
How to re-index the values of an array in PHP?

Array ( [id] => 3 [user_id] => 1 [clan_id] => 1 [date] => 2009-09-24 09:02:05 [skill1rank] => 1 [skill1lvl] => 2376 [skill1xp] => 1804229942 [skill2rank] => 53 [skill2lvl] => 99 [skill2xp] => 120510105 [skill3rank] => 5526 [skill3lvl] => 99 [skill3xp] => 21581237 [skill4rank] => 622...

how do I make a composite key with SQL Server Management Studio?

how do I make a composite key with SQL Server Management Studio? I want two INT columns to form the identity (unique) for a table ...

Counting all the keys pressed and what they are (python)

I'd like to create a map of the number of presses for every key for a project I'm working on. I'd like to do this with a Python module. Is it possible to do this in any way? ...

home, end, delete, pageup, pagedown with ksh

Hello. I want to use home, end, delete, pageup, pagedown with ksh. My TERM is xterm-color. These keys works fine with tcsh and zsh, but not with ksh (print a tilde ~) I found this: bind '^[[3'=prefix-2 bind '^[[3~'=delete-char-forward bind '^[[1'=prefix-2 bind '^[[1~'=beginning-of-line bind '^[[4'=prefix-2 bind '^[[4~'=end-of-line ...

Acceptable types to use as keys in a HashTable

I must admit to having only a rudimentary understanding of how HashTables work, although from what little I do know it seems fairly straightforward. My question is just this: it seems that the conventional wisdom is to use simple, basic value types such as integers for the keys in a HashTable. However, strings are also often used, even t...

Somewhat simple PHP array intersection question

Maybe I'm going insane, but I could have sworn that there was an PHP core function which took two arrays as arguments: $a = array('1', '3'); $b = array('1'=>'apples', '2'=>'oranges', '3'=>'kiwis'); And performs an intersection where the values from array $a are checked for collisions with the keys in array $b. Returning something like...

Hibernate map collection with constant key

Hi, I'm trying to map a collection (of type map) using a foreign key and a fixed value as the key/mapping arguments. I have several tables of product types and a language table which holds stuff like product names and so on. Now let's say we have an Accessory table which holds (obviously) accessories, then the name of an accesory is s...

problem with keyboard simulate press event.

im trying to make a automated tool for poulating textboxes with usernames for a dispatcher application at work. Im having some problems trying to simultate key press, if the inputArrayX[i] array contains a,b,c the keyboardsim will press abc, but if the Array contains a,b,b,c,c it still only types out abc, and not abbcc like i want it t...

Press Escape key to call method.

Is there a way to start a method in C# if a key is pressed? For example, "Esc"? ...

What _can_ I use as std::map keys?

Extends. I have: struct Coord { int row, col ; bool operator<( const Coord other.row other.col ; } } ; I'm trying to create a map<Coord, Node*>, where you can look up a Node* by Coord. The problem is, it has bugs. Lookups into the map<Coord, Node*> by Coord are returning the wrong ones. I'm having difficulty figuring out ...

GAE: Using properties for keys() in ModelChoiceProperty boxes

I have a model User which appears as a ReferenceProperty in another model, Group. When I create a form for Group, using Meta, the form's values contain lots of generated strings. I'd like to stop this, and use the username field of User instead. I already define a key_name. However, str(user.key()) still gives a generated string. I cou...

remap keyboard key in wpf

I have a wpf application that uses several Telerik RadNumericUpDown controls to enter measurements. Turns out that the Telerik control only accepts "." from the numeric keypad (next to the 0 on the right side of the keyboard). Most of my clients have laptops, and so they don't have this button, but they have the "." next to the "," and...

XSLT - Accessing Key's by index - For example, in Muenchian Grouping

<listings> <property rln="r317080" firm="f102" agent="a2140"> <street>2638 Maple Avenue</street> <city>Padua</city> <state>WI</state> <zip>53701</zip> <price>229000</price> <style>2 Story Contemporary, Transitional</style> <sqfeet>2328</sqfeet> <bathrooms>2 1/2</bathrooms> <bedroom...

Keycode for @ char

could someone please tell me the identifier for the @ key? for example keys.Escape is for the ESC key. i would like to know what it is for @ thank you. ...

access php array children through parameters?

I have a unique case where I have an array like so: $a = array('a' => array('b' => array('c' => 'woohoo!'))); I want to access values of the array in a manner like this: some_function($a, array('a')) which would return the array for position a some_function($a, array('a', 'b', 'c')) which would return the word 'woohoo' So basicall...

dynamic array key additions (sucky title, i know)

precode: $keys = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); $number = 10; code: eval('$array[\''.implode('\'][\'',$keys).'\'] = $number;'); result: Array ( [a] => Array ( [b] => Array ( [c] => Array ( [d] => 10 ) ) ) ) problem...

MySQL 'Too many keys' error

I'm creating a MySQL table in Rails which has about 170 boolean fields, each of which needs to be searchable and hence indexed, but when I create the indexes I get the error message: To many keys specified; max 64 keys allowed Is this limit hard coded or is there a config switch I can flip which wold get around it? Or do I need to re...

Android - capture/suppress Home and EndCall buttons events?

Hi! If you ever tried to write a locker app on Android sure you meet this problem: boolean mBackPressed = false; @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: mBackPressed = true; ...

PHP array_merge_recursive with numeric keys

So I'm suppose to build a multidimensional array dynamically from a text file, and everything works perfectly except that the numeric keys are screwing me over... The text file looks something like this: a=1 b.c=2 b.d.0.e=3 b.d.0.f=4 b.d.1.e=5 b.d.1.f=6 As the array_merge_recursive doesn't work with numeric keys, the output is like...

Besides F1, F2, F3, (Ctrl + Fs and so on), which are good (available) keys to create custom commands on Vim?

Besides F1, F2, F3, (Ctrl + Fs and so on), which are good (available) keys to create custom commands on Vim? Some plugins use , and \. For instance, \be and ,cc. Which are other good available keys to create custom commands on Vim? ...