
jsp load arraylist elements from server side and pass them to javascript to print google maps markers

Hi in a jsp file i am loading from disk an arraylist which holds coordinates of places. How can i create from this arraylist's elements (server side) markers in a google map (client side). Thus, the question is how can i put the arraylist elements(coordinates) from the object that i load from disk (from previous app) into a javascript ...

Is it possible to generate form fields in a webapp from a list of generic objects?

Here's the situation: We want to have a Search page that takes in an ordered list of Attribute objects, and based on their 'type' (text input, dropdown, checkbox) generates and displays it in the appropriate manner. We'd also need to process the values for these fields in order to filter results. I'm at a loss for how we can accomplish t...

How to have my web application render using different stylesheet on mobile device browser?

Hi, I've got a Java web application running, when accessing via a mobile device (such as safari browser on an iPhone) the JSP page renders poorly. The device screen is not suitable for the page and therefore I'm looking for a way to get around this After some Googling, I've come across the following line that can be added to a JSP <li...

java session bean - reload data?

Here's what I want to do. It seems simple, but I can't get it to work. JSP1 - user fills out form, submits to JSP2. JSP2 populates the form values in a Bean and displays data, and offers user option to return and modify (history.back()), or submit to Servlet. I've come up with three different options, and each has problems. OPTION 1: JS...

Why is my code failing to pass parameters from JavaScript to JSP using XMLHttpRequest?

I am trying to write JavaScript code which, on a mouse click event, sends some parameter (id) to the server-side JSP code. The JSP code then returns a string to the JavaScript. HTML code for the button: <button type="button" onClick="function();">Click Me!</button>" ...and the script: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="TEXT/JAVASC...

jsp:forward tag is not working correct ?

this is deleteProduct.jsp page code. the problem is only the forward tag and the DB operation works good. i used the forward tag to go to adminProducts.jsp but the result is not correct. it shows adminProducts.jsp page content but the address bar shows deleteProduct.jsp whats the problem and how can i fix this ? <%@ page contentType="te...

Customized content assist for Java in Eclipse

I'd like to implement a customized content assist (aka. auto-completion) for my Java API's and custom jsp tags. Basically, I'd like to set the advisory level (discouraged use) on the undocumented features. (Of course, the proper way is to expose api's through a facade. However, it's way to late for that and the only way is damage control...

Javabeans with jsp:useBean. How do they work? I don't understand.

I have to get 2 numbers and an operation from a jsp file, using a java bean. After submitting the numbers, take them to a servlet from that Java Bean and return an result of them. Problem is that the java bean fields are never completed with the numbers wtitten in textboxes. So, I have, index.jsp's body: <html> <head> <meta http-equ...

Passing a variable from within XSL:for-each to outside the XSL:for-each

Hello, I'm trying give a variable a value within XSL:for-each and access the variable after the XSL:for-loop has ended (or even after it's moved to the next XSL:for-each). I've tried using both global and local variables but they don't seem to work. Is this possible? If not, is there another way around the problem? -Hammer ...

Spring Security: How do I reset SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION.message?

I am able to display the SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION.message ("Bad Credentials") when a user tries to log in with incorrect credentials. My login jsp currently uses the following code: <c:if test="${not empty SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION.message}"> <c:out value="${SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION.message}" /> ...

XMLHTTPrequest request not working

I tried the following code to send request to jsp page on a click of button. I checked on Httpfox but no request is going. I just used the whole of this code in the body of the html code. Am I doing some silly mistake. Kindly suggest.. <button type="button" onClick="handleButtonClick();">Click Me!</button> <script type="text/javascript"...

Which books are good for JSP, Servlets, Ajax and JSON ?

An introductory book will suffice because I need to know only about the basics. ...

using internationalization on list data

i am using Struts2 in application. <s:iterator value="listObject"> <s:component template="abc.vm"> <s:param name="text" value="listValue" /> <s:param name="prefix" value="listIndex" /> </s:component> </s:iterator> listValue is a values of list. i am using iterator to traverse the list. now on listValue, i want to put here in...

IE6 Not caching my images

Hi, I uploaded my web application already in my Production Tomcat Web Server. I am trying to test it already and it works fine on FF/IE7/IE8 but I am having a problem on display on IE6. I notice in the status bar that IE6 seems to be downloading the images every now and then. Even though I did not click anything, it still downloads the...

Print contents of ModalPanel

Is it possible to print just the contents of <rich:modalPanel>? ...

I have a problem of null pointer Exception in servlet .

HI, all I have a problem of null pointer Exception in servlet . I have a form a.jsp with check box if I do not select this check box and submit form then null pointer exception is occur in a.servlet. How I Can handle this Exception code a.jsp <table border='0' width='50%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' ><form name=form1 method=post ...

How to pass an array of string in a url

Hello i have an url in my jsp and i want to pass an array of string in this url to recover in my ActionForm ...

Struts2 anchor tag doesn't include contextPath

%{#request.contextPath} doesn't work inside an s:a tag in Struts2. (Struts 2.2.1 to be specific.) Is there a way to make it work? It works in other Struts2 tags. Here are two lines in a JSP file in a Struts 2 project whose context path is "/websites": <s:a href="%{#request.contextPath}/clickme" theme="simple">Click here.</s:a> <s:form...

android servlet jsp communication

hello i have an android application that sends data to a server every 10 seconds. the server processes the data received and has to display that on a jsp page. for every set of data received from the client, the jsp in the server has to be refreshed. i am unable to accomplish the italicized part. i save the processed data by using req...

What does my Servlet have that my JSP is missing?

I am currently working my way through a Sam's Teach Yourself JSP. In one chapter, we wrote a crude shopping cart application which used Servlets for various functions. Come Chapter 14, we replace most of those servlets with JSP using beans. For some reason that is eluding me, my JSP isn't working. Here is the functional servlet: ...