
code for this in css and jsp

whenever a code format (means any code written in c or c++, or any other language) is found , the background color changes itself to grey , else all the text(theoritical part) remains in the same white background, how this can be done using css and jsp. ...

Overwriting the errorPage property in JSP

I've defined <%@ page errorPage="/error.jsp" %> in the header that all JSP files include, to catch any unhandled exceptions and redirect to that error page instead of printing them. This works fine with one caveat - if error.jsp itself throws an exception, it will continuously redirect to itself in an infinite loop. I want to erase the e...

Eclipse cannot find java file generated via jsp on the work folder

I am currently programming using Eclipse 3.4.1 and using the Apache 5.5 as backend server. I am also using the com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat_3.2.1 plugin for tomcat. I was just wondering, when I encounter an error and prints the stack trace for the exception. I always would see the line code where the error occured on the java work file gen...

How to check for Double.NaN in JSP with JSTL tags?

How to check for Double.NaN in JSP with JSTL tags? ...

HTML/JSP visual design mode

Hi, I'm wondering that the sun netbeans IDE can support visual design editor for html or jsp (no problem for JSF) or not? RGDS Navid ...

HTML / JSP Visual Design Editor

Is there a graphical design tool for html/jsp pages like jsf pages (like the aspx .net environment)? ...

What is the best way of opening PDFs from a JSP?

Hello, I would like some guidance on the best way of launching PDFs from a browser. I have a JSP that takes some parameters and based on this downloads a PDF from my Documentum server. The files are stored on my local file system. I then provide the user with a bunch of links to the PDFs so they can click on them to launch the PDF. ...

Custom JSTL tags with body

Hi, We are going to use JSTL and custom JSTL-tags for some sort of template-engine in our JSP/spring-project. Is there a way to create a tag that looks similar like this: <div id="site"> <div id="header">Some title</div> <div id="navigation"> SOME DYNAMIC CONTENT HERE </div> <div id="content"> ${content} </div> <div id...

what is the right way to use log4j within jsp pages

I mean, I want the logger name to reflect the source.jsp file, no matter if it is included in another file or compiled to a class or whatever. ...

Refactoring JSP scriptlet loop to be more readable

I have some JSP code, which writes a tree representing hierachical data. This data is represented using nested layers. In the JSP code there are many code snippets similar to the following code (which outputs as many closing div tags as is the numerical value of variable differenceAmount): <jsp:scriptlet> int differenceAmount = pr...

Cookie available in the same request/response

Hi All, I have found a strange behaviour (strange for me, a novice :D) in my project. Basicly after an action I create or update a cookie (if it exists or not) and send it to the client. The strange thing is that in the jsp I can read the cookie ONLY when I update its value (and I get the updated value, not the old one) but not the fir...

what is root cause of exception "org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException"?

Exception log javax.servlet.ServletException at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContextImpl.java:536) at org.apache.jsp.FileUploadFormatAdd_jsp._jspService(FileUploadFormatAdd_jsp.java:620) at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:137) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(...

How to make a first row selected on default while loading the search page in JSP?

When i search some details in the search column and it lists the details for the same below. I want the first row to be selected on default while loading hte search results ...

JSTL if-statement inside HTML-attribute

Hi, is it possible to do something like this in JSTL: <div class="firstclass<c:if test='true'> someclass</c:if>"> <p>some other stuff...</p> </div> Is there any way to get this to work, or is there a better way to add a class by looking at a JSTL-if-statement? ...

Static Access to HashMap/Array?

Here's an example of a static method that is used in a web application. As you can see, the String[] allergensArr gets insantiated each time that this method is called. It's threadsafe since it's in a static method but it's an expensive call. What are some other ways that the allergensArr[] can be used so that it's not instantiat...

Can you get the filename of the jsp file using a taglib in the taglib code

Is it possible to get the filename of the jsp file that uses a taglib from the java code? I.e. public int doStartTag() throws JspException { try { String xxx = pageContext.? Where xxx would get the filename of the jsp file (which of course could be a nested include file) br /B ...

IE7 issue - cannot download streamed file when Automatic prompting for file downloads is disabled

Hi, My application is J2EE (JSP/Servlet) based. I encounter an issue when i try to open a new window (pop-up) from JSP and call a Servlet action (e.g. Streamer.do) which streams a PDF file inside that pop-up. Problem: While IE 7 -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Custom Level -> Downloads -> Automatic prompting for file downl...

Struts2 + Displaytag: Need to render with paging..

Hi at all.. this is my problem. My JSP need a pagination. Original version is this: <s:iterator value="listSurveyToRender" var="s"> <tr class="surveyTitle"><td><h4><s:property value="descrizione" /></h4></td></tr> <s:iterator value="listSurveyValuesToRender" var="sv" > ...

Custom struts2 tag?

Hi all, I want to write a custom struts2 tag,which has a separate action class for itself, and can be called from different jsp pages. Something like: <s:writetext type="aaa" parentid="xxx" parentname ="yyy" height ="50" width ="125" /> Is it possible? Please help, I'm very new to this and googling about this didn't help. Thanks, A...

autocomplete in jsp page

i want to extract data from the database rather local data while selecting value from the textarea. I used jquery-autocomplete. Please tell me the site which provide a auto complete feature just like stack overflow for the tags at the ask question page. ...