
[C# event] double execution

Hello, I develop small application in C# but I've problem with events. My form have controlState property which describe current state of application. When application is in SEARCH state and I press enter it exec both KeyDown_Search and KeyDown_Idle method. When I add MessageBox.Show("anything"); at the end of KeyDown_eventManager probl...

Android - capture/suppress Home and EndCall buttons events?

Hi! If you ever tried to write a locker app on Android sure you meet this problem: boolean mBackPressed = false; @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: mBackPressed = true; ...

How do I get the KeyDown event to fire in a custom container control?

I have a custom container control (deriving from FlowLayoutPanel) which contains zero or more child controls dragged there by the user. When a child control is clicked, it is "selected." (It is drawn with a colored border and options are available for altering its properties.) I would like to handle the Delete key so that, if the user i...

C#.NET: Universal KeyDown Handler and Focus move with TabIndex?

I want to run a common KeyDown even handler for all the controls available on a form. any way I can accomplish that? To be more clear, My intention is to detect Enter key whenever it's pressed and move the focus from the current control to the one with next TabIndex. So, I need to know how I can accomplish that.. ...

C#: How to make pressing enter in a text box trigger a button, yet still allow shortcuts such as "Ctrl+A" to get through?

Sorry for the long title, but I couldn't think of another way to put it. I have this: private void textBoxToSubmit_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { buttonSubmit_Click((object)sender, (EventArgs)e); } } ... in order to make pressing enter in the tex...

How to decode character pressed from jQuery's keydown()'s event handler

I need to figure out which character was typed into a text field from within the handler that is called by jQuery's keydown function. key.which gives me only the keycode, but I need to figure out which ASCII character key represents. How do I do this? ...

Fire keydown event in different browsers

I was looking long time to get answer to this task: fire a keydown event programmatically compatible under different browsers like IE, FireFox, Opera, Chrome... now I found it and i would like to share it with programmers, You may use it to fire event of any type. <html> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> function first() { var ...

Reading keydown regardless of active application in

I asked a question earlier about keyhooks in My current issue is such: I have created a program which should perform a certain action whenever a certain group of keys is pressed at the same time. The program must be able to run in the background, or in the system tray or something. Essentially, this should work like the KeyDown...

How do I not allow typing in a text input field using jQuery?

I am using the jQuery datepicker on a text input field and I don't want to let the user change any of the text in the text input box with the keyboard. Here's my code: $('#rush_needed_by_english').keydown(function() { //code to not allow any changes to be made to input field }); How do I not allow keyboard typing in a text input fi...

Getting "The 'charCode' property of a keydown event should not be used. The value is meaningless" error in jQuery

I'm getting "The 'charCode' property of a keydown event should not be used. The value is meaningless" error in firefox using jQuery. My code looks like this: $("div#center-box div#empid-textbox").keydown(function(e){ key = e.which; if(key===13){ //do something; }; }); does anyone know how to remedy this error...

Javascript (JQuery) keyboard hijack problem

I'm making a typing tutor program using javascript. Everything is going well except that if activates browser hotkeys which disrupts the functionality of the program. When I press the single quote in Firefox it triggers "Quick find (links only)" short cut and in all browsers when I press space the page scrolls down a page. Everything is ...

Multiple key presses doing different events in C#

Hi, private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.W) player1.moveUp(); if (e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad8) player2.moveUp(); } In the above code the moveUp methods basically just increment a value. I want it so both keys can be pressed ...

Javascript keyup doesn't work as expected, it executes in instances where I have not removed my finger from a button.

I'm trying to create a simple game in javascript and I'm stuck on how to deal with keys. Small example: function keyUpEvent(event) { alert(event.keyCode); } window.addEventListener("keyup", keyUpEvent, false); I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and testing it in Firefox 3.5 and Chromium. If I press and release a button instantly I get an a...

Change Key in WPF KeyDown

Legacy app conversion issue. VB6 TextBox_KeyDown() allows key to be changed (e.g. force keystroke to upper case but there are many other uses). How can this be done in WPF? The only way I can see is too handle all TextBox keystrokes. In effect, reimplement TextBox editing. I'd rather not go there. ...

C#, WinForms: What would prevent KeyDown events from chaining up from focused control up to main Form? Only leaf controls KeyDown works for me.

As i understand it, when a keyboard button is pressed it should invoke the KeyDown event for the control which has focus. Then, the KeyDown for the parent control, so on and so forth until it reaches main form. UNLESS - along the chain one of the EventHandlers did: e.SuppressKeyPress = true; e.Handled = true; In my case, KeyDown eve...

jQuery: Mimicking a keydown function by clicking an image

Problem: I'm using a jQuery menu script that has built-in keyboard controls (left, right, up and down specifically). I want to replicate the same functionality as, say, the up keypress when a user clicks on an image. (This is the iPod jQuery drill-down menu found here ...

Call a KeyDown Event

All I need is to be able to click a button and have it do the KeyDown event for Enter, I've tired doing KeyDownCheck(13); and similar things, and I can get into the KeyDown event, but I can't get it to recognize that I want Enter, and it doesn't go to any specific key. All Enter does is call another function, but when I try to call the ...

Firebug JS warning to jQuery 1.4.2 "The 'charCode' property of a keyup event should not be used. The value is meaningless." To ignore it?

Firebug 1.5.4 JavaScript warning : The 'charCode' property of akeyupevent should not be used. The value is meaningless. To ignore it? Is there any issue? The warning appears to jQuery 1.4.2 keyupandkeydown, not onkeypress. I have read that on changingevent.keyCodeandevent.charCodetoevent.whichmust fix it, but it does not work for me. Fu...

JavaScript: input validation in the keydown event

Hi, I'm attempting to do info validation against user text input in the process of keydown event. The reason that I am trying to validate in the keydown event is because I do not want to display the characters those that are considered to be illegal in the input box at the beginning. The validation I am writing is like this, function ...

Cancel the keydown in an HTML page ?

Hey, How can I cancel the keydown of a button on the keyboard in an HTML page. Thanks ...