
Using AspectJ on JSP

Hi, I am trying to use AspectJ on my java beans, which I will use eventually in a JSP. Can anybody lead me to do this? Because I really cannot succeed, even though the thing seems to be trivial! Also, the tomcat is telling me org.aspectj.lang.NoAspectBoundException Thanks in advance! ...

Iframe issue in displaying java object.

Hi all, Is it possible to display a java object(by pointing it in iframe src) obtained from a servlet(In a jsp page) in an Iframe? Here is what I've tried. I'm storing a pdf file in mysql database as blob type. In the Hibernate bean class I have declared the corresponding variable as Byte[]. Now I'm trying to display the object throug...

Spring 3 Collection Binding

How I can bind a collection to a form for inputdata (not for show) ...

In JSP is it necessary to redeclare tag libraries in included files?

Im not really familiar with how this works in JSP but in the main.jsp template there is this: <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/c.tld" prefix="c" %> <jsp:include page="/jsp/common_head.jsp"/> then in common_head.jsp we have this again: <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/c.tld" prefix="c" %> is this necessary? or in other words Are taglib...

Can I embed a Silverlight applet in my JSP (java server page)?

I suspect the answer is yes, you can embed a Silverlight applet in a JSP, but I'm having a very difficult time finding any examples of this. Seems to me that I can just use the HTML that would go in a strict HTML file... <object width="300" height="300" data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silverlight-2...

How do you configure JBoss to trim additonal whitespaces generated by JSPs?

Getting lots of additional whitespace in the html output, looks like its because of the JSP tags =/ I saw this referenced somewhere: <init-param> <param-name>trimSpaces</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </init-param> That should put it in web.xml, I tried that but that didn't seem to work. Maybe I'm not putting it in t...

JasperReports html and pdf output

I'd like to create a dynamic reporting webpage using JSP. Basically it should contain the following parts: Filter: The user can specify the filter conditions and press a filter button. HTML-output: The result of the filter can be seen here. It's one large html page (or several if one page would be too large). It may contain links to ot...

how to put page number in jsp

i need to put the page no like stackoverflow have at the tags page like 1 2 3 4 5.. next I am using jsp. Please help me .. ...

Is there a way to put Java objects in a POST request from a JSP?

I have a JSP page that renders, and calls a Web service to load some initial data. The user fills out some form information, and then submits it to the server, which could possibly return the same JSP page for further processing (and another submit). The initial data never changes, but it is an object representation, so I'm trying to fig...

Iframe not showing object from struts action class.

Hi all, This is in continuation with my previous question which was not framed properly. I have an iframe in a jsp class which is calling a struts2 action class in its src, but instead of opening inside the frame the file is getting downloaded, Inside file TempContentPage.jsp: <s:form> <iframe id="displayFrame" src="ContentPage.actio...

uploading and downloading a file in jsp

i want a code for uploading and downloading a file in jsp..urgently needed ...

Best option for Session management in Java

Best way managing session in Java. I heard that cookies are not reliable option for this as they gets stored into browser and can be accessed later on? Is this correct. If possible please come up with the answers with the coding example. Which is the best among URL Rewriting: Server will add an additional parameter at the end of URL link...

Java/Jsp WEB-INF/classes cant import

Hi, Its been a while since I had to do some Java/Jsp... I have a java class in WEB-INF/classes/MyClass.java The build in Netbeans is successful and I can see MyClass.class in the classes folder. In my jsp page, I've got <%@ page import="MyClass" %> Tomcat says that the import cannot be resolved... I tried to put MyClass in a package...

Struts2: Radiobutton, Iterations and List trouble

Hi at all... I have a complicated problem and I hope to explain it clearly possible... I have 2 list. On my jsp I have a nested iteration with this 2 lists, inside this there is a tag. This is the code: <s:iterator value="listSurveyToRender" var="s" status="counterS"> <s:iterator value="listSurveyValuesToRender" va...

java.lang.ClassCastException cannot be cast to javax.servlet.ServletException

I'm trying to deploy a java application to appspot (google appengine). I'm new to java, so bear with me. When I run the application locally from eclipse, it runs fine. After uploading it to google appspot, I get an error (only in one of the .jsp pages, other .jsp pages work fine). The error log says: Uncaught exception from servlet ...

java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.String

I need to iterate a List<myClass> in a jsp. This is how I obtain the list: (when I commented it, the page loaded just fine). <% List<myClass> pjList = null; StringBuffer ejbQuery = new StringBuffer(); EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("myPersistence"); EntityManager em = emf.cre...

How to convert Integer to Date in JSP page and then format that Date ?

I get following varaiable, but I cannot format Integer, so is there any way to convert Integer to Date in JSP page? <fmt:formatDate value="${c.dateInIntegerValue}" pattern="dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm"/> ...

How to access bean attribute in JSP?

How can we access the bean attribute in JSP? I tried <core:forEach var="header" items="${command.headerList}" > <td><core:out value="${header.columnName}"/></td> </core:forEach> where headerList is the list of myBean which is having the attribute columnName [ getter / setter are defined in the class ] Expected: it should print the v...

Voting style system using Jsp/Servlet technology

Has anyone implemnted the stackoveflow/digg like voting system using JSP/Servlet/Java technology? If yes can you please redirect me to books or online material? Also if there are already some plug-ins for study purpose? ...

how to identify specific name attributes from an html select tag in a while loop into jsp

hi, iam retrieving data from the database using a while loop en pouring it out in table format as u can see below, along with a column that has a select tag included in the while loop,now the options for the select tag are;(pending and cleared),which at choice i want to use to update the respective database table,but the trouble is,when ...