
How can I change the back button function in navigation toolbar?

I have developed a simple web application using JSP. It has a login page which contains username, password fields and sumbit button. It has a logout page which contains a link to the login page. And there are some pages like page1, page2, page3, page4, etc. Normal workflow is the following: After login comes page1. Then click some act...

PHP vs JSP Which is should I use/learn for my project?

I'm planning on making a fitness planning web application for my senior project at school. However, I don't know anything about either technology and my only experience with web development previously was with python and django. I was wondering what people might recommend to learn, what is most useful to learn for the job market, and wha...

how to get the jsp page id to the javascript?

hi i am using jsp, in that one i used search box with 'id' i want to read that id to javascript file... but document.getelementbyid() is not working... ...

How to enable reading non-ascii characters in Servlets

How to make the servlet accept non-ascii (Arabian, chines, etc) characters passed from JSPs? I've tried to add the following to top of JSPs: <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> And to add the following in each post/get method in the servlet: request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); res...

Images in Applet not showing in web page

I am trying to display a JPEG image and a moving dot on a Java applet which I am using on a web based application. However, when I run the applet it works fine, but when I display the applet from the JSP page, I get the moving dot but not the JPEG image. Is there a specific folder where the JPEG needs to be? These are the 2 methods i u...

JavaBeans JSP dealing with GET requests

Hello, I understand how POST works but if for example the following GET request is made: GET /index.jsp?page=home How do I get the value, in this case home through to my java bean. i.e. using an MVC architecture? Thanks ...

how to accept valid e-mail id in text box?

Hi I have designed a chat application using servlets and jsp. I have designed a page for user login, where I accept used id and his mail-id.How can i ensure that user has typed proper mail-id. I need a code to validate email-id.I mean for example user can not type anything in the text box. ...

How can I create a user registration form using datastore - google appengine ??

I am very new to jsp and google appengine , but still I can do something if I get some basic idea , I wanna create an user registration form with fields like name, user id , password, confirm password, etc,. using google appengine datastore feature. and I wanna retrieve user information . Please help me .. Thanks in advance. Thanks f...

How do I alter the URL?

I'm currently working on a big web application for a company and we are about 4 months in, but we have a harmless(but annoying) problem that we have just left because we didn't time to change it. The way we setup our MVC is leaving us with the Servlet being stacked one after the other endless amounts of times on the URL so if we had a S...

Searching for a standalone JSP compiler

I'm searching for a tool, which compiles a JSP file into a Java file without using a servletcontainer like Tomcat or something else. Can anyone help me out? ...

Creating render urls to link between pages in a community in Liferay

I've set up a Liferay community, along with a number of pages each defining there own set of portlets, themes and layouts. I want to be able to create links between these pages. For example given that I am at the top level page (lets call this 'home'), I want to link to another page (for example 'blog') from within one of my portlets. I...

good Book for learning JSP practically

I am new to JSP. I want to learn JSP with more of practical approach. I have already gone through "Head First JSP and servlets", but it is more dedicated towards SCWCD. So this time I want to take sugesstion before picking up a book. I need a book with is much more of practical approach and covers traps in JSP. ...

unable to start .bat file from JSP

I have a batch file runthis.bat dir >dir.txt If I double click on this, a text file is being created with name dir.txt Now I have to run this batch file using JSP. <% Runtime run =Runtime.getRuntime(); run.exec("C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 5.5/webapps/try/runthis.bat"); out.println("SUCCESS"); %> I'm getting ...

Best Method for "Back Button"

I'm working on a web application using JSP/Servlets, etc. And I have a lot of form progression. I am aware of some ways to use the "Back" functionality, but I am not sure if its efficient enough. What are the best ways to implement this? Does it Involve using the session object? or just the request? or neither? ...

security issue on web application using firebug

Guys i have developed a web application in jsp . I have many javscript validation for text validation in the jsp page.while during the testing , i enabled firebug in firefox and cleared a function that validates and submits to a servlet.The web application allows to submit garbage value of the textfiedl . how to overcome this ? any solut...

Java / Spring / JSP - how to output value added using ModelAndView.addObject

Hi, I have the following code in my controller final ModelAndView m = new ModelAndView(); m.addObject("date", "15" ); In my view I have been able to output this by doing ${date} However how can I print it out using out.print or assign it to a new variable e.g. <% out.print( ${date} ) %> Thanks ...

Where can I find the source code for the JBoss AS 5 default exception handling JSP?

The title pretty much says it all. I have JBoss AS 5. I'd like to see the default JSP that JBoss uses for handling exceptions. ...

Binding Contents of a ListBox to Selected Item from Another Listbox w/JSF & Managed Beans

Hi there! I currently have a JSF application that uses two listboxes. The first, say ListBox1, contains a list of manufacturers; each option comes from the database (via a method getManufacturers in a class called QueryUtil), is populated dynamically, and its value is an integer ID. This part works so far. My goal is to populate a se...

How to get Details on NullPointerException in JSP?

I am getting a null pointer exception in jsp and I want to find out what line has the null variable so i can fix it. Is there any simple way to do this? The printStackTrace didn't seem to give me any relevant information. Stack Trace: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.jsp.data.index2_jsp._jspService(index2_jsp.java:176)...

XSS prevention in Java

How can I prevent XSS attacks in Java? Are there any good libraries for that? ...