
Programmatically get Tomcat HTTP Connector's maxPostSize in a JSP

I am using Tomcat 6 and would like to be able to retrieve the maxPostSize (defined in the HTTP Connector in server.xml) programmatically from within a JSP so that I can know what the max file upload size is. Is there a way to get this? ...

Spring MVC - JSTL - Session Attribute

Hi: I have a Spring Controller where I am setting a session object with variables . @RequestMapping("/index.html") public String indexHandler(HttpSession session, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){ session ...

how can i get client MAC address? (in jsp,java)

i want to get client MAC address (in jsp,java) it's possible? how to do? thanks for help ...

Unable to compile class for JSP in tomcat

Symptoms: Any JSP pages in the project produce error messages as below: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP An error occurred at line: 5 in the jsp file: /check.jspf Generated servlet error: *Duplicate local variable usr* An error occurred at line: 5 in the jsp file: /check.jspf Generated servlet erro...

How to simulate a group-by in JSTL view layer by keeping track of previous & current values while looping over a List?

First I retrieve the Note objects in the service layer: List<Note> notes = this.getNotes(); Then I pass List of Notes to the view layer and set the same initial value for prevNote and currNote to the first element of the List: <c:forEach items="${notes}" var="note" begin="0" end="1" step="1"> <c:set var="prevNote">${note}</c:set>...

which is evaluated first my taglib or jstl?

I'm a little confused if which one is evaluated first. jstl or my custom taglib. Here is some snippets. <taglib> ... <tag> <name>my_tag</name> <tagclass>MyTagLib</tagclass> <bodycontent>JSP</bodycontent> <attribute> <name>attr1</name> <required>true</required> <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprv...

Tomcat6 configured to use SSL does not work

I am trying to setup SSL to my web app and followed tutorial (http://techtracer.com/2007/09/12/setting-up-ssl-on-tomcat-in-3-easy-steps/), then hitting http://localhost:8443 returns "unable to connect" Environment: Tomcat6, windows 7 Tomcat6 is up and running, http://localhost:8080 displays tomcat page. Below is the step I took so fa...

question is how to export a report made by jasperreport and compiled in jsp page exported as well in a particular section of a jsp page

when i am compiling a jrxml file created using ireport and exporting it how to export this page in a particular section of a jsp page I searched a lot in google i am not gettting any solutions related to my requirements if i am writing something in the jsp page nothing is showing only the report getting visible my code in jsp pag...

RichFaces application, should I use rich:dataTable or jQGrid, pros cons?

Following on from here, I need to have an inline editable grid in my web application using RichFaces 3.3.3, JSF 1.2 and Facelets. My options are the rich:dataTable RichFaces control, or the jQuery plugin, jQGrid I have tried both and found the following so far: jQGrid works really well, but I am not sure what will happen if I try to ...

How to properly invalidate JSP session?

So here is the problem. When a user logs out of my website, they can still hit the back button and continue using the site. To keep track of whether the user is logged in or not, I created a session attribute "isActive". The attribute is set to true when the user logs in, and is (redundantly) removed right before the session is invalidat...

custom EL function that takes no parameters - possible?

I created an EL function that takes no parameters: <function> <name>noArg</name> <function-class>com.example.customtag.function.PrintHi</function-class> <function-signature>java.lang.String noArg()</function-signature> </function> I invoke it as follows in a jsp: <c:set var="myvar2" value="${ mytags:noArg() }"/> <c:out value="...

Label text based on the locale

I want to display the label name depending on the Locale (like English or French). I have two properties file: messages.properties: customer.name=Name messages_fr.properties: customer.name=Nom I have an array list in a Java class. In this list I want to store the values depending on the locale: arraylist.add(new ListItem("CustomerNam...

How to control of display the number of digit in JSP?

Hi, everyone, I want to ask a question about the JSP and Java. I am writing the JSP page and has a bean class. In the class, i have a getter function which will return a double var in the jsp page. I used the following code to display the number. <p> the value of AB is <%=obj.getValue() %> <p> I expect that display will like the foll...

Why should I learn and use struts?

I'm a java developer, not seasoned, but I am familiar with most concepts reasonably well. I recently built a website using Tomcat/JSP (~30 dynamic pages). I made the newbie mistake of including large sections of core logic in the JSP, using the rationalization that it's "just a simple project". I learned the hard way. So I'm re-buildin...

Iterating Vector of Hashtables using c:forEach

I have Vector of Hashtables and each hash table has two elements with keys 'key1' and 'key2'. Now in the jsp page i have to iterate those vector and print those values in the hash table using jstl tag c:forEach Could anybody helps how to do that using c:forEach ...

Trying to print a session variable in a jsp causes error "equals expected"

I am trying to pass a value from the session object to a custom tag <l:LoginStatus userId="<% out.print((String)session.getAttribute("userId")); %>"/> Why does this line give me the error: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /index.jsp(1,1) /header.jsp(64,131) equal symbol expected When I pass a hard coded value like this <l:LoginStatus...

Glassfish v3 + NetBeans + Simple Authentication Simulator : Why do I get an exception related to serialization?

Greetings, fellow StackOverFlow members. I have just begun to learn how to program web-enabled applications using technologies such as Java Enterprise Beans and Java Persistence API. The official NetBeans website currently offers a bundle that (supposedly) allows me to develop said applications. A bundle that has an approximate size of ...

Getting price of Dollar in INR

I have an application where I have some prices in Dollars and some in INR. Now when I show price of a commodity, Depending on its price is in Dollars or INR, I can tell the currency I am showing the price in. The problem comes when I am showing the total or Net-Worth. In that case, I have to convert either INR to Dollar or Vice-Versa. Ca...

Activity display dynamically depend on the locale on Struts 2

i want to display activities dynamically which can be increase or decrease on struts 2 and that depend on the Locale (like English or French) . dynamically means user can be add or delete activity at run time. I have two properties file: messages.properties: activity.name=activity messages_fr.properties: activity.name=activity_fr for...

JSP - write XML to console

I have large JSP page, and there is XML creation on it. For debug purpose i need to write that XML to console. What is the easiest way to do this from JSP? thank you very much on your time and energy, best regards EXAMPLE: ... My.jsp ... <portfolio> <stock> <symbol><c:out value="${bean.prop1}"/></symbol> ...