi all i have tried to write a simple page containing scheduler it looks fine but the listeners like eventSelectListener,dateSelectListener,eventMoveListener never fired! what is the problem this is my code: <%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %> <%@ taglib u...

Page Encoding in JSP

Hello, my fellow developers. When you write JSP, what's the best way to specify page encoding? Shoud I use a page directive like this? <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> Or can I directly put it in a meta tag? <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8...

Absolute to relative path (Eclipse, JSP)

I am making a web application in Eclipse (JSP) and use Tomcat as a server (integrated into Eclipse). I have to create the object below and specify the path to configuration file. This absolute path is working great: Store store = StoreFactory.create("file:///C:/Users/Aliens/workspace/myProject/WebContent/config/sdb.ttl"); However I am w...

Websphere problem with JSP page

Hi all, I am migrating a web application from tomcat to an IBM Websphere 6.1. The problem is that i get this error when i navigate to a specific page: Error message: JSPG0048E Page failed to validate using taglib validator for http:java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core : org.xml.sax.SAXParseException : Premature end of file. Error code...

dynamic value to key attribute

Hi, Below is my code in jsp. <s:iterator value="msgList" status="stat" id="element"> <tr> <td><s:label key="msg" /></td> <td><s:property value="value" /></td> </tr> </s:iterator> msgList is a list which contain Message class. Message class is having 2 member variables msg and v...

Insert Date field into DB

Hello All, I am having a textbox field in my jsp called "req_date". The user is selecting a date from a javascript calendar in the format of "DD-MON-YY" ex. "29-aug-2010".So, now I am stuck while trying to insert it in the DB. I tried " String queryString = "INSERT INTO Charity (req_date) VALUES (?)", but it is not inserting. How do ...

popup to overwrite field

hello, i have ajax script for select some infomrations. If the user selects a choice, a popup requesting permission for the user to overwrite the address component fields. The message should appear if the fields were empty. I want to know how to do this confirmation popup? HTML: <html> [..] <div style="width:54.5%;float:right;"...

struts2 data cut in string send to jsp

Hi, i've got this problem again... So i've got String data in my Struts2 app. this data is quite big, 36KB data read from html with code: BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("FILE.html")); String readData; while( (readData = reader.readLine()) != null) { fileData.append(new...

Google app engine static jsp files

Hi, I am building an application on GAE and let's say I just want a plain about page for the application. The about.jsp file should or should not have an servlet class? in in web.xml I have something like <servlet> <servlet-name>application</servlet-name> <servlet-class>application.applicationServlet</servlet-class> </servlet>...

How to find session variable present or not

How i can find values is set to variable in session or not? if(session.getAttribute("tot_demand"))//need to change //if value is already set then do this. else //if not set then do this. Please answer what i need to write for above code. Thanks in advance. ...

Is it possible to send an html file with a downloadable file in one response?

Hi all, Basically, I am using an iframe to download a file. I set the source of the iframe to the file I want to download. That problem isn't that I can't get a download dialog. The problem is I can't close the window after the download is started. What I was thinking is I could send back one file with this header. "Content-Disposi...

Accessing parent page with javascript inside an iframe

Is there any way to "break out" of an iframe? What I mean by this is that people will be placing my javascript tag inside an iframe (sometimes it ends up being nested iframes, but lets just deal with ONE for a now). I'm trying to gather certain information, like where that iframe is located on the page. It's easy enough to do it when you...

jstl forToken with Nested HashMap in request Attribute

I have a HashMap (hshFields) of HashMaps (ecd_date, owned_by, etc..) with keys (label, size, etc..that I access as such: <c:out value="${hshFields.ecd_date.label}" /> <c:out value="${hshFields.owned_by.label}" /> <c:out value="${hshFields.fnd_source.label}" /> (note: I must use JSTL and not EL) the about spits out the a "label" of th...

Array of objects in Javascript - Struts Forms

This is for a web application using struts. I have an array of objects in my Form that gets listed in a table. A user can add/edit/delete from the table. How would I send the changed table back to the Action class? Will I need to create a string or array of strings, and parse that into an object? Is there a way that java/struts handles...

Problem with model, view and controller

I do a hello world very easy, now I want to catch data of a class and I can't do it, when I compile the project all perfect and when I run the project show me a error: Estado HTTP 404, and I don´t know how to fix the problem, help please. my controller is welcomeController public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, H...

tomcat 6.0 with JDBC throws ClassNotFoundException com.mysql.jdbc.Connection

I've successfully connected to MySQL database through Eclipse without getting tomcat involved, so at lease it's some good progress. But when I try from my web page (Tomcat 6.0), it throws an error. I followed the tutorials, read documentations and looked countless forums but cannot figure out for 2 days now. Let's look at the step one b...