
help neede for implementing a button action in html page

sir, problem analysis: when i m clicking a submit button of my html form the function related to the button is called and it does its work.after completing the work a mail notification is sent which is consuming too much time.after that a confirmation message is displayed on the same html (without using ajax i,e page is refreshed). my...

Disabling an HTML button while waiting for a result

When I am clicking a submit button on my HTML form, the function related to the button is called and it does its work. After completing the work a mail notification is sent which is consuming too much time. After that a confirmation message is displayed on the same HTML page (without using Ajax; i.e., the page is refreshed). I want to a...

Intercepting all request of one WEBAPP using JEE

I have a WEB Application deployed in Tomcat. I would like to intercept all the incoming requests - get or post and perform some task. I want to intercept calls from servlet, from JSP pages etc. So I created one web.xml file which looks like this one - <servlet> <description></description> <display-name>Transformer</display-nam...

Displaying a Graph structure in JSP

Hi there, I have a table in DB which holds child&parent relationships. Now i am trying to display this info in a jsp as a Graph (a single child can have multiple parents). May be i need to use recursive calls in jsp. has anyone come across this kind of work? any examples/pointers ? Thanks ...

accessing Spring MVC DI beans from jsp

Im bit confused so be patient if im trying to do something wrong : -) In some MVC frameworks you can call controller action from the view if you whish to execute some code and render some partial view. Im not sure what is the correct way to do it in Spring MV I want to have set of JSP templates. Some of them will be page layouts some o...

IE Back Button issue in jsp

i am having 2 jsp pages test1.jsp and test2.jsp on test1.jsp i am posting some data and it will redirected to test2.jsp . but from test2.jsp if i clicked ie browser back button then it is showing Webpage has Expired page so how shall i proceed to show test1.jsp on back button click? i am getting this issue in IE browser. ...

For some reason JSP documents output XML instead of HTML

OK, so I am trying to set up a simple JSF application. I'm using NetBeans 6.8, Glassfishv3 and Maven2. I made a JSP document like so: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <html xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"&gt; <f:view> <head> <title><h:outputText value="#{Welcome.title...

Eclipse extension point for attribute content in JSP editor (webtools)

I am trying to find extension point for providing custom attribute values in JSP editors, similar to org.eclipse.jdt.ui.javaCompletionProposalComputer in JDT. I looked at WST and JST documentation referenced at http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/documentation/, but found nothing. Is there such extension point, or some other way to provide...

how to call alert box using jsp

I am facing problem while calling the alert box. Can I know what is the procedure to call the box in JSP? My function is <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ufo.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function foon() { alert("Sorry! you are not a valid user!! click here to go back to login!!!"); history.ba...

What is .jspf file extension? How to compile it?

Hi I like to know what are .jspf files in JSP? As I know the compiler will look for .jsp files to compile then how does the .jspf files are compiled? ...

Having multiple links go to the same page, but do seperate functions.

Is there a way to have multiple links go to one blank page, but the each of the different links display a seperate query on the page instead of having seperate pages to do it, or am I asking to much. I am do this with JSP pages. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. ...

set var value from input field value

Hi! I started short time ago with JSP, JSTL, HTML and JavaScript so here is my problem: I need to set the value of a var the value of an input hidden. Other option is if it possible to compare using <c:if test="...."> the value of a variable that I sent with the request with the value of the hidden input. Thanks. Update I've been ...

difference between eq and == in JSP

What is the difference, if any, between the keyword 'eq' and the operator '==' in JSP Expression Language? In code, what is the difference between: <c:if test="${var1 eq var2}">some code</c:if> and <c:if test="${var1 == var2}">some code</c:if> ...

Whats the best way to pass values from an html page to a java class?

Hello I have a project that needs to be changed.. right now i have a web page that posts to a jsp that calls a servlet that calls a "backend" using Tomcat. I need to get take Tomcat off the scene. What i want is when i POST, it calls directly the "backend" Any suggestions on how can i accomplished that? Thanks Rev ...

Using variables in JSTL param.

Is there any way to specify a variable as a parameter name in JSTL, i.e: <c:set var='myVar' value='dynamicParameterName' /> <c:out value='${param.(dynamicParameterName)}' /> ...

I never really understood: what is CGI?

CGI is a Comman Gateway Interface. As the name says, it is a "common" gateway interface for everything. It is so trivial and naive from the name. I feel that I understood this and I felt this every time I encountered this word. But frankly, I didn't. I'm still confused. I am a PHP programmer. I did lot of web development. user (clien...

How to get the url of the client

I'm sending the request from Display.jsp to TrialShow.jsp page, but whenever I call ${pageContext.request.requestURL} in TrialShow JSP page, I'm getting http://localhost:8081/newjsp1/TrialShow.jsp as an output. How can I display http://localhost:8081/newjsp1/Display.jsp in TrialShow JSP page? ...

how to display query result in multiple pages

in my application the jsp is calling the method to fetch records from database.the method returns an array and using for loop the array values are displayed using jsp technology in the html page. if suppose the array length is 100 then 100 records are displayed on the same page.i want that 20 records should be displayed on the page and u...

ready made forum,chat and PM soutions in java/jsp

I want a ready made jsp/java application that contains forums,chat and IM>I want to modify it according to my needs Can anyone suggest me? ...

JSP - Expecting "jsp:param" standard action with "name" and "value" attributes

Hi, I am using struts1.1. When i redirect to one jsp file, i got the following exception. I cannot figure out where the error is. org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /jsp/jobcard/JobCardAdd.jsp(908,3) Expecting "jsp:param" standard action with "name" and "value" attributes at org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.jspError(D...