
Operating system in NOKIA phones

I want to know what operating system NOKIA smart-phones use? Which programming language is used to write it and is it possible to do kernel level programming for these systems? Can we use C codes to change the system software? Libraries are available or not? I have never coded for mobile phones. So if possible give me a link to the page...

Unpatched Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities

I recently found out that there are several vulnerabilities in the linux kernel that allow for privilge escalation, that have not been patched yet in the major distributions, and have public exploits on the usual sources. For example, I could get root on any of my completely up to date Ubuntu 10.04 systems using this very simple exploit....

Assembly Language kernel

I am trying to write a kernel purely in assembly language. How do i go 'bout the development environment and general setup that lets me control what i want it to do? ...

Function to corrupt kernel stack

I am currently testing the kernel back tracing mechanism ( like dump_stack and frame_unwind ). I want to know whether the kernel back tracing mechanism can still give the back trace if the kernel stack got corrupted. If not, then what would be the output in that case. Please suggest me a way so that I can corrupt the kernel stack by writ...

Need to get List of C++ Kernel Types?

Hello, Respectfully!! I need complete list of kernel types such as "CRITICAL_SECTION", "_LARGE_INTEGER" or "_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES". Basically I am extracting all the data members of class given class name as type from some debugging SDK (right now using DIA SDK or DbgHelp) . Now If a type(say class or struct) contains some kernel level...

Creating new system calls via KLD in FreeBSD

Are there any good (entry-level) tutorials on adding system calls to FreeBSD via kernel loadable modules? Specifically, the required form of the methods, getting information from processes, etc. ...

Stripping down a kernel in linux?

I recently read a post (admittedly its a few years old) and it was advice for fast number-crunching program: "Use something like Gentoo Linux with 64 bit processors as you can compile it natively as you install. This will allow you to get the maximum punch out of the machine as you can strip the kernel right down to only what you need."...

Failed to share Windows Event kernel object between C++ and VB processes

I am in Windows 7 x64, and trying to use the same Event object between 2 processes, one is an vb application, and the other is a C++ application, but seems the event created in one process can't be recognized in another one: VB Option Explicit Private Type SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES nLength As Long lpSecurityDescriptor As Long bI...

How to stop kernel critical messages from printing to terminal

I have a system that is un-usable because I keep getting logs every second from the kernel. The system can actually start up and in the little spaces between the messages I can actually log in. But the kernel just keeps throwing this message every second on the screen(all the terminals). I want to know if there's a way to stop kernel fro...

How do I use netlink for kernel to kernel communications?

I've read lots of examples and questions here about how to have a user-space program communicate with a kernel module via the netlink interface. I've also read about how netlink and generic netlink can be used for kernel to kernel communications. I have not found any code to demonstrate this capability. If netlink is not the correct appr...

Explaination of dd command in nasm

I am reading osdev wiki. I came across these two lines of code. nasm kernel.asm -f bin -o kernel.bin dd if=kernel.bin of=/dev/fd0 I can understand the first line but I can't understand the second line. what the second line do? what is this dd command? what is this /dev/fd0 here? Can anybody explain me this please? Thanks in adva...

How to boot in vmware?

I came across these two lines in osdev wiki. nasm kernel.asm -f bin -o kernel.bin dd if=kernel.bin of=/dev/fd0 It copies the kernel binary to a flopy. Does this means the flopy becomes bootable? I don't want to create a bootable flopy , instead of that I want to create a iso image by which I can boot in vmware. is it possible? If...

Good Resource for rooting an Android Tablet (Archos or Samsung Galaxy Tab)

Not sure if "rooting" is the right term, but I'm looking to take an existing tablet device (such as the Archos), wiping their Android build and apps from it, and putting my own build of the Android kernel on it. (This build would be very minorly modified, but I'd want it to support the hardware of the tablet) Are there any good resourc...

Re-Downloading Linux (Kernel) Source

Hi All, yesterday i downloaded source of my virtual linux kernel and tried to compile it. It compiled indeed but could not boot from the new kernel. Then today i decided to re-downloading after removing the folder where source files are located but it said "linux source is already the newest version" I use the command below: sudo a...

What causes the differences between a driver on disk and a driver mapped to memory?

Hey, Today I tried to do a binary diffing of NDIS.sys, and I noticed something weird. I took a function, and began to diff it. The first 30 bytes were the same on the disk(using IDA) and on memory(using WinDbg). Then, something have changed. I saw something like "jmp _imp_XXXXX". the JMP bytes were the same, but the address was different...

Getting Disk Size Properly

I am trying to get the physical device size of a connected USB flash drive. I have tried using WMI. ManagementObjectSearcher mosDisks = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive WHERE Model = '" + cmbHdd.SelectedItem + "'"); foreach (ManagementObject moDisk in mosDisks.Get()) { lblCa...

why am i getting these syntax errors when trying to implement system call

hello guys, still working on this system call!!! i have added a system call to a kernel, compiled and the OS is running off it. now i am getting syntax error on the compilation of my test application. testmycall.h #include<linux/unistd.h> #define __NR_mycall 244 _syscall1(long, mycall, int, i) testmycall.c #include<stdio.h> #i...

Where does printk print to?

Hello guys, Just a quick question on printk function at the kernel level, if i call this where will the message be printed to.(im using ubuntu on i386 arch with the latest kernel downlaod) cant find it anywhere, if someone could also point me in the right direction for some sort of manual for the printk function it would be great! ...

Where do i get the api for the linux kernel that would let me access information within the kernel

Hello guys, i am new to linux, i am after implementing a simple system call on the linux kernel that prints to the syslog via printk, i would like to be able to extend this application , so i can details on the battery percentage of my laptop or check the speed of the hard drive in the computer, could any of you give me a hand on whe...

kernel mode timer

How can I have a timer in kernel mode such that a specified function in my driver is called approximately every second on Windows XP and above? I should be able to use all functions (in particular ZwQuerySystemInformation) in the function. I do not need a high resolution timer or millisecond accuracy or anything like that, I just need a ...