
Including Applet in JSP page

I wrote an Applet program which draws a pie chart. The values for the applet should be passed from JSP page. I wrote the following lines of code in JSP: <jsp:plugin type="applet" code="drawPie" codebase="." width="750" heigth="300"> <jsp:params> <jsp:param name="user_id" value="<% =user %>"/> </jsp:params> </j...

onclick of a link get the list and display using display tag in struts

Hi All, I have link on click of which i want to get the entire list from database and display using display tag.I don't have any problem in using display tag (displaytag).,But i am not getting how would get the complete list on click of a hyperlink in struts. As on clicking the link i am moving to a jsp and having a display tag where i...

How can I go through a Set in JSP? (Hibernate Associations)

Hi All, So I am pretty new to JSP. I have tried this a few ways. Ways that would make sense in PHP or automagicy frameworks... I am probably thinking too much in fact... I have a hibernate one to many association. That is class x has many of class y. In class x's view.jsp. I would like to grab all of class y, where the foreign key of y ...

How to implement a session mechanism or How to generate a unique indentify for each user in the same corporation?

Most session are based on cookies,like php/jsp But as for mobile devices,there are quite a few that doesn't support cookies. How to generate a unique indentify for each user in the same corporation that uses the same IP address? ...

display tag scope issue with pagination

Hi All, I am using display tag for pagination ,i am reading the list from request scope and displaying it,i have kept the page size as 1 and the list hast 4 values,if i press next i get nothing to display this is the case with request scope but not with session scope how can i tackle this problem? ...

Parse XML file using JSP/JavaBean, deployed in WAR

I have a JavaBean that reads and processes an XML file. The XML file lives in the WEB-INF/ folder in my application. A JSP file uses the JavaBean to pass it the XML file name using the setProperty method, and uses the context path to do so. This works fine in my local development environment, but when deployed as a WAR on our test envir...

Java seeking referer

I am using Struts and Java. The problem is that I have a page with some results. The user can click an item and edit it. I want after editing the user to be able to return back to the results. Back isn't broken but if he submits the form for update he would have to click back 2 times I think and may have problem. I have tried header("Re...

How can I parse a URL using JSP/JSTL?

I want to capture the base path of a given url http://mydomain.com/mypath/coolpath/favoritepath/file.htm so basically i just want this: /mypath/coolpath/favoritepath/ Any ideas how to do this without using straight Java? ...

How to create web service client in a .jsp page?

I have created a WSDL for my web service. I would like to know how to call it from a jsp page from my another web application. I would like to call the web service from the jsp.. for example considering i have very simple web service which would display back the text entered in my index.jsp page after clicking submit, how would I use th...

java httpclient post

I have a question about how to allow my jsp page to issue a post command to the server, and still have the browser fallow the re direction of the posted page. Here are the code snipets: code that does the post (this is inside a jsp file): HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); client.getParams().setParameter("SUBMITTED", "submit...

Corect syntax to pass get request parameter value by using EL

I'm trying to pass value by using EL expression in get request parameter, but I'm getting empty value of request parameter whenever I click on that URL. Could anyone please tell me the correct syntax? <c:forEach var="message" items="${requestScope.inboxmessage}" varStatus="messageCount" > <a href="just.do?value="+${messageCount.cou...

How to read attachment messages without using scriptlets in JSP?

Hi, I want to know how can I read attachment messages without using scriplets in JSP? After getting Message object as an attribute by using request object from servlets, how can I confirm whether Message content is an instance of Multipart or not without using scriplets like: if(message.getContent() instanceOf Multipart) How can I r...

Why can't I wrap the ServletRequest when trying to capture JSP output

I am trying to dispatch in a servlet request handler to the JSP processor and capture the content of it. I am providing wrapper instances for the ServletRequest and ServletResponse, they implement the corresponding HTTPServletRequest/-Response interfaces, so they should be drop-in replacements. All methods are currently passed to the or...

JSP page within GWT frame

i have created a gwt application in which i need to display a series of jsp pages. the jsp pages are present inside a gwt frame which itself is present within a Tabpanel. Now i need to close the tab panel automatically as soon as the user enters the value in any jsp page and submit it. Can anyone suggest me any possible solution as to ho...

Converting a Table in Oracle Database into an XML file

Hi, I need to create XML file, given a table/view in the Database. The actual requirement would be: The code has to get the table/view name as input parameter, read the schema of the same, create a corresponding XML file with the same structure as that of the table/view, and load the XML with the data of the table/view. Language preferr...

Can I call a local user program in JSP?

Is there a way to invoke a local program in JSP? for example, to add a button to a jsp page, and when the user press the button the windows calculator app will be opened. Thanks ...

looking for a video conference solution that supports recording and can be operated from a browser

Hello, I'm looking for a product that can: 1) allows users to have a video conference (picture + sound) 2) can be embedded in a jsp web page 3) supports video recording which can also be operated from the browser The product may be commercial (or open source). Thanks, Yael ...

How can you check if a file exists before including/importing it in JSP?

Assuming that requestScope.importMe is expecting a path to a jsp file <c:choose> <c:when test="${!empty requestScope.importMe && fileExists(requestScope.importMe) }"> <c:import url="${requestScope.importMe}" /> ... How can I check if the file exists before trying to include it so that an error is not thrown? I'd like to ...

How to get the compression ratio for a GZipped file ?

Here is how I compressed the data: <%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.*,java.io.*,java.util.zip.*" %> <% String encodings = request.getHeader("Accept-Encoding"); PrintWriter outWriter = null; if ((encodings != null) && (encodings.indexOf("gzip") != -1)) { OutputStream outA = response.getOutputStream(); outWriter = new PrintWriter(...

JSP load external php not using iFrames

I have a bit of an issue with a site I maintain. I have been asked to add a report to a page that sits in a jsp page. The reporting information comes from a MySQL database. The problem is to connect the jsp to the database would require added functions to code that I do not have the original source of. I thought about redoing all the db ...