
How to access another bean form in an Struts Action?

I have a form bean named "SearchForm" that I use to display search results. The user then clicks on one of the element. I populate a "ElementForm" with the details of the element and generate a JSP page with it. (so far so good) What I would like however is to display a column on the left of the JSP page with the same search results (so...

Tomcat jsp error "The type org.apache.axis2.AxisFault cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files"

I am using Tomcat 5.5 on Windows XP. The tree is: \Tomcat 5.5\webapps\Test \Tomcat 5.5\webapps\Test\TestJsp.jsp \Tomcat 5.5\webapps\Test\WEB-INF \Tomcat 5.5\webapps\Test\WEB-INF\classes \Tomcat 5.5\webapps\Test\WEB-INF\lib I access the jsp via: http://localhost:8090/Test/TestJsp.jsp and get the error: The type org.apache.axis2.Ax...

How can I post parameters for JSTL import tag (<c:import>)?

I'm currently using JSTL tag in a JSP page to import the content of an external page: <c:import url="http://some.url.com/"&gt; <c:param name="Param1" value="<%= param1 %>" /> ... <c:param name="LongParam1" value="<%= longParam1 %>" /> </c:import> Unfortunately the parameters are now getting longer. Since they are encoded as ...

Input type "hidden" vs text area

Hi, I'm having a weird issue with an input type hidden and was wondering if anyone has ever seen something like this before. I'm saving about 2MB of data to a hidden field, in a comma separated format, then I'm posting that data to a jsp that simply sets some headers (so the output is recognized as an excel file) and then echoes the dat...

Reference issue with tomcat?

I'm experiencing and issue with tomcat where if I try to deploy my code I get the following error: Stacktrace: org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.handleJspException(JspServletWrapper.java:504) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:375) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serv...

Accessing Liferay web content from inside a portlet?

I have a Struts portlet being used in a Liferay Portal environment. I have been localizing my resource strings using standard resource files so far. I can access the message bundle from my portlet using the <bean:message> tag, and it works great. So for example, in a form I might have the following label defined in my JSP file. ... <lab...

Why do I get an error in my JSP local functions '<%!'?

We have a couple of utility functions declared on class level in jsp. Using <%!. I get the following error in the line containing only <%!: Invalid character constant Code: <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <%@page import="java.sql.*"%> <%@page import="java.util.V...

jars for mass email sending

in my webapplications whihc runs on tomcat on widows i want to send email to many different people for example whenever a new tutials is uploaded on my site an email shold go to all the registed user on my site. simlarly whenever some other event occors i need to send the email to some selected users whose emailid are picked up from data...

How to Escape Character in EL with JSTL tag?

I have this JSP code snippet: <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%> <c:choose> <c:when test="${var1.properties[\"Item Type\"] eq \"Animal's Part\"}"> <c:set var="cssClassName" value="animalpart" /> </c:when> <c:otherwise> <c:set var="cssClassName" value="" /> </c:otherwise> </c:choose> The JS...

How to get the message in a custom error page (Tomcat)?

In JSPs, you may use response.sendError(int code, String message) to return a particular error code (eg 404 for not found) and a message as well. These messages display fine, as long as you use the default ugly Tomcat error pages. However, if you create a custom error page, how do you get that message? I've tried exception.getMessage() ...

c:foreach using List: Must evaluate to a Collection, Map, Array, or null

So I'm trying to loop over a List<MyClass> for display in the view of my spring webflow application. However I get the error Must evaluate to a Collection, Map, Array, or null. <c:forEach items="#{orderedStuff}" var="a"> #{a.PrettyName}test </c:forEach> I've also tried $ instead of #. Here is my xml flow definition. <view-state ...

Configure addition libraries for JSP in Tomcat

I'm very sorry if my question isn't clear. Actually, it's not my own question, it's my gf's one. I'm not experienced in Netbeans and Tomcat, so I cannot help her. She built a project in Netbeans (a Jsp website), use some addition libraries. Everything's fine, unless she copies all the project into the root folder of Tomcat. She doesn't ...

Warning: modified in the future.

I am getting the warning Warning: sendmailpm.jsp modified in the future. What does this mean? ...

Viewing the contents of Session, Application and Request Bean

It would make a lot of sense to be able to monitor the contents of Session, Application and Request Bean while developing a JSF app but as far as I know, I should explicitly add watch points for the parameters I'm interested in. Is there an easier way to see these values as I navigate through my apps the pages? ...

Why does JSP/JSTL division by 1000 sometimes give remainder?

When dividing by 1000 I sometime run across a bug that doesn't do the division "correctly". For example, when dividing 90.55 by 1000 instead of getting .09055 I get .090549999999. <c:out value="${bean.paPrice / 1000}" /> Why is this happening? Is this a result of floating point math? A google search seemed to indicate that this may...

quick fix for JSP with in Eclipse?

I'm running Eclipse 3.4 java enterprise adition and writing JSP pages with it. It does not appear to support quick fix, for example ArrayList ourList; comes up as an error but there isn't a quick fix option to add the import java.util.ArrayList statement. Is there a way to improve quick fix capabilities, or another set of Eclipse Plugins...

What programmer should do before getting help from Designer in Design Issue?

My self as a Front End Developer, for many years I have resolved many browser and CSS related issues for Developers coding in ASP, PHP and XSLT. I just want some Front End Designers and Developers to point out, which things to be consider when there is some Design issue in Programming. Firebug is one option. ...

Struts/JSP/J2EE performance and memory profiling and issues

We are using Struts and having performance issues. And making heavy use of jsp includes, tiles, EL expressions. I am sure this is eating up a lot of memory and processing time. What are some approaches to profile the JSP page? What tools could I use? What should I look for when profiling? I have seen the code generated JSP Java Ser...

filerering / replacing single quote in java

how do i filter single quote ' in java. I am haveing a search box . if anyone types a single quote ' in that box i am geting a databsee error. i dont want to filet it in javascript or at Database level, i want to do it in java only how can i do that i dont want to loose it completely, is there any other way. wil replacing the quote wit...

How can I create a war file of my project in NetBeans?

How can I create a war file of my project in NetBeans? ...