
Developer Machine Justification

Looking for good techniques to justify "great than normal" machine for developers. The company I work for buys the same underpowered $500 dollar systems for everyone, and looking for ways to prove ROI or arguments to use. Sorry, I didn't say this in the initial question, the stack is VS 2008, SQL 2005/2008. As duties dictate we are SQ...

Justifications for a test/development server

At my current workplace, the production SQL server and web servers are also used as development and test servers. I've asked for dedicated servers, but been refused as I can't justify it to satisfaction (the reasons against being cost of software, software licenses and hardware resources). So, what justifications are there for a dedicat...

From a Management POV: How much is a code review worth?

It's obvious to me that code reviews (peer reviews) improve the quality of the generated code. I've worked hand to hand in some code with some of my coworkers and, specially with some of them, code was cleaner and a lot better. Reviewing other people code is not the same thing. You're not familiar with the code, you haven't made the vas...

How to, set-justification-full per line in emacs without messing up on return?

Hi, I have two problems in emacs. First. How do I set-justification-full for the whole document? I can do M-X set-justification-full for a region successfully, but I would like to make it work in the whole document. Second. How do I manage not to get lines jumping from one place to another when I have done set-justification-full, and...

Overriding Object.Equals() instance method in C#; now Code Analysis / FxCop warning CA2218: "should also redefine GetHashCode". Should I suppress this in my case?

I've got a complex class in my C# project on which I want to be able to do equality tests. It is not a trivial class; it contains a variety of scalar properties as well as references to other objects and collections (e.g. IDictionary). For what it's worth, my class is sealed. To enable a performance optimization elsewhere in my system...

Reasons for inconsistent VB.NET syntax?

Does anyone know if there's any particular reason that VB.NET construct syntax isn't consistent? For example: If ... End If Select ... End Select You'd assume it would be for... end for, while... end while ... but instead we have: While ... Wend For ... Next This has mildly frustrated me for a while, and I just got to wondering w...

Why use lambda functions?

I can find lots of stuff showing me what a lambda function is, and how the syntax works and what not. But other than the "coolness factor" (I can make a function in middle a call to another function, neat!) I haven't seen something that's overwelmingly compelling to say why I really need/want to use them. It seems to be more of a styli...

How can I justify labels when plotting "with labels" in Gnuplot?

The following plot command produces a bar chart, and above each bar the value is plotted as label, formatted with gprintf: plot "data.txt" using 6:1 index 0 notitle with boxes linestyle 1,\ "data.txt" using 6:(0.7):(gprintf("%5.2f", $1)) index 0 notitle \ with labels font "Courier,34" rotate l...