
Why can't I tab between form elements within an iframe?

I have a page in a site that contains an iframe with a form in it. I can't change this but I do have full control over all of the JS that runs in the parent page and the iframe'd page. My problem is that when I have a form field focused in the iframe'd document, tabbing to the next field sends the cursor straight up to the address bar ...

tabIndex fails in an AS3 swf loaded into a flex app

I feel like I'm missing something really simple here. I'm loading a AS3 swf containing a form (created by one of our designers) into a flex app. The swf's tabIndex properties work fine when the swf is viewed by itself, however, once it's loaded into the flex app: <mx:SWFLoader source="form.swf" top="20" horizontalCenter="0" id="formSwf"...

jquery tabindex/focus & hotkeys

There seem to be some problems with tabindex in several browsers so I want to work around these issues using javascript/jquery. Specifically FF3.5 (Mac) doesn't accept tabindex or focus on links at all. I have jquery 1.3.2 and js-hotkeys 0.7.9 running on my website. I have 4 forms on 1 page which I can switch between using a link. Now ...

Multipile panels and groupboxes and tab order maintenance

I have a VB.NET (2005) application designed by my boss that uses a over 100 input and display controls (textboxes, comboxes, etc.), many with labels associated. My boss asked me to set the tab order, and then trap keypress so the user can use enter to navigate controls. I have 2 apps like this to work on. For the tab order, I could not ...

Using jQuery to circumvent tabindex problems

I'm trying to control my forms and how the user interacts with them via the form elements' tabindex property. All of my elements have tabindex specified, and I want this value to be respected and used properly. I'm currently developing on Mac/Firefox and I'm aware of the default Mac system setting that sets tab-switching to only input e...

Setting tabindex

Hi, In wpf Textbox has TabIndex property to set the tab order, this is working fine when the controls are in the same context, In my case i have a listbox whose itemstyle has a text box and the style is assigned dynamically based on trigger. now how can i do the tabindexing so that when i tab index moves from textbox in first listboxite...

[jQuery] tabindex and <input type="file" /> different in Firefox and IE

When you render: <input type="file" /> you get a box and a button, right? (At least in Firefox and IE.) On the one hand, in Firefox you can only tab to (focus) the button, but in IE you can tab to (focus) both the box and the button. On the other hand, I want to get IE to behave like Firefox, I mean, I need to get rid of the box foc...

Base Class for Tab Index in ASP.NET

I'm trying to create a nice generic way of setting the tab index on many elements in a page of an ASP.NET app (using VB.NET). As a result I was wondering if there was a base class that controls implementing the TabIndex property inherited from so I could generate the following code: Public Sub GenerateTabIndex(order as List(Of TabIndexB...

Can't set tabIndex more than once in IE8

I've got a large HTML data entry table, implemented as a large matrix of input fields. I'm trying to implement a JavaScript-based feature that dynamically switches between a row-wise and column-wise tab order. The approach I'm using seems to only work "once" in IE8. That is, once the tab index has been set using JavaScript, any subseque...

Remove tabindex

How to remove default tabindex to the browser url? ...

WPF TabIndex in a composite control

I have a simple window with a simple composite control embedded within it. (Main Window) <Window x:Class="TabOrder.Window1" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:TabOrder" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300"> <Grid> <L...

Trouble with tabIndex in Silverlight

Hi, here's more or less what I have in my XAML: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <common:HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding RangeValuesDefinition}" ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource CustomTreeItem}"> <common:HierarchicalDataTemplate.ItemTemplate> <common:HierarchicalDataTemplate> <Border BorderBrush="#FF464646" Bord...

Javascript/JQuery remove from tabindex

On an HTML form I have INPUT text box followed by a link, then followed by another INPUT text box. I want to remove the link from the tabindex / tab order: <p> <input type="text" name="field1" id="field1" value="" /> <a href="..a url.." id="link1">more info</a> </p> <p> <input type="text" name="field2" id="field2" value="" /> </p> Th...

Display Hilight of Tab index

I want to display Hightlight on element that content tabindex. name: <TD ROWSPAN=3>comments<BR> <TEXTAREA COLS=25 ROWS=5 TABINDEX=3></TEXTAREA></TD></TR> <TR> <TD>email: <INPUT NAME="email" TABINDEX=2></TD></TR> <TR> <TD>department: <SELECT NAM...

How can I get a row wise tab order in an ItemsControl with a datatemplate?

I want the Tab go forward through each item in a row, and this for each row. But actually it goes through all items in a column, column after column! In the DataTemplate are 2 Comboboxes (let's say cb1 and cb1) and one TextBox (tb). The actual tab order is the following: Row0.cb1, Row1.cb1 ... Row0.cb2, Row1.cb2 ... Row0.tb, Row1.tb .....

WPF TabStop / TabIndex in ItemsControl

Hi guys! I'm dynamically adding WPF ComboBox-es and I want to be able to select the added ComboBoxes with the 'TAB' key. (Dynamically generate TabIndex or something) As it actually is: What I want: How would you do that? This is the code: <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}" Name="myItemsControl"> <ItemsControl.ItemTempla...

C#.NET: Universal KeyDown Handler and Focus move with TabIndex?

I want to run a common KeyDown even handler for all the controls available on a form. any way I can accomplish that? To be more clear, My intention is to detect Enter key whenever it's pressed and move the focus from the current control to the one with next TabIndex. So, I need to know how I can accomplish that.. ...

Submit button not focused even though tabindex is properly set

Hello, I have defined tabindex for the input fields in a form. When tabbing through the input fields the submit button is never getting the focus, some other input fields in a different form on the page gets the focus. Those are all having tabindexes higher than 3. How come? <form action="subscription.php" name="subscribe" method="post...

WPF: Focus in a Window and UserControl

I'm trying to get a UserControl to tab properly and am baffled. The logical tree looks like this. |-Window -Grid -TabControl -TabItem -StackPanel -MyUserControl |-StackPanel -GroupBox -Grid -ComboBox -Textbox1 ...

Setting a WebControls TabIndex based on the ControlId of another control

I have an ASP.NET Webforms site that is regularly having features added. The majority of time a new WebControl is added to the page and I need to increment the TabIndex to all subsequent controls on the page. I'd prefer a more robust solution than choosing an arbitrary gap between the initial assigned tab indexes. Setting the tab indexe...