
C# dictionary<> missing key

When i do val = dict["nonexistent key"] i get System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException Is there a way i have my dictionary call a member function with the key as a param to generate a value? -edit- Maybe i should of been more specific. I want to AUTOMATICALLY call a member function to do what it needs create the proper value for ...

C# exception: Key is not present in the dictionary

Hi there. I got a little problem. Sometimes, when I try to call the following code, the remove methods throw an exception with the message "the key is not present in the dictionary". private Dictionary<IPAddress, ARPHostEntry> dIPHostTable; private Dictionary<MACAddress, ARPHostEntry> dMACHostTable; public HostTable() { dIPHostTab...

KeyNotFoundException, but not when debugging.

I've been building an extensions library, and I've utilised a great extension method found at for inclusion. In my unit test (using NUnit 1.5.2), I've come across an interesting issue. Firstly, lets look at the code: /// <summary> /// Groups and aggregates the sequence of elements. /// </summ...

Getting KeyNotFoundException when using key previously retrieved from key collection??

I've got the following code where for some reason I'm getting a KeyNotFoundException even though I'm using a key that I had retrived a couple of lines above. Does anyone know of a situation where this wouldn't work? I'm stumped. BTW 'SchemaElementType is an enum. public class DefaultValue { private Dictionary<Parameter, string> _para...

KeyNotFound Exception when calling Html.ValidationSummary() dynamically through helper method

Hi, I have a Helper Method in my View which renders the whole form dynamically. Now i want to add a support for Client Validation as available in Asp.Net MVC RC 2. Following is the code i use to render Validation Summary field onto the Form. _viewPage.Html.EnableClientValidation(); MvcHtmlString validationSummary = _viewPage.H...

Having trouble getting NUnit's Assert.Throws to work properly

I could have sworn that I've used NUnit's Assert.Throws to determine whether or not a particular exception gets thrown from a method, but my memory has failed me before. I read this post here on SO, but it didn't answer my question, as I know the correct syntax, and I don't want to do anything with the exception that gets returned (I do...

KeyNotFound Exception in Dictionary(of T)

I'm about ready to bang my head against the wall I have a class called Map which has a dictionary called tiles. class Map { public Dictionary<Location, Tile> tiles = new Dictionary<Location, Tile>(); public Size mapSize; public Map(Size size) { this.mapSize = size; } //etc... I fill this dictionary tem...