
Overwriting variables in JSP/JSTL

I have the following code: <c:forEach items="${mergeList}" var="sublist" varStatus="index"> <c:forEach items="${sublist}" var="item" varStatus="row"> So my intention is to display each 'item' in a list. When the user does click over a row, open a floating window with the full item description. I set the variables with ...

conditional check in c:if always fails

The c:if test always fails for me and it never gets inside the loop. I am using the following namespaces xmlns:fn="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" The string ('array') to be split is "Tom and Jerry are GAP1 friends" <s:decorate template="/layout/display-text.xhtml"> <c:set var="arra...

What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP?

Is JSP = Servlet? And JSF = Pre-build UI based JSP (like asp.net web control)? ...

New line after every tag in eclipse when editing jsp files

When auto-formatting JSP files in Eclipse using Ctrl+Shift+F, it is trying to fit as many tags on a line as possible and then the tag that doesn't fit it will break and place the attributes on the next line. This is created very messy code, example below. <div class="type-text"><label for="echo">Project Name: </label> <s:textfi...

How to access request in JspTags?

I want to call request.getContextPath() inside a JSP tag which extends SimpleTagSupport, is there any way to do it? ...

how to disable the toolbar during the onload??

i disabled the toolbar during the onload but it s going as an infinite loop....i dont want this to happen..... i dont want to use another jsp page. can someone help me out.... ...

Best practice for referencing Java inside my JSPs

Hi, I'm asking for some opinions on referencing Java code (in my case an enum value) in a JSP. I currently have conditional logic in my JSP like: <c:if test="${actionBean.order.status eq 'complete'}"> show some stuff </c:if> Now, 'complete' is a value associated with an enum in my codebase. Would it be better to reference th...

Servlet post request logging to Eclipse console

I'm writing my first JEE application, using EJBs, Servlet, JSPs and the likes. I'm using JBOSS 4.2 AS and Eclipse as and IDE, including tasks like starting and stopping the server. What I can't understand is that while logging instructions inside a jsp, like: <% System.out.println("Log this!"); %> log as expected, both in Eclipse c...

preserve search criteria in jsp page

I have a JSP page which display a list from servlet, it has a textbox which is used to filter the search result. I am selecting a item in the list (table) and redirecting to another page for editing the details after finishing the editing. I am able to come back to the search page via servlet, but I am unable to preserve the search condi...

Custom WEB MVC for a leagacy JEE project

Hi all, I am in the middle of creating my own custom MVC web framework for a project.This project has very old code base where one JSP page directly submits a form to another JSP whereas the paths are also hardcoded. Now it is a big project and putting Struts or JSF will take considerable amount of time. So my suggestion is to build a sm...

Tiles 2.2.1 configuration

I have used Tiles 2.1, but in version 2.2 configuration has changed, but sadly their documentation seems to be very confusing*, at least for me. And their example project download link is not working. http://tiles.apache.org/framework/tutorial/configuration.html ...

cross site scripting in JavaScript

I am trying to resolve a cross site scripting exception in my code. I'm getting an XSS error at line where I was using JSP expression inside a JS code ex: inside a JS function function ex(){ ..... var loc = '<%= location.getLocDetails()>'; ..... } Please let me know, if you have any solution/workaround? Note: location.ge...

How to get a swf name of a DOMElement object?

Now I have detect a swf url and DOMElement object in a webpage , but I still want to know the swf name , I think that the name is not regular using url, and the name will using the DOMElement , but How to get the name of it ? Just like this method : - (id)sb_initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame pluginPackage:(id)pack URL:(id)url baseURL:(id)ba...

Prevent access to java web application other than localhost

Hi, I have a web application running in jetty. I have to provide a configuration, like when the flag is set true access should be granted to users access the web application through ip instead of localhost. If the flag is not set to true, then the request other than localhost should be denied. How to do this? Thanks. ...

What is the analog of jsp .tag-files in jsf or how to avoid coping and pasting jsf/facelets code?

I think the title is clear enough so I only add an example of typical situation. First block of code: <div id="mailpanel"> <h:panelGroup id="sendmailpane" styleClass="sendmailpane" layout="block" rendered="#{userReports.reportRendered}"> <o:inputTextarea promptText="#{msg['mail.listrules']}" promptTextStyl...

using groovyxmlslurper from EL in JSP

I've been tasked with creating a JSP tag that will allow developers to pass a URI to an xml document, and have an object returned that can be navigated using EL. I have been using groovy and grails quite a bit so I thought of trying something like rval = new XmlSlurper().parseText(myXml); and throwing that into the request so that b...

JSP page not reading submitted for values

I am working on the front end of a jsp based app. We're using spring running on weblogic. I have a page with a form that submits to itself and I am trying to access the values of hidden fields that I set with javascript. <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="choosenDateFrom" value="test1" /> <input type="hidden" name="...

What are implicit objects ?What does it mean?

Whenever I study JSP and Servlets I come across word implicit objects, what does the term mean? How they are called in my program without instantiating objects? Who instantiates implicit objects? Please elaborate? Thanks ...

Are JSP and Servlet container same?

I like to know JSP and Servlet container are same? Which are they? Is only one container responsible for calling Service methods of both? Than why do we call Jsp container and Servlet container? ...

Using $request.session.setAttribute to store a dropdown's setting

I'm trying to store a drop-down's setting that's controlling how many items to display in a roster. How do I go about doing this? The dropdown is using onChange to sort the results of the roster. ...