
How to change the Keyboard Layout on MAC OSX programmatically?

My Qt app supports changing input language on Linux and Windows. I want to add support for changing input language on MAC OSX, too. But unfortunately I don't have any information about MAC SDK. (My first and last work with MAC OSX was compiling Qt and compiling my app!) I googling this problem and found that I need to using Text Input So...

Frequency of symbols in programming languages

I'm looking for some kind of reference which shows the frequency of symbols of popular programming languages. I'm trying to design an optimal keyboard layout for programming. If there is no such reference, I wouldn't mind creating a simple utility that figures this out. However, I would need suggestions as to which files to analyze for ...

How to use more than one kyboard with different layouts?

Is it possible to use two or more keyboards at the same time? I type in many languages, and switching between them is a waste of time. I would like to use several physical keyboards for different languages. ...

Portable keycodes in X11?

I want to get mapping-independent key codes, but documentation says that "keycode" in XKeyEvent structure depends on hardware and driver and I can't rely on it. How can I get some portable key codes like VK_* in Windows? ...

Change programmatically both keyboard layout and language

With ActivateKeyboardLayout I am able to change keyboard language to some of the layouts given by GetKeyboardLayoutList. There is one problem though, I can't choose the actual keyboard, only the language. The keyboard I get is simply what the user chose previously for that language. So if I have English US (HKL=0x04090409) and US Dvorak ...

VBA get list of available languages on current machine

I have a muulti-language Access application that needs access to languages/keyboard layouts installed on the machine. I have certain fields that accept input in various languages. I would like to be able to change the active language/keyboard layout when these fields are entered and exited. I'm sure that there is some sort of windows AP...

gVim + US-International: Not combining dead keys with space

Hi, I am using "United States-International" on Windows 7, which courses problems in combination with gVim 7.3. In the US-International keyboard layout the keys " and ' are dead keys, that means, you can combine them with another key. For example pressing "+a results in ä and the keys '+a in á. In order to insert one double quote you s...

Best keyboard layout for a programmer?

Possible Duplicate: An Ideal Keyboard Layout for Programming As a programmer I don't type as much human language as normal users. In fact, a lot of what I type are ASCII special characters such as $();:?=+-'"\[]{}<>. Needless to say, QWERTY is not good at programming. function decode($t) { return preg_replace('/&lt;(\/)?(...

International multi-OS keyboard layout for both coding and surfing?

So yes, the problem has been raised in parts multiple times already. Still I'm looking for a keyboard layout that has the following features: Easy on fingers (Dvorak-like layouts welcome) Easy for coding Includes german characters (typing ä with AltGr-p is not ok). Works well with web-browsing (Ctrl-t and Ctrl-w on one hand, left one v...