
question on <html:multibox>?

I have a JSP where data is shown by use of a for:each loop. In this loop I have a multibox tag which will display checkboxes next to each corresponding row. A user will have the ability to select all or a few or none of the checkboxes and click print. JSP PAGE LOOK :-- MULTIBOX PERSONNAME INVITATIONLIST ------------- ------------------...

Java: Static string array on server side class

I want to keep a static string array to save variables passed from the client when it calls the server, and then to be able to access them from the client with a getter. for some reason i can only get very basic type (int instead of Integer for instance) to work, everything else throws a null pointer exception. here is a code snippet. ...

How to make fmt:setLocale work on fmt:formatNumber with only language code in JSP?

Hello, I'm trying to localize currency on my JSP web application, problem is when I ask for locale, I only get language code ("en") instead of full language and country code ("en_US"). Problem with this is, formatNumber doesnt work when setLocale's value doesn't contain language and country code. I can solve it by checking for locale la...

Cannot find tag library discriptor error: displaytag & spring

I get three errors in 2 of my .jsp pages namely: Line 1: <%@ taglib prefix="spring" uri="/spring" %> Errror message: Can not find the tag library descriptor for "/spring" Line 2: <%@ taglib uri="http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/" prefix="display" %> Error message: Multiple annotations found at this line: - Can not find the t...

how to integrate jquery fullcalendar with jsp

events: [ { title: 'All Day Event', start: new Date(2010,2,13) }, { title: 'Long Event', start: new Date(y, m, d-5), end: new Date(y, m, d-2) } ] How to make this array in JSP after getting data from database? ...

How do I pass information from a servlet to a JSP page

Is it possible to have a servlet that contains an object (an ArrayList in this case) that then does the equivalent of displaying a jsp page and passing that object to the jsp page. In this case the ArrayList contains database results an I want to iterate through and display the results on the JSP page. I am not using any MVC framework, ...

Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet

Suppose I am having three dropdownlist controls named dd1, dd2 and dd3. The value of each dropdownlist comes from database. dd3's value depends upon value of dd2 and dd2's value depends on value of dd1. Can anyone tell me how do I call servlet for this problem? ...

JavaScript removes slash from JSP variable

Have JSP variable ${remoteFolder} It's value is \\file-srv\demo Use jQuery embedded in this JSP. jQuery resolves ${remoteFolder} variable as \file-srvdemo ,i.e. one slash is removed. How to remain initial value of this var? edited: when ${remoteFolder} is used inside form tag, that it resolved OK. edited2: JS part of JSP, slashes ...

Can you call a servlet with a link

Can you call a servlet with a link (i.e. link text And possibly pass parameters to the request object by adding them to the querystring. If not, I have seen this kind of thing: RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(/MyServlet); dispatcher.include(request,response); But how would I trigger ...

"someVariable cannot be resolved" error indicated in Eclipse for an included JSP

So I have a main JSP index page, "index.jsp", which has several includes. Something like, <%@ include file="/WEB-INF/views/includes/jstl/include.jsp" %> <%@ include file="/WEB-INF/views/includes/licenses/license.jsp" %> <%@ include file="/WEB-INF/views/includes/generalHtml/header.jsp" %> <%@ include file="/WEB-INF/views/includes/navigat...

Android and JSP - Working with objects

Hello everybody. I'm a student trying to dive into the world of "complex web-enabled applications" for Android. I had good tries making Android applications that call php functions, have JSON or XML responses and results, serialize objects and so on... It really can work for simple projects, IMHO. For projects that require an increased...

How can I convert a velocity expression to JSP?

I have a page which I'm converting from Velocity to JSP. I have some complex expressions which I can't figure out how to convert to JSTL el language. #set ($col = 0) #foreach ($hour in $form.bean.grid.hours) $hour.cells.get($col).hourOfDay #set ($col = $col + 1) #end Hour is an object which contains a cell which contains a list....

Why use JSP/Servlets?

I have done a lot of web development using PHP (both procedural and OO). I have in the last few years been involved in Java development (not JSP and Servlets) for embedded systems. I am pretty proficient using Java SE and have recently scored a nice web dev job. I am thinking of developing this site using JSP and Servlets but this is str...


At my technologies crossroads and would like to hear some words of wisdom or tales of caution. I am on the verge of assembling a development team and all things are set save my controller layer - which way should I proceed..? I personally am an experienced Java programmer and would certainly never even consider ASP (ever) but, would cert...

how to identify the radio button in javascript

I am creating a dynamic table in which each row has a group of radio buttons placed in different columns. I want to change the cell background color when a radio button is clicked.I am constructing the table using the code snippet below. How to identify the radio button in javascript, so that I can set the cell with an appropriate backgr...

Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet

Hello,i just started using Uploadify flash plugin instead of standard HTML UI. And met the next problem: when I click "Upload Files" link,that progress is shown and "completed" status is appeared, but in reality - it didn't happened anything,Java Servlet isn't called from backend. There is upload servlet and uploading performed next way ...

chat application using jsp and servlets

I am developing chat appliction using jsp and servlets. Can anyone tell me, what are the possiblities to notify the administrator (trigger events in administrator account), when the client hits the "Startchat " button? ...

How to maintain track of a url

Hi, I am working in a struts application.Now suppose wants to access the page abc.do without active session right now I am asking the user to login to the app and he will login and go to the home page(index.jsp) I check whether he is logged in using an action class. Now imagine there are three pages abc.do bca.do cba.do All of these ...

How to get a random number in JSTL?

I would like to get something like the next code generated in JSTL <c:choose> <c:when test="${random number is even}"> <div class="redlogo"> </c:when> <c:otherwise> <div class="greenlogo"> </c:otherwise> </c:choose> Thanks in advanced ...

How do you display an array of objects using JavaBeans in JSP

public class Controller implements Serializable { private Admin[] users; private String[] names; public String[] getNames() { names = new String[] {"Joseph", "Lawson", "Shylet", "Norest"}; return names; } public Admin[] getUsers() { List<Admin> usersList = retrieve(); users = new Admin[usersList.size()]; int z = ...