
Read User Input from Tomcat startup

I have a Tomcat application that requires multiple passwords on startup. My current configuration uses a Java Properties object to load in the passwords from a password.conf file. There's now a requirement that no passwords are allowed in 'the clear' on the system. I had suggested encrypting the password file, but this isn't an option. ...

JSPX namespaces not visible for EL functions?

I'm attempting to use JSPX (pure XML syntax for JSP) and running into what seems like it should work, but doesn't. I'm importing taglibs using namespace declarations in the jsp:root element, then using these later on for elements as well as EL functions: <jsp:root version="2.0" xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/ xmlns:c="urn:j...

accessing values in a map using c:out tag

hi there, trying to access a value from a map in a c:out tag but the following doesn't appear to be displaying any value. Here's the code: <c:out value=" letterForm.criteria.map['letterForm.criteria.type']" /> anyone have any ideas how to get the value from a map other than using the following code as it seems a bit inefficient as we ...

question regarding jsp page import and <jsp:useBean id

Hi I have a J2EE application which is working and I has the basic structure as APP |____login.jsp |____ other files/directories (several other directories and files required) |____WEB-INF |__classes |__top |___web (has more sub directories with class files) | ______NewDir |__login...

fetching values from map in jstl

Hi, I have the following code on my jsp page: <c:out value="${items}" /><br /> <c:forEach items="${items}" var="item"> 1. <c:out value="${item.key}" /><br /> 2. <c:out value="${item.key eq 70}" /><br /> 3. <c:out value="${items[70]}" /><br /> 4. <c:out value="${items[item.key]}" /><br /> </c:forEach> And it produc...

Validation HashMap->Radiobutton. Struts2.

Hi at all I have another problem! :) I have a hashmap linked on jsp with a radiobutton. When I check a radio, my hashmap is populated with the param that I spec on the tag. Now I want to validate the check on radiobutton. How can I make this? Is possible with the annotations? I have just found a solution, using an another list. But...

How to disable single radio button on JSFX page?

I have a customer who created an Oracle ADF/JSF 1.1 application. On one of the pages they have a table with first column as an enabled mutually exclusive radio buttons. I had to enhance the page and add the total line with disabled radio button. How can I disable it in Bean class or on the page without using JavaScript? I've tried to ...

How do I determine where a JSTL expression variable (pageContext attribute) originated in IDEA?

We've got an app that makes heavy use of JSTL expressions and custom taglibs, which means our pageContext attributes could have been set just about anywhere. How do I go about determining where they originated? Consider something like: <c:out value="${ myObject['SOME_KEY'] }" /> I need to know where myObject came from -- how did it ma...

jsp:text losing whitespace inside tagx

Trying to use JSPX and running into a strange problem. Text inside jsp:text is supposed to not be subject to whitespace removal, according to the JSP documentation, but when I have a jsp:text element with leading whitespace in the beginning of a tagx file, when used in the jspx views, the leading whitespace disappears. I've done quite ...

ASP.NET => Spring Web Flow: How do I get up to speed fast?

I'm a long-time web developer who's been focusing on ASP.NET/C# for the past 5 years. For my final Masters in Software Engineering project, my team is working with a local company to build them an app using Spring Web Flow (as that's their current tech stack). I don't know the first thing about building web sites with Java. In fact th...

ASP.NET dll on .jsp page

Is it possible to build a .dll created from a class library in ASP.NET and use it's functionality on a .jsp page? I know how to create the .dll, but I am not very familiar with .jsp pages. If you could provide an example of the entire .jsp page, that would be great. Thanks! Edit: I guess what I'm trying to say is that I made a new pr...

How to get parameters from the URL with JSP

In JSP how do I get parameters from the URL? For example I have a URL www.somesite.com/Transaction_List.jsp?accountID=5 I want to get the 5. Is there a request.getAttribute( "accountID" ) like there is for sessions or something similar? ...

Hibernate : Java Application must be restarted for data to be realoaded.

I am programming a JSP/JSF Web application and currently using Hibernate (and MySQL) libraries. When I update data using my running application everything is working fine. Example : I modify a customer information Although if I change data manually or add an entry in MySQL manually, the change will not be effective on my application si...

tag library descriptor

This is Jsp page taglib : <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %> ERROR : HTTP Status 500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exc...

Design question - servlets, jsps, custom tags, html

Hi, I am new to servlets and jsps. I wanted to know what the best design would be for a sample problem I am trying to write code for. Here goes - I want to create a web site (www.example.com) that just lists the login history of every user (not any functionility any one wants but just an example for the sake of one). So there are two...

When trying to load an external image which does not exist, stop loading the image using a timeout.

Hi, I have got a JSP page which loads images dynamically. Now, I also have some "input" elements on this page such as a checkbox and select menus which are being created using a javascript module (creating a different styling for the input elements). My issue is, one of the images the page is trying to load does not exist on the extern...

How to stop further request execution from inside a taglib?

Basically, we want to create a taglib that can possibly forward request execution to another page, similar to <jsp:forward />. How can we prevent the rest of the JSP page from executing from within the taglib? ...

disable button Problem in jQuery

I have a form that trigger onsubmit a java script function like the following <form:form commandName="achievment" method="post" id="achievmentForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="disableButtons(this);" cssClass="validatable"> <input id="button1" type="submit" class="button" name="add" onclick="bCancel=false" value="إضافة" />...

handling servlet output in ajax

hi, i am new to java, my problem is i am sending a request to servlet from a jsp page ajax function the servlet process the data and returns a arraylist my question is how to handle the arraylist inside ajax and display it as a table in same jsp page. the code is function ajaxFunction ( ) { // var url= codeid.options[codeid.select...

Is there an easy way to compare two strings in a jsp?

I am creating a drop down list of all languages, with the language used when creating other info in the page as the default selected in the list: <select> <c:forEach items="${languages}" var="lang"> <c:choose> <c:when test="${lang}.equals(${pageLang})"> <option value="${lang}" selected>${lang}</option> </c:whe...