
How to show a client-side message with Java JSF/Tobago?

I have a web application created with JSF and Tobago. The user types some date into a sheet and clicks a button (all within one sheet-row). Now my java class checks whether the data is correct or not. In case there are some problems, I would like to show up something like a messagebox containing the errormessage. I cannot use something ...

Expression Language in jsp not working

Hi I am new to jsp and using Expression language.I am using Eclipse Galileo with version 2.5 and tomcat6 server . I just want to ask that my simple expression language is not printing the vale like if i write ${1>2} which suppose to give false but it is displaying ${1>2} only when it renders the page. But when i am using <c:out value="$...

Unable to pass none string parameters to TAG files

Hi I'm using JBOSS 4.0.2 with JSP 2.0. I have created a TAG file with the following directives: <%@ attribute name="id" required="true" %> <%@ attribute name="upgradeAccount" type="com.upc.domain.UpgradeAccountData" %> However, when I try to pass an object of type UpgradeAccountData to the tag as a parameter it is always resolved as...

How can recognize user selected which ones?

Hi, I have two list on my request on jsp. First one is productGroupName, and the second is products. Now, I show these like below. <html:form action="/priceOrder"> <table width="100%" id="tableStyle" style="font: message-box;padding: 20px;"> <logic:iterate id="productGroups" name="productGroup"> <tr> <td> ...

How to use ExternalDirectory Resource

How to use External Directory to Store Images. And how i access that images thru my Web application ? I am using Jboss as an application Server. Web application is in Java,Jsp. Presently images stored in WAR file. After google i got the solution C:\jboss-4.0.0\server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat55.sar\server.xml Then restart ...

Is the "c" prefix required in JSTL <c:forEach>?

I am studying JSTL part of JSP, I have a question about the <c:forEach> loop tag. Is that c prefix required? Does it indicate any specification? ...

My jsp not getting refreshed

I have a jsp page in which i pass information to 2nd page where i display info in 2nd page using the info passed from the ist page.The problem arises when i use the browser back button.How can i make my browser back button to have updated and refreshed data ...

Asp.Net, PHP, JSP What other popular languages for HTML pages generation are there?

Asp.net, php, jsp What other popular (used alot in production) languages for HTML pages generation are there? ...

Google Map Coords escaping - Resolved

This is the problem: 45°38'14.07" How can escape it (Struts action read an XLS that made a string. This string is the param of array in js). Or without escaping.. how can I use it? ...

Where does Struts a controller redirect when a form validation fails?

Does it redirect to the value in input attribute in the action element of struts-config file? How can we set the flag redirect="true" for the forward when validation fails? ( So that the url of page being redirected to, is shown in the browser instead of html:form action url. ) ...

Custom tag - get access to data in model?

I am creating a custom JSP tag by extending SimpleTagSupport. Normally in the view, I could do something like <c:out value="${key.attr}" /> using jstl to pull data from the model. My question is: when creating custom tags (by using SimpleTagSupport), how do I gain access to the data from the model? Thanks. Just to clarify, I need a c...

JSP compilation fails on Weblogic 10.3 but works on Weblogic 10

I have below piece of code in one my JSP <%@ page language="java" import = "import com.ecc.SiteAdmin.servlets.*" %> This file compiles and works fine on Weblogic 10 with Sun JDK 5, but fails with below message on Weblogic 10.3 with JRockit 6 SiteAdminLogin.jsp:1:36: No type with this name could be found at this location. <%@ pag...

MUlti Language support in JSP/Servlet

How to provide multi language support through JSP/Servlet? How to include static data of different languages at run time on basis of language selected? ...

How to properly declare in a JSF page that an object is present in the sesion object with a given type?

I have a legacy JSF 1.0 application (using JSP, not facelets) which I have now migrated from MyEclipse to Eclipse 3.5 JEE, and I get a lot of errors from code similar to the following: <f:view locale="#{foo.connection.langLocale}"> where the problem is that "foo" is explicitly inserted in the session object from Java code, and not inj...

Determine target URL within login page using Forms authentication with WebLogic

I have an application running under WebLogic that is using standard forms authentication. The login page is a JSP that presents the login form that will post to j_security_check. So as you would expect, when a user tries to access a page but is not yet authenticated, they will be redirected to the login.jsp. My question is, how can I ...

What is the best approach for handling a complex form in html?

I need to implement a webform (JSP, struts) featuring loads of checkboxes and textfields. Basically I have a tree made of checkboxes which has to be extendable (like adding a new node). On another page the same data is used, but refined. So you add again child nodes to the mentioned data structure using textboxes etc. I can describe the ...

Feed rendered jsp pages through htmltidy

I have a Java project running on Glassfish that renders some ugly looking HTML. Its a side effect from using various internal and external JSP libraries. I would like to set up some sort of post-render filter that would feed the final HTML through HTMLTidy so that the source is nice and neat to aid debugging. Is this possible? Is there ...

What is a jsp tag?

I'm coming from a .net background and trying to learn java. I keep seeing references to Tags and Tag Handlers, etc. Is there an equivalent .NET Construct? ...

Integrating Seam app with flash file uploader

Hello! I have a seam app and would like to use the MultiPowUploader (http://www.element-it.com/multiple-file-upload/flash-uploader.aspx). They give some processing script files (.asp, .aspx, .php), including a .jsp. One should define a flashvar parameter with the relative path of the script. When I try to upload, I get the following err...

Does spring form taglib disabled attribute really have to resolve to a string?

I've been playing around with the spring form taglib lately and came across a fairly disturbing phenomenon. <form:select path="whatever" disabled="${true}"> Will render a select element that is NOT disabled <form:select path="whatever" disabled="${'true'}"> Will render a select element that IS disabled. This indicates to me that t...