
how to save the form values ,when user accidentally goes to next page.

I am looking out for a better logic to save the form values entered by user, as the user accidently traverse to nextpage by clicking submit button.when he clicks on back button , the values should exist.please let me know your thoughts. ...

How to restrict a JSP hit counter?

I am writing a hit counter in JSP, for my coursework. I have write the code, and there is not error and its working, but the problem is that: if the user have open the website and try to use different page, whenever that the user goes back to the home page the counter still is adding a number, how can I restrict this part? shall restrict...

Java servlet and JSP accessing the same session bean

Let's say I have simple Login servlet that checks the passed name and creates User object and stores it in a session. User user = new User(); user.setId(name); request.getSession().setAttribute("user", user); response.sendRedirect("index.jsp"); In the index.jsp page I access the user object through jsp:useBean <jsp:useBean id="user"...

Generating an xml document: JSP or Servlet ?

This [servlet or jsp] must return an XML document [for future processing by my web-app]. That is not intended for end-users. What is a better design: write a JSP or an XML ? p.s. What I don't like about jsp is that every system admin can see your java code. p.p.s If that'd be a jsp, than it must be capable to be autowired by Spring. I...

Display XML diferent in JSF (using XSLT or some another suggestion)

Hello everybody! At runtime I receive xml document and I want to display it somehow different in JSF. For example: This: <invoker.ArrayOfDictionary> <dictionary> <invoker.Dictionary> <id>gcide</id> <name>The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48</name> </invoker.Dictionary> <invoker.Diction...

how find out the form is submit in JSP?

I am trying to create a an online exam with JSP. I want to get the questions one by one and show them on the screen, and create a "Next" button then user is able to to see the next question, but the problem is that I dont know how to find out that the user has clicked on the "Next" button, I know how to do it in PHP : if($_SERVER['REQUE...

how to reload the whole page through a button placed in a division in jsp

when i tried to make web project, i placed the links on the left on one division and a bigger division on the right to load the jsp pages on clicking the links making the main page same... but when there is a need arises to load the whole page by clicking the button placed on the right division, i found that the only page is loaded on th...

Is there a good java library for localized labels with database backing?

I'm looking for a good general library to grab localized labels for displaying on a web page. I've found some useful solutions at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19295/database-backed-i18n-for-java-web-app and I will use them but I wanted to see if there was a standard library other than the fmt jstl tags that is already database bac...

Permission ID to JSP pages

how do we give a permission id to every jsp page in a website that we are creating? ...

Save a form in an XML file using Ajax and JSP

Hello, I want to create a simple form with a name and an email and save these data in an XML file. So far I found that using Ajax with jQuery is quite easy. So I used the usual code: //dataString have the values taken from the form var dataString = 'name='+ name + '&email=' + email; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "users.xml", data: data...

displaying data from database in to text box

I have 2 JSP pages as below: projectcategory.jsp <% Connection con = DbConnect.connect(); Statement s = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select * from projectcategory"); %> <DIV class="TabbedPanelsContent" align="center"> <TABLE border="1"> <TR> <TH>CATEGOR...

JSP compilation error upon changing XML parser to Xerces

All, I'm working on a java webapp that we deploy in the Resin web app server. I have been doing some XML parsing for a new part of the application, and realized that our app was using Resin classes to do the parsing. I wanted to get away from that and use something more standard for a number of reasons, so I set these system properti...

How can you strip HTML comments out of a page generated with JSP/JSTL?

I know some people use ANT to accomplish this, but I don't want to remove HTML comments from the actual jsp, I just want a way to strip them from output unless a users adds a parameter to the url to show the comments for debugging. ...

javascript and jsp

I am new to Java. I have a HTML which has a show users button, on clicking this button I want to redirect the user to the users.jsp page. How do I achieve that? Will a function like this help? function msg() { alert("List of Users");<br/> jsp:forward page="Users.jsp"<br/> } ...

how to iterate a arraylist of object

Dear all, i m using dao design pattern in which i m returning a arraylist object ,inside object i can fetch by typecasting object into class and acees the getters like object.getName(),i want to itearate using a jstl tags.how can i do that. ...

How to use a servlet to repsond to a request for an object

I'm sure this is easy, but I don't work with website development very often and I'm lost on this one. I have a web application that needs to support multiple clients with different settings, icons and other content. The contents of these files are in separate directories for each client. What I would like to do is respond to a reque...

Two pass JSP page rendering

Suppose an example. I have following interface: public interface DataSource<T> { Future<T> fetch(); } This datasource can do asynchronous data fetching. And we have following tag for using datasource in JSP: <html> <d:fetch from="${orderDS}" var="orders"> <c:foreach in="${orders}" var="order"> <div class="order"> ...

html includes in a JSP using IIS/WebLogic

I have my IIS 6 server setup to process server side includes, we're also using the WebLogic ISAPI plugin for IIS. I have a simple html file that I'm trying to include in the JSP using the following include: <!-- #include file="/pleaseWait/pleaseWait.html" --> When I use the above line in a JSP I get an error message saying: "pleaseWa...

Is there any analog of ASP.NET master page in pure JSP?

Pls give a link with sample if possible ...

JSP page is not getting reflected in Jetty

I am using Jetty web server, and while loading JSP page, its getting loaded from cache and not from the server. my updated jsp page is not getting reflected. I was deleted my file and checked out from CVS also. There is no use, the same result came again. What will be the reason ? Thanks in advance. ...