
Set HTML dropdown selected option using JSTL

In the same context i have another query <select multiple="multiple" name="prodSKUs"> <c:forEach items="${productSubCategoryList}" var="productSubCategoryList"> <option value="${productSubCategoryList}"${productSubCategoryList == productSubCategoryName ? 'selected' : ''}>${productSubCategoryList}</option> ...

From Servlet to JSP

When trying to pass a table built with HTML in my servlet like that: response.setContentType("text/html" ); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println("<html>" ); out.println("<head>" ); out.println("<title>Imput OPC</title>" ); out.println("</head>" ); out.println("<body>" ); ... and then response.sendRedirect("/...

Character problem at displaying the result of a query

I am not good at jsp but I wondered what can cause such a problem when every other strings are displayed well: a JSP file queries information of people by their name at Contact (MS Exchange). the query returns the full info of the person; and the first, last names are printed. Last names with apostrophes (Ex: O'reilly) aren't displayed ...

How do I make the JSTL core tags work in RAD6.0?

I am using RAD 6.0, where I have put jstl.jar under the lib folder in my application. When I am using the JSTL tags, it does not give any copilation errors. But when I am trying to run the application, the core tags are not working. ...

spring-roo dojox.grid.DataGrid not rendered

Hello, I'm using spring-roo trying to use dojox.grid.DataGrid. The page renders as a plain table. Why does it not use the DataGrid? Thanks! Steve <div xmlns:spring="http://www.springframework.org/tags" xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.0"><jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="yes...

Getting all selected checkboxes values using ajax and jsp/servlets?

Hi.. I'm developing a jsp/serlvet application. I have a page with a list of inputs as checkboxes . I want to send values of selected buttons to a servlet using ajax/jquery. In the servlet , I want to extract these values and use them . for example: The user checks some checkboxes , for example, list of messages. He/She presses Dele...

How to parse multipart/mixed content from JSP to servlets

Hi, I'm sending multipart/mixed content message from JSP to servlets but when I used ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request); method to check if the request is Multipart or not, I'm getting the output as "false". This is how content type header of my message is looking like: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_Part_26_2...

Table changes depending on dropdown list values with servlet

What I want to realize is the following: In a JSP x I have a 3 dropdownlists and a button called edit when user click this button a table dynamically should be displayed. Now this table is modified correponding the values in those 3 dropdownlists. So it can be 3 cols or 4 cols or even 6 cols, it depends on the selected values. So what I...

Java EE 6: JSF vs Servlet + JSP. Should I bother learning JSF?

I am trying to get familiar with Java EE 6 by reading http://java.sun.com/javaee/6/docs/tutorial/doc/gexaf.html. I am a bit confused about the use of JSF. Usually, the way I develop my Web App would be, Servlet would act like a controller and JSP would act like a View in an MVC model. So Does JSF try to replace this structure? Below are ...

java get file paths

hey everybody, I have a jsp page which contains the code which prints all files in a given directory and their file paths. The code is if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] dirs = dir.listFiles(); for (File f : dirs) { if (f.isDirectory() for (File d : files) ...

Onload can fire early when using jsp dynamic includes?

When a jsp page includes jsp dynamic includes... <jsp:include page=”filename.jsp” /> ...is it possible that the document onload event (or prototype's dom:loaded event) could get fired too early? (i.e. before the included filename.jsp has fully loaded) The reason I suspect this may be the case is that the included file is compiled s...

How to create a web proxy?

I want to create web proxy . I googled it and even found some tutorial but those were in PHP. If somebody is having tutorial of web proxy creation in java then please post it here Or simply let me know what approach should i follow to create web proxy. [ i will be using Tomcat { if that matters for your answer } ] Thanks Edit i guess ...

How to enable attachment using Apache File upload

I am using Apache commons File upload API to Store the file from JSP to servlets in temp directory, but I don't know what should I do next to send the email as an attachment using javamail API. How can I retrieve those files which is written in temp directory using Apache Fileupload API to send them as attachment to mail Server. How wi...

how to get the result query one by one in jsp and mysql

I am trying to implement as Online Mock exam in JSP, but I have a problem to get the questions one by one, it get connceted for the first time, and show me the first question and answers, but when I click on "next" again, it still show me the first question, I think by clicking on "next" it start querying again. please help me. this is ...

Form character encoding problems with special characters

Hello I have a jsp with an html form. I set the content type like this: <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" %> When I send special characters like á é í ó ú they are saved correctly in the database. My table charset is utf-8. I want to change iso-8859 to utf-8 like this to s...

Special characters incongruence

Hello I'm building a Spring MVC web application that runs on Tomcat 6.0.20 and JDK 1.6.0_19. When I send some special characters through an HTML form some of them are stored as question marks ? For example these symbols are stored correctly: €, á, é, í, ‰, etc But some symbols are replaced with ? like: ₤, ♪, ☺ MySQL tables charset is u...

How to Load external Div that has a dynamic content using ajax and jsp/servlets ?

I need to use ajax feature to load an external div element (an external jsp file) into the current page. That JSP page contains a dynamic content - e.g. content that is based on values received from the current session. I solved this problem somehow, but I'm in doubt because I think that my solution is bad , or maybe there is bette...

how to submit a form without losing values already selected at the same form

Hi everyone, I am using jstl with dropdown lists. When i click submit button i success the specification but values int dropdownlists are reinitialized. So I want to submit form without loosing the values already selected in the form because I need to stay always at the same level in the form.To be more clear, user choose a value from...

submit form and keeping values setting

Hi I want to know if there is a way to submit a form but at the same time keep the values selected and edited(without reset). Thanks. ...

UTF GET parameter codification problem in JSP (JBoss 2.0.1)

I´m trying to take a string from a GET or POST parameter in JSP with some accents in UTF-8: <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %> <% request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); String value = request.getParameter("q"); out.print(value+" | aáa"); %> The codification of the hardcoded string is co...