
failing to retrieve multiple checked value from JSP

I'm trying to retrieve mulitple checked value, which are being showed in JSP dynamically, retrieved from inbox folder of the mail server, just like in yahoo, or gmail. But whenever I select multiple checkboxes(or either one), I'm not able to retrieve their values, like subject and username. What should I have to do in JSP to retrieve tho...

Deploying WAR files on a shared host?

How would I go about deploying a WAR file on a shared host? Everything I read about deploying them says I put them in webapps inside the Tomcat root directory. Then go to localhost:8000. My hosting account is a shared account where I can get to my site by theIP/~MyUsername/. I don't have access to anything above the /home/MyUsername dire...

What validation should I use

I am working on a J2EE web application Here we are using JSP and Struts I know one can use Client side validation (Using JavaScript) Server side validation (Using Validation framework) My question is which way is more proper and one should use in application and why? ...

Jsp custom tag issues.

Hi all, I'm getting the following error when I try to run a jsp page with a custom jsp tag. javax.servlet.ServletException: /pages/editBidForm.jsp(43,3) No tag "getName" defined in tag library imported with prefix "custom" org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher.serviceAction(Dispatcher.java:515) org.apache.struts2.dispatcher....

How to identify when my session variable is changed?

I am having a session variable whose value can be changed from java and from Jsp as well. Is it possible to detect when this variable's value is changed? ...

Writing custom session store for Weblogic

I want to store JSP session data in a custom store (the one I specify) in WebLogic server. Is there any interface or base class that I can implement or an filter that I can write that can I can plug-in through configuration and which enables me to store session data in my store? I have done some initial search but couldn't find any entry...

How to access map value when its key contains a dot in JSTL ?

Hi, when my Map contains key with dot in their name I cannot access the corresponding value directly with the usual code: ${recordForm.map['records.key']} Is there a way to escape the dot? Or do I have to resort to loop through all values and check against the key? (I know the iteration works). Thanks! ...

Avoid using a DB for storing small set of data on a Java EE App

I have a small JSF app and would like to keep some state on the server, without using a DB. It will just be a small string for every user so I don't see the point in deploying an RDMS for that. ...

Converting a JSP to a SharePoint webpart

We have a large number of Java based servlets/portlets running in a BEA portal that we want to convert into SharePoint 2007 webparts. Many of the portlets use user preferences but the implementations are split between preferences being handled by the portlet directly and stored in a separate database from the portal. Others are using th...

Has anyone got a JSP language file for Notepad++?

I can't seem to find a language syntax highlighting file for JSPs for Notepad++. Is there one out there? (Currently, I've just got it set to use Java highlighting, which is a little sub-optimal. I could knock together my own, I suppose, but I'm hoping the internet has solved my problem for me.) ...

if a JAR is placed on app servers's classpath how do we reference it from JSP

On our application we are getting an error saying: PWC6117: File "/struts-tags" not found code in the file thats giving error is: <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %> This file is in struts2-core.jar which is placed on the classpath of the app server (Sun 9.1). The code will work fine and not complain when the jar is actual...

Can I use a single war file in multiple environments? Should I?

I have a Java web application at my work and I'd like simplify how we deploy to our DEV, QA, and PROD environments. The application reads in a series of properties at startup, and the properties files are different for dev, qa, and prod. Whenever I want to deploy to a certain environment I drop the environment-specific properties fi...

autocomplete text box

i want to make a text box like stackoverflow have for the tag at askquestion page where data pop up as we write something. I want to fetch the tag from the database rather local static data. In my project i am using jsp servlet hibernate and spring Please tell me how to do.. thanks in advance ...

Accessing method from JSTL

Hi Guys, just was wondering if there is a way to access a method from my class without creating a custom taglib. Example I got a class which provides 4 methods: hasDisplay(), hasCreate(), hasDelete() and hasEdit() - all of them just returning a boolean value. From my jsp I just want to <c:if test="{ar.hasEdit}"></c:if> But this on...

JSP Servlet anchor

I'm writing a JSP/Servlet and I'm trying to get the the anchor part of the URI e.g: blabla.rdf#mark How do I get my mark from my request? Obviously request.getParameter() doesn't work? Any help would be welcome. ...

Passing a Java object value in Custom JSP tag

Hi all, I'm trying to pass a java variable from a custom jsp tag(Im using struts2 here to get the variable from the java class). Here is the error I'm getting. javax.servlet.ServletException: /pages/editBidForm.jsp(51,8) According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute parentId does not accept any expressions org.apa...

how to conditionally show jsp content to logged in users with Spring security

I want to show content to any user that is logged in and to hide if they are not logged in. I'm using jsp's and spring security. Obviously a home grown solution is easily done. But what's the cleanest standard way of achieving this? Spring security tags don't seem to have nice way that will allow for the addition of new roles in the ...

Is there any free library which can be used to generate Graphs in J2EE environment?

I am using JSP with Springframework, and i have to generate Graphs ( Bar , Pie ... ). Is there any free library/api which can be used to achieve this? ...

how to get value from the fckeditor texfield

i have put fckeditor in jsp page. I want to get the value whatever we write on the editor textarea. I have put the code below in my jsp page. As we all know that getting value of text field like is done by writing String title = request.getParameter("title1"); in the same way i want the value from the fckeditor.. Thanks ...

video recording from web browser

Hi there, i have asked to create a module that will record video messages form the web browser it self. what technologies, i should look at. and how should i start. please give me some pointers. A sample code will be appreciated. :) ...