
trying to get a query to use the LIKE function with a variable in JSP

I have a query that is being used to pull usernames and info about the user. In Access I had the LIKE function so that the user didn't have to type in a specific name. I am now transferring it over to JSP. Here is the line in the query that I am having troubles with in JSP: WHERE ObjectName Like '" + "%"+ VariableName + "%" +"'; The q...

Use <c:forEach> with HashMap

I have a java class that sets an servlet attribute to a HashMap object: request.setAttribute("types", da.getSecurityTypes()); where request is an HttpServletRequest Object, and da.getSecurityTypes() returns a HashMap Object. Is there a way to go through the HashMap collection using c:foreach or some other JSTL tags? I was thinking: ...

silently call a dynamic JSP page with jQuery and pass URL variables to that page

I want to call a dynamic JSP page and pass data to it so it will run a query on my database and then return a set of results. I would like to do this without a visible page refresh. So in essence i want to pass two parameters to the dynamic page, policyID and columnID. These will vary depending on which tab (policyId) is active and wh...

what programming language to learn, php, asp.net or jsp?

Possible Duplicates: Which Programming Language Should I Learn? Best language to learn (for a solo web designer looking to program) Is there a general guideline of which dynamic programming language to choose to start with? ...

Translating JSP VisualForce

Hello, I'm new to VisualForce, as you will obviously recognize by the following. How would one convert a jsp page into an apex page? I've included some of the most common code that I will have to deal with and need the apex equivalent. I cannot find a decent tutorial or howto and I'm not having too much luck from the VisualForce devel...

html report in jsp

My client have given me a HTML template for billing and I have to incorporate in my ongoing JSP/Servlet project. It is a raw HTML file and the output should be exactly same with page breaks and so on. It has one header table and one details table like our normal invoice. Any idea how to display the details in the report from Servlet/JSP?...

forEach tag having problem

Hi All i am facing a problem while using the forEach for iteration i am giving the complete code please tell me whats wrong with this. index.jsp <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/ht...

CSS in JSPX format.

Hi, I have some strange issue with CSS file.(I think) I have written CSS definition inside .jspx with custom tags, and they are working fine when the pages are being tested on Tomcat localhost. However, when I uploaded pages to my web hosting company, all the web page format gets screwed up. I am not sure why this is happening and wh...

How can I call a JSP 2.0 *.tag file from a traditional JSP custom tag?

I have written a JSP custom tag, implemented in a class that extends TagSupport, and I'd like to invoke another custom tag that was written as a *.tag file. Is this possible? If so, how can it be done? ...

How to get EL (Expression Language) content assist (autocomplete) in JSP / JSP Tags in Eclipse?

Is there a way, via configuration, upgrade or a plugin to get content assist in JSP EL expressions? e.g. ${CTRL+SPACE ... or ${pageContext.CTRL+SPACE ... etc... ...

How to create a Macro/Snippet/HTML Fragment/Named section in JSP without using tags/includes/JSPFragments?

This might be a very newbie question, but I didn't find anything satisfying I want to do somethign like this in JSP (out of the box preferably): e.g. in a file called products.jsp an imaginary implementation that explains what I want <x:named-segment name="product"> Product: <strong>${product.name}</strong> <br/> price: ${pr...

JSP with Struts 1.2 from a velocity user

Hi All, We have a mature application running struts 1.2 and velocity and I need to covert a page from a vm to a jsp. So I modified my struts-config to change the forward to a new JSP file and in the JSP I try to display some data assigned to the form bean but all the form properties show empty in the JSP. When I look at the form itself...

[h || rich]:dataTable not iterating over all objects

Hello I have a java backing bean which has a method (call it getDataList()) which returns an ArrayList<MyType>. In MyType.java I have a load of setters and getters all of which either assign Strings or String[]s. An example instantiation assigns 4 objects to the ArrayList, containing (among other) the following data: fid = 1 ftid =...

Defining a class in a JSP

Please don't punch me in the face! I know this flies in the face of good design, but I'm simply writing a test page to demonstrate something. Our webapp module (correctly) has no direct access to our domain classes. I don't want to create a whole class outside of the JSP, since the page is just for demonstration purposes, and I don't wan...

Display results from solr with JSP

Hi, I am trying to work out the best way to display solr results in JSP. I am a bit new to JSP but it seems as if there are a whole bunch of ways of doing it e.g. Hibernate, Spring MVC, JSP page itself, struts. It would be great to find out if anyone has any experience with consuming Solr or XML and which of the above solutions is th...

Displaying limited number of records in jsp

Ii have a txt file which contains 2000 rows of data. I want to retrive this data and dispaly in a table form, but i want show some 20-30 records per page and rest numbering the pages like in google. How do you achieve this in jsp. ...

JSTL fmt tag does not work in IE?

IE seems to ignore the fmt tag in JSTL. I've tried with fmt:formatNumber and fmt:formatDate, and neither work in IE but they work in all other browsers. (I'm using IE8 and JSTL 1.1) Is this a known problem? Here's an example of code that doesn't work: <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" %> <fmt:formatNumber ...

Dynamically generate Javascript with JSP in IE

I try to do something like that 1. <head><% out.println("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); out.println("function myfunction(){"); out.println("for(int i=0;i<10;i++){"); out.println("alert(message+i);"); out.println("}}"); out.println("</script></head>"); %> and use it like that <body><input type="button" value="abcd" onclick="myfu...

calling method of class in jsp using jsp tags

Class Foo { public String currentVersion() { return "1.2"; } } need to call currentVersion class method from jsp using tag library? where currentversion is not getter or setter method ,it is just a class method. ...

including style sheet in a jsp page with Spring MVC

I am having trouble linking to a style sheet from a jsp page. I believe it has something to do with my directory structure which is: WEB-INF |-- css | |-- main.css | |-- jsp |-- login.jsp I have tried various forms of the standard html link tag such as: <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" medi...