
Shortcut key to restart server in Eclipse

So Ctrl/Cmd-F11 starts the server, but is there a key to restart the server? I'm developing using app engine and GWT if that makes any difference (I suspect not). ...

Running bookmarklet from a keyboard shortcut in Opera

The Opera web browser makes it very easy for users to tie keyboard shortcuts to bookmarks by editing the keyboard.ini file, e.g. F1 = will allow a single keystroke (F1) to Google. I'd like to similarly tie a keyboard shortcut to a bookmarklet --- but the following doesn't work: F1 = javascript:alert('Hello, World...

Shortcut to create automatic properties using Visual Studio 2008/2010 or Resharper 5

I have a class that contains a load of properties that contain results of some calculations e.g: public class Results { public double Result1 { get; set; } public double Result2 { get; set; } } In a different class I am doing calculations to populate the above properties, e.g: public class Calc { private Results Calc() ...

vim cant map <C-Tab> to :tabnext

I have the following mappings in my .vimrc: map <C-S-Tab> :tabprevious<CR> nmap <C-S-Tab> :tabprevious<CR> imap <C-S-Tab> <Esc>:tabprevious<CR>i map <C-Tab> :tabnext<CR> nmap <C-Tab> :tabnext<CR> imap <C-Tab> <Esc>:tabnext<CR>i I want to switch the tabs with Strg+Tab forward and with Strg+Shift+Tab backward. Why does this mapping not...

Correct way to create a menu with shortcuts in WPF

What is the correct/best way to create a menu with hotkey shortcuts? I simply want a File menu like Visual Studio's that has New, Open, Save, Save All, Exit, and a few other standard shortcuts. It seems that InputGestureText displays the appropriate text, but since it's called "Text" and doesn't seem to trigger events, I'm going to a...

Creating own shortcuts: Problem in safari

I have a web application which needs to be called from firefox and safari. Several shortcuts will let the user edit stuff and do other actions. I already implemented my shortcuts and they work great in firefox but not in safari. I can't for example do anything on alt+return - its not getting catched. Is there an easy way to overwrite ...

Netbeans: Copy the word where the caret/cursor is

How can I create this keyboard shortcut in Netbeans? ...

How should I disable Camel Case Navigation in Netbeans 6.9 for PHP?

I am using Netbeans for PHP 6.9 developer version: NetBeans IDE Dev (Build 201004260200). Currently, if I press Ctrl+arrow keys (next/prev word) the caret stops at (g, T, N) in "greatTypeName". I want to disable this behavior. I want it to just navigate the whole word. There is an option in "Tools->Options->General->Camel Case Behavi...

Keyboard shortcut to switch between test and class in eclipse?

Lets say you create a class "Foo" and a test "FooTest" ( standard JUnit test ) I want a keyboard shortcut to help quickly switch between the test and the class. If that is not possible, something like TextMate's "Run focussed test" (Command-Shift-R) might be of great help. ...

@ key not working in eclipse (Windows XP)

The keyboard combination "Alt Gr + q" = @(german keyboard) is not working in eclipse but everywhere else. I'm using windows XP. It is not a language problem, I have already deinstalled the english keyboard and all other charactes work perfectly fine. It's also kind of impossible to google this, because the character is escaped by the sea...

Mapping a default key binding in vim

I want to remap Ctrl-] which is used for jumping to the tags to another key binding. These mappings work: :map <F2> <C-]> :map <A-1> <C-]> But this mapping doesn't work: :map <C-1> <C-]> What might be the reason for this? ...

Keyboard access in the C# project settings editor?

Does anyone know how to switch between the major tabs/pages in Visual Studio's C# project settings editor, using only the keyboard? I'm talking about the things along the left side that are labeled Application, Build, Debug, Resources, Settings, etc. It works fine to Tab between the controls on the currently selected page, but I haven't ...

What is the NetBeans keyboard shortcut for code generation for child class constructors?

I was coding in NetBeans (PHP) today, and my hand slipped while I was typing a constructor. It must have hit a keyboard shortcut, because a constructor that was designed for a child class appeared on my screen (i.e. it called the parent constructor, so it's not the Insert Code -> Constructor, I don't think). Does anyone know what the sho...

What's the best way to handle the same shortcut in WPF and WinForms controls?

I have a WPF application with the following KeyBinding on its main window: <KeyBinding Command="Commands:EditCommands.Undo" Gesture="CTRL+Z" /> <KeyBinding Command="Commands:EditCommands.Redo" Gesture="CTRL+Y" /> This makes the command respond to the shortcut fine. However, in all the places where I have embedded WinForms text boxes o...

Assign multiple Emacs keybindings to a single command?

I'm giving ErgoEmacs mode a try to see if I can use Emacs more comfortably. Some of its keybindings are fairly intuitive, but in many cases I don't want to outright replace the defaults. For example, in the context of ErgoEmacs' navigation shortcut structure, M-h makes sense as a replacement for C-a--but I want to be able to use both, n...

disable Opera function key in javascript

I'm writing javascript code for a web emulator containing function keys. The user is able to press keyboard function keys to process something in the emulator, I used stopPropagation and preventDefault javascript function to stop/cancel browsers invoking their function key shortcut (e.g. F1 will invoke Firefox to open its help page) and ...

What is the difference between moveBackward: and moveLeft: when using NSResponder -interpretKeyEvents:?

I'm implementing a custom text box using -interpretKeyEvents: and am trying to figure out what the difference is between moveBackward: vs moveLeft: and moveForward: vs moveRight:. moveLeft: is bound to the left arrow and moveBackward: is bound to Ctrl + B. The documentation describes them almost identically and they seem to behave identi...

WPF key gesture PageDown shows up as Next in Menu Item.

I've setup a custom command with PageDown as the key gesture, but for the MenuItem that is bound to that command the gesture shows up as "Next". The problem is that I have commands that use PageUp, Home, and End for related tasks and they all show up as expected for their MenuItems. Is there some way to make the MenuItem show "PageDown...

Detecting cmd+r and cmd+w (and ctrl+r and ctrl+w) via Javascript?

I am looking for a way to detect cmd+r and cmd+w (also ctrl+r and ctrl+w) in my application. This site does it The source is a nightmare though. If I don't find a quick answer, I'll look through that. Does anyone have a link or example? ...

Make scrollviewer not capture control left and control right in WPF.

I have a WPF application where I have defined custom commands that use the key gestures Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right. My window has a TextBox and a ScrollViewer and when the TextBox has focus Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right move the cursor to the beginning of the next or previous word, which is fine, but on the ScrollViewer it makes the horizontal...