
Stumped. (C#, JSP)

So long story short, the company I work for, that is all about saving money, went from 1 service application, to 2 service web interfaces. They're not secure, have no cert's, not even over SSL...yet, they have a timeout associated with each interface. Which then breaks the page you're viewing, and you have to refresh IE, and then proceed...

how to generate a report from jsp in pdf format using jasper

In my application I can connect to a database and get an array resultset and using JSP code I can iterate through the array and can display the report in my webpage using HTML. I want that the generated report in my HTML webpage can be exported in PDF format and saved in some .pdf file. Please tell me how to implement such technique to...

Uploadify and JSP/Java servlet

I just started working with Uploadify with our Java/JSP Applications and for that I use a servlet instead of the upload.php to do the upload to the server. I was wondering if there is any servlet example ?? or anyone has additional info for those of us that use JSP instead of PHP? I follow the example but it doesn't seem to do anything...

setting up mod_jk on the Apache HTTP web server2.2.13

So I'm trying out JSP for the first time. I found a tutorial that details the installation of the tomcat server and the mod_jk Apache module, but it's a bit outdated. Right now, I've got everything installed and the mod_jk.so file in the modules folder, along with the corresponding loadModule line in the httpd.conf file. The tutorial tel...

convert integer(long) to double in jsp

Hi, i want to do arithmetic operation on jsp . I am using struts tag lib tag following is the code : <s:set name="value1" value ="%{0.0}" /> <s:set name="value2" value ="%{0.0}" /> <s:set name="percent" value ="%{0.0}" /> <s:iterator> <s:set name="value1" value ="%{#value1+ someIntegerValue1}" /> ...

Notify user about session timeout in J2EE

My requirement is to notity the use with a popup saying that the user session is about to time out in x seconds in case user does not perfrom any activity on the web page. Addition to this requirement is to decrement the value x seconds dynamically in the popup. The environment I use is J2EE. Please suggest. ...

How to implement the session compression in Java?

I was listening .Net Rocks! podcast (with Scott Hunter) where it was mentioned about session compression. I wonder how can I achieve the session compression in Java? ...

Database Relationship in JSP like Ruby-on-Rails

In ruby on rails we can specify many Database relations line belongs_to, has_many, and this make coding a lot simpler. But is there any such database relationship APIs that brings such coding ease to JSP. I'm pretty new to JSP. But you can relate any code with ROR. ...

ResultSet to Pagination

How do I convert Resultset object to a paginated view on a JSP? For example, this is my query and result set: pst = con.prepareStatement("select userName, job, place from contact"); rs = pst.executeQuery(); ...

Where can I find the tag library definition and source code for Sun's jsp tag?

In particular I want to view the Java source code implementation for <jsp:forward>, but clicking on the tag does not bring me to a TLD, but instead to an XSD. ...

Get content from JSPWriter

I would like to be able to extract the content already written to the JSPWriter in a custom tag (using the new SimpleTagSupport). Then I want to manipulate that content and then write it back out to the JSPWriter. In my company we are creating a set of custom tags that will encapsulate all html for a page - so we can be assured of corr...

About JSP and SIgned applets.

Here's the JSP page applet tags: <applet code="localfile" width=150 height=150> <param name="archive" value="localfile.jar"> </applet> Applet Code is: package locf; import java.applet.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; public class localfile extends Applet { @Override public void init() {} ...

validating xml file with dtd using jsp

Is there any way to validate an XML file with its DTD, using a JSP in Eclipse? If so, how can we do it? ...

about BEAN LAW in jsp

Hi I wanna know What is Bean law in JSP part as bean can not have constructor with arguments.When declaring bean object in java no-arg constructor of the bean will run. ...

glassfish error

SEVERE: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup failed for 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sample ' in SerialContext [Root exception is javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jdbc:mysql:] what to do to rectify? i am running jsp code in netbeans and i am using mysql as dbms ...

MySQL Connection Error with JSP

Hello, I am trying to connect to mysql database from jsp page. The connection code is as below InitialContext ic=new InitialContext(); DataSource ds=(DataSource)ic.lookup("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/"); Connection con=ds.getConnection(); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); when i open the page i get the foll...

how to retrieve multiple selected values from <select multiple > in java code ?

code is below: <select name="merTransactionTypeId" class="cbox" multiple> <!-- <option value="0" <%=request.getParameter("merTransactionTypeId")!=null?"0".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("merTransactionTypeId"))?"selected":"":""%>>All</option> --> <option value="2" <%=request.getParameter("merTransactionTypeId")!=null?"2...

Scriptlets over EL

Hi what is the advantage of using EL over scriptlets in JSP.EL is said to be scriptfree language ...

How to create a jsp Form with validation and mail form details to administrator?

Hi, I am new to JSP and related technologies. I need to write a JSP form with some required fields (including Captcha), the form will require validation. Upon successful submission of the form, it should be able to email to a stated email address which is grabbed/parsed from a .txt file. That is basically the flow. But technically how ...

Passing data from one page to other on click of a hyperlink

Hi All, I have a link, on click of which I have to got the next page, I'm giving the url for the link as http://localhost/test/controller?name=""&amp;image="url" Is there a way to pass the data without appending to the url on click of a link?Its normal a href. ...