
making a servlet in netbeans and index.jsp

i am trying to make a servlet in netbeans. It has to be called from an html form and take some data from it. i overwrite doget and dopost putting just some testing outs in them. when i try to run the servlet it only shows a hello word jsp page i found out that this was the index.jsp page that the servlet had by default. How can i make...

JSTree Generating Links that are not usable in JSP page w/ Struts2

Hi, I have a tree generated with JSTree in my JSP page (part of a Struts2 webapp) as follows: <div class="panel"> <div id="demo1" class="demo"> <ul> <li id="node"><a href="#"><s:property value="product"/></a> <ul> <li id="node"> <a href="#">Dependents</a> <ul> <s:iterator value="dependentsList" id="dependent"> ...

how to use a webservice which created on c#t at java platform

Hello Previous developers created a webproject which consumes a webservice in .net platform and they wanted me to use this webservice on jsp. I read netbeans tutorials and find out that webservice is irrelevant to platform. However the problem is at .net project I could not find a file whose extension is .wsdl or a werbservice.amsx.The...

Can I define a jsp custom tag to extend a standard html tag?

For example: <c:a href="/myurl" style="margin: 5px;" addJsessionId="true" logEvent="true"> click here</c:a> such that: 1) all standard attributes of (style) are propagated as is. 2) my tag handler implementation handles the custom attributes (addJsessionId and logEvent in this case). ...

Pass variables from servlet to jsp

How can I pass variable from servlet to jsp? setAttribute and getAttribute didn't work for me :-( ...

Deleting an item from an indexed property - JavaBeans question

I'm working with indexed properties (using struts and java/jsp). We have a dynamic table that can add/delete rows/items in the table. The adding of rows works as intended - I see the new rows in the form in the action class. The deleted rows do not get set (obviously), but they are also not removed from the list. I have implemented a voi...

adding new users to the database upon registering on a website using JSP and JDBC

I am now working on a web application project for the first time, the application includes registering and adding users to the database, now i wrote a java class called DatabaseManager that implements all database operations, and wrote the JSP page responsible for adding new users, if the registration is successful I need to add the user...

Calling a Servlet from a JSP page using jQuery Ajax

I know there are quite a few related question here but none that actually relate to my question have an answer attached. Or at least an accepted answer. Happy to be wrong in this if someone can point me to the question. Also please retag if I've miss-tagged. My question, as the title says is that I want to call a Servlet from my JSP ...

JSP Ajax Post to another JSP Page

I have the following in a jsp page; <script language="javascript"> function ClickMe_Click() { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "dimensionList.jsp", data: "dimensionName=Slappy", success: function(msg) { alert(msg); ...

How can i deploy Session Bean on another computer with Client JSP/Servlet

Hello Everybody i'm new in EJB3, i know how to deploy Session Bean (Stateless or stateful) on Glassfish server in one computer. My question is: how can i deploy session bean on Computer A and Deploy Servlet or JSP on Computer B? It mean Computer A have Session Bean Source and Computer B have Servlet or JSP source. if use 1 computer i ca...

how to set the default in dropdown ?

Hi, I have dropdown with dynamic values.for example in dropdown have 1,5,10,20. when page loading need to display the 5 only.How to do in the jsf ? ...

Doxygen for jsp pages?

Hi I need to document a (fairly) large project in java + jsp (1.0... don't get me start). For the middle tier (all .java classes) I just used doxygen to generate .html and .pdf documents, but my chief asked me to document and integrate the documentation of .jsp pages. AFAIK not doxygen nor javadoc are directly suitables for this job. ...

setting view name in spring filter

I've an ErrorFilter which extends the spring GenericFilterBean. I want to show an error page decorated with tiles if some error happens. Is there any way to set a view name from the filter? <filter> <filter-name>errorFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.abc.filter.ErrorFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-nam...

Adding element to a collection in a JSP in Spring MVC

I am displaying values from a set on a bean called AttributeDefinition which has a Set of ValidValues. I am able to display the set and change the values using the JSP below: <c:forEach items="${attributeDefinition.validValues}" var="validValue" varStatus="validValueRow"> <form:hidden path="validValues[${validValueRow.index}].id"/> ...

How do I disable validation of Javascript in <script> tags in JSPs ...in Eclipse

I'm using JSTL to generate a JavaScript object in a bit of inline script in a JSP, like this: <script> var data = [ <c:forEach items="${MyData}" var="Datum" varStatus="status"> { foo: ${Datum.foo}, bar: '${Datum.bar}', }<c:if test="${not status.last}">,</c:if> </c:forEach> ...

What is the difference between using "logic:equal" and "logic:notEqual" tags?

For example, I can have a code like: <logic:equal name="userForm" property="isRishi" value="YES"> Welcome, your name is Rishi</logic:equal> And another code like this: <logic:notEqual name="userForm" property="isRishi" value="NO"> Welcome, your name is Rishi</logic:notEqual> Both would function the same. So what difference is t...

how to reload jsp page on every request?

i have a jsp page with jdbc connection and on first load it shows the data accurately but after that it shows empty tables i think 2nd time it loads from memory not from server what is problem behind i don't know ok here are the details i have a servlet that maintains the session for a user that log in and then after creating the s...

Tag Libraries for Spring MVC

Hi folks, I'm writing a web application using Spring MVC. Although Spring MVC comes with a couple of tag libraries, they are not rich as Struts' counterpart. What I miss most is <html:xhtml>. Those of you using Spring MVC, what third-party tag libraries do you guys use? Thanks! Edit: More specifically, I would like to auto-generate t...

Tomcat actual path for new file creation

If in a JSP page I create a new file only giving it's name, it's created in the /bin directory of TOMCAT folder, rather in the same folder of the .jsp. I'm not sure why this happens, seems to be not intuitive. ...

how to find size of the feeds at JSTL

Hello I need to find the size of the JSTL and write it to end="size of the feed " at the following code. Could you please help me how to find the size of the feed? Regards Altaico <x:forEach begin="0" end="4" var="story" select="$doc/rss/channel/item" varStatus="status"> //end = "size of the rss" ...