
how access value of array list on Struts framework by properties file

arraylist.add(new ListItem("Activity1", "ActivityName1")); suppose ActivityName1 value store in properties file to provide locale feature. now how can i access the value of Activity1 key that associate to ActivityName1 value on jsp ( ActivityName1 corresponds to a properties file value) by using Struts. i want to find the ActivityNam...

Possible to comment-out JSTL code?

If you want to temporarily comment-out a piece of JSTL code that you may re-enable later, is this possible? Would this work? <!--<c:out value="${someVar}"/>--> ...

IntelliJ 9 unable to recognize Implicit Object methods in JSPs?

I'm trying out IntelliJ IDEA 9 for 30 days, and I like what I'm seeing so far. The only glaring problem I have is that the editor seems to have no idea what to do with JSP implicit object methods... Example 1: <body> <% out.println("Hello, World!"); %> </body> The editor marks the "println" in this statement as an error and say...

How to check a boolean condition in EL?

Is this correct? <c:if test="${theBooleanVariable == false}">It's false!</c:if> Or could I do this? <c:if test="${!theBooleanVariable}">It's false!</c:if> ...

JSP Automatic Redirect After Session Expire/Timeout

Hello Everyone, Is there any way to detect session timeout without (user interaction)*, and redirect it to some page; i.e. if there is no activity on page @ specific duration; server detects it and redirect it automatically on some other. By user user interaction I mean; there is a way to detect session timeout when user clicks on some...

Jsp and ?: not working as expected

I have this code: <c:forEach var="product" items="${products}" begin="${begin}" end="${end}" varStatus="loopStatus" step="1"> <div class="home_app "${loopStatus.index % 2 == 0 ? '' : 'white_bg'}"> When I browse to the jsp I am getting this in the div: <div }="" white_bg="" :="" ?="" 0="" 2="=" %="" ${loopstatus.index="" class="ho...

Execute application from web browser?

How can I execute a desktop application from a browser?. I have a web page with a button, when user click this button a simple java desktop application must run. How can I do this using jsp or javascript? ...

JSTL and hashmap not working

In a servlet I have: HashMap eventsByDayNo = new HashMap(); eventsByDayNo.put (new Integer(12), "day 12 info"); eventsByDayNo.put (new Integer(11), "day 11 info"); eventsByDayNo.put (new Integer(15), "day 15 info"); eventsByDayNo.put (new Integer(16), "day 16 info"); request.setAttribute("eventsByDayNo", eventsByDayNo); request.setAttr...

nested Java collection to list items per person per day in a calendar grid using JSTL?

I am developing an employee scheduler Java web applicatyion where an employee can specify days they will be out of the office for things such as vacation, business travel, etc...I have a simple mechanism for adding/editing/deleting these records. But I am struggling with the JSTL and which collector I should be passing to the jsp for th...

Pass in proper path for Servlet in .jsp

I have a .jsp file which has to submit the request to ResultServlet but i am getting the error HTTP Status 404 - /project1/jsp//ResultServlet The problem is that my ResultServlet is in /project1/src/ResultServlet Can you tell me what changes i need to make to the action field in .jsp so that it starts looking in folder src instead ...

JSP/servlet read parameters from properties file?

My JSP pages need to display different information depending on which environment they're in (dev, production, sandbox, etc). I want to have a properties file for each of these environments that contain all the parameters they might need. How can I reference the properties from this file in a JSP page? My thoughts are: Have a servle...

How do I pass a parameter to a JSP via a cross-context JSTL import?

I've come across a few other questions that describe a similar, but not identical situation, to mine. This question, for instance, shows pretty much the same problem, except that I'm not using portlets - I'm just using boring ol' JSP+JSTL+EL+etc. I have two application contexts, and I'd like to import a JSP from one to the other. I know...

Splitting Large GWT app into several modules.

I have an app written with GWT and GAE where every supported city has its own app. Clearly this is not the best way to manage the map so I want to merge them all into one app. Currently my app is at the urls sub1.myapp.com, sub2.myapp.com, sub3.myapp.com, etc, and I want them to be at myapp.com/sub1 ,myapp.com/sub2, etc. All the suppo...

How to redirect to another jsp page in php

Hello, I have 1 php page that is doing some manipulation and store data in 2 variable, now I want to pass this data to another page and that page is in jsp. I dont want to click anywhere, mean my php will call automatically to jsp page in last. Please tell me how can i do this. Thanks, Manoj Singhal ...

How to write tag in my spring project?

I want to write my tag (extends TagSupport) in my spring framework. In my tag class, will use some service which should auto inject by spring. But I always get null, seems spring can't inject service instance in my tag class. The code is like the following: public class FetchTagNameTag extends TagSupport { @Autowired private Tas...

Use standard jsp/servlet inside struts app

Hi, is it possible to embed a "standard" jsp and its associated servlet in a struts 1.X app ? (It uses no action form nor bean). If so, is there any special tweak needed ? Thanks ...

Extracting JSP page content

Hi All, I am working on a Mail API module where i have to develop a generic functionality of sending Mails with respect to various functionality in the Appliication. There is one proposed functionality where the module will expose a method which along with some required parameters will take nane of JSP template. It expects that this wi...

Simple encryption in JSP

I am an unwilling JSP/Java noob. I've been asked to hurriedly write up a system for generating secure urls from one site to another. The actual request string (must be passed as GET request) needs to be encrypted or otherwise obfuscated so that the user cannot easily change it to request someone else's document. Because of limitation...

Problems with <jsp:setProperty .../>

I wrote next jsp: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>JSP Page</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> </head> <body> <h1>Monster Calculator</h1> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="Controller"> N1: <input type ="text" name="nr1" value="0...

empty keyword in Struts

Is there an empty keyword in Struts 2 (like in JSP)? For example in JSP I write: <c:if test="${empty var}"> Thanks ...