
Link JSP to Servlet and return ResultSet from Servlet to JSP

Hi I am currently passing a string to a servlet which i then search an access database and get a ResultSet object. I convert this to an ArrayList and redirest back to the JSP I am lookin for a simple piece of code to link to the Servlet to the JSP using a simple link! I hope this is the correct way of passing a resultset back to the js...

How to hide my url params?

I've got several Portlets with some links in them, all I want is to hide the URL params. So I thought it would be easy to include some jQuery code, which builds a form for each and binds a click event on it to submit the form. This does not work. The action request isn't hit for some reason. Does anyone have a different suggestion for...

JSP programmatically render

I need programmaticaly render JSP page. As far as I understand JSP should have some compiler. The question is can I use this compiller dirrectly without JspServlet and others? All I need is documentation how to use JSP compiler (Jasper, for example). Some additional information would clarify situation, I think. I can not use standart Js...

how to reference an external jar in jsp app?

I am new to Eclipse. I am trying to run a jsp example using iText to generate a PDF, I put iText.jar file in Referense Library folder, but when I ran the jsp, I got error message that the class Document defined in the iText,jar can't not be resolved. ...

DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA wont wait for transferring entire response?

I am implementing a multiple file upload using Adobe AIR which loops through a text file and uploads all file listed in the text. I am using file.upload() since I need to post some parameters along with the file. I am doing the next file upload at DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA listener of fileupload(). At a random time in the loop, the...

web.xml - Java Servlet Filters - Not being run before processing the JSP page (on Tomcat)

I am fairly new to Servlet Filters and have basically joined a project using them and added an additional filter to the web.xml file (deployed on Tomcat 5.5). I am 95% sure that at some point it was working correctly but now when debugging if I put breakpoints at the top of the JSP page I am trying to view (login.jsp), it's template pa...

EL expressions won't executed in Tomcat 5.5, but working in tomcat 6.0.20

Hello All... I am developing my application using spring-web-mvc... Now at my Controller it returns like this : public class InterfacesManageController implements Controller { public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> myModel = new Has...

AJAX (prototype/java) getting partial status updates during execution

This partially mimics AJAX (prototype/php) getting partial status updates during script execution, however I'm working with JSP pages and servlets. What I want to do is start an action when the user clicks a button and then present updates on the progress of this action. The action can take anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes to complete, so I...

How to implement an Enterprise-grade JavaScript "framework" for web designers?

I have been tasked with improving the current mess that is our JavaScript "strategy"; we're an online shopping company and my boss has given me time to do this properly. He is very keen on keepin this modular and increase the reusability of the components. Our HTML is being rendered with JSP and we have lots of custom tags writing out, ...

pass ResultSet from servlet to JSP

Hi I am doing the following in my SampleServlet.java //Fill resultset from db ..... try { ArrayList Rows = new ArrayList(); while (resultSet.next()){ ArrayList row = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i <= 7 ; i++){ row.add(resultSet.getString(i)); } Rows.add(row); } reques...

Is it possible to use JSP/JSTL to generate dynamic css/javascript files?

If so how do you do this? (jboss/tomact embedded/jdk 1.5) not embedded js/css but an actual file... ...

Is it possible to use EL inside page directives?

I have some static html content (included on a dynamically generated page) that I want to localize, i.e., help-en.html, help-fr.html and so on. In the JSP file where it is to be included I have a bean userLocale which is a string containing "en", "fr" and so on. Thus a reasonable way to refer to the localized file would be: help-${user...

ArrayList to Table in JSP

I have an ArrayList and i am trying to display it in a table ..... ArrayList rows = .... ..... <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" border="3"> <tr> <TH> Heading1 </TH> <TH> Heading2 </TH> <TH> Heading3 ...

JSP exception - class not found (tomcat)

I'm setting up an existing application on a new Tomcat 5.5 server connecting to a Postgres database (running on Debian Lenny). When I access it I get a series of stack traces with the following root cause: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.sql.SQLClientInfoException org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappC...

How to Pack/Encrypt/Unpack/Decrypt a bunch of files in Java?

I'm essentially trying to do the following on a Java/JSP-driven web site: User supplies a password Password is used to build a strongly-encrypted archive file (zip, or anything else) containing a text file as well as a number of binary files that are stored on the server. It's essentially a backup of the user's files and settings. Lat...

Is it possible to use a JSP as a template for a servlet?

I've been intermixing JSPs and Servlets in the web app I'm building and I'm starting to find that my more complex JSPs end up containing a lot of code, which flies in the face of all the MVC lessons that have been pounded into me. I know I can do this by just forwarding to the JSP, but this seems like a stupid hack. What I'd like to do...

Evaluate dynamically constructed JSP at runtime

I have a requirement where in the JSP page itself is created by the user and stored in the database. When viewing results we need to render this JSP to the client, evaluating all tags inside this JSP. I am aware that it is doable as OpenCMS and Blogger both implement this functionality. But, I just can't find the right way. Any pointer...

Setting the default value in Struts2

Hi all, I am setting the value(kind of default value) for a drop down select value from action class in a page(given below). When the page loads the value is beig displayed but the other elements of the dropdown list is not displayed. here is the code. Inside the action class if(getTypeId() == null){ String typeId = request.getPa...

session transfer issue from Tomcat to ASP.Net

Hello everyone, I am using Tomcat to host JSP and using IIS 7.0 to host aspx (C# + .Net 3.5 + VSTS 2008), and I have some session transfer issue from JSP page to ASPX page. JSP page is in one domain and all other aspx pages are in another domain. The issue is, I can not transfer session from aspx web page A to aspx web page B. I want to...

Can't connect to MySQL database from tomcat

Hey, I'm getting this error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up. I'm just trying to connect to the database. With this code <%@page import="java.sql.*"%> <% try{ // Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); C...