
Respond to media keys in Silverlight

Is it possible for a Silverlight application to respond to media keys like play/pause and volume? ...

How to traverse keys of a Hashtable in alphabetical order?

What is the easiest way to traverse a hashtable's keys in ascending alphabetical order? ...

Arrow keys and changing control's focus hang the application

I have a usercontrol that contains a FlowLayoutPanel (topdown flow) with a bunch of radiobuttons. The control exposes a CheckedChanged event that fires whenever one of the radiobuttons's check changed. My form contains the usercontrol and a textbox. I subscribe the usercontrol's CheckedChanged event and depending on which radiobutton ...

Fluent NHibernate Composite key with Dates

Hi there. I'm new to NHibernate and am having difficulty with a simple but stuborn error. I have a table in my DB (MSSQL2008) where the composite key is made up of 2 date columns. These would represent a time period StartDate and EndDate that is unique for the purposes of my solution. The table definition is as such: CREATE TABLE [d...

Cryptography - Please help me understand Key Length Requirements

I'm having a bit of difficulty getting an understand of key length requirements in cryptography. I'm currently using DES which I believe is 56 bits... now, by converting an 8 character password to a byte[] my cryptography works. If I use a 7 digit password, it doesn't. Now, forgive me if I'm wrong, but is that because ASCII characters a...

Trying to create a class for relating images in Wordpress

EDIT: I have managed to get this class working and I have updated the correct code. I would love not to use the [0] at the end of the value. Any way I can improve this code? This class retrieves all custom keys for a specific post. Currently I use it for relating images and I have defined thre keys in my post: 'related_image', 'related_...

activation system for flash

Hi all, BRIEF: I am interested in finding out if there has been or ever will be a system for processing and managing software activation in a flash app. DESCRIPTION: My company develops alot in flash and flex and can already manage user access for online applications. but if I were to distribute a flash *.exe or an AIR app; are there...

Call my application through keyword

my problem is very simple, but implementation can be hard! I want that my application (Windows Application:: Visual C# .net) is launched whenever the user clicks some keys combinations (on his keyboard). For example it types "Ctrl+W+W" and my application open, that's all, I want the simplest implementation, less code, memory... Thanks...

Normalize the case of array keys in PHP

Is there a "better" way (built-in function, better algorithm) to normalize the case of all the keys in a PHP array? Looping though and creating a new array works $new = array(); foreach( $old as $key=>$value) { $key = strToLower($key); if(!array_key_exists($key,$new) { $new[$key] = $value; } else { throw new Exception('Duplicat...

SQL Server Migration To Refactored MySQL w/ InnoDB Key & Constraint Issues

I am redeveloping a web application and its infrastructure originally using SQL Server 2005, ASP.NET & Windows 2003 to a LAMMP (extra M for memcached of course) stack and since the schema is heavily refactored (with very good reason to do so) I must write a custom migration app. The problem is the InnoDB primary + foreign key constrain...

To get primary and foreign keys right in ERD

I read my notes and I am now unsure about the keys. My logical diagram This table should be in line with the following physical ERD I have only one foreign key in the table Question. I would like to know should the question-id and question-tag in the table Question-tag-xref, AND question-id and answer in the table Answers be a...

PHP - Array search for multiple values

I need to get the keys from values that are duplicates. I tried to use array_search and that worked fine, BUT I only got the first value as a hit. I need to get both keys from the duplicate values, in this case 0 and 2. The search result output as an array would be good. Is there a PHP function to do this or do I need to write some mul...

surrogate vs natural key: hard numbers on performance differences?

There's a healthy debate out there between surrogate and natural keys: SO Post 1 SO Post 2 My opinion, which seems to be in line with the majority (it's a slim majority), is that you should use surrogate keys unless a natural key is completely obvious and guaranteed not to change. Then you should enforce uniqueness on the natural key...

Concatenating Dictionaries

I have three lists, the first is a list of names, the second is a list of dictionaries, and the third is a list of data. Each position in a list corresponds with the same positions in the other lists. List_1[0] has corresponding data in List_2[0] and List_3[0], etc. I would like to turn these three lists into a dictionary inside a dictio...

how to fetch array keys with jQuery?

Good afternoon. I have an array with some keys, and values in them. I then need to fetch the array keys and not the data in them. I want to do this with jQuery. I know for example that PHP has a function called array_keys(); which takes the array as a parameter and gives you an array back with each key in each index. This is what I came...

Is Perl guaranteed to return consistently-ordered hash keys?

Given something like foreach (keys %myHash) { ... do stuff ... } foreach (keys %myHash) { ... do more stuff ... } Is Perl guaranteed to iterate over the keys in a consistent order if the hash is not altered? ...

C# How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA

I am building a custom shopping cart where CC numbers and Exp date will be stored in a database until processing (then deleted). I need to encrypt this data (obviously). I want to use the RSACryptoServiceProvider class. Here is my code to create my keys. public static void AssignNewKey(){ const int PROVIDER_RSA_FULL = 1; const...

__Seckey, SecKeyRef, public and private keys and store not store in KeyChain

I would like to generate public and private key pairs and then store them in a private store, instead of the iphone's key chain. Is there a way to use to use the security apis on the IPhone to generate key pairs and not store them in the keychain? When I looked at the SecKeyRef it is an opaque pointer. ...

Multiple Modifier Keys in C#

I am betting this is a really simple question to answer, I just can't get such a simple thing to work. I use a keydown event to detect keys pressed and have several common key combination's to do various operations. if (e.KeyCode == Keys.C && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control && e.Modifiers == Keys.Shift) { //Do work } else if (e.KeyCode...

How to identify the keyboard keys using C#

Hi, I have an C# application runing at the back ground. Now i want to stop this application when the system is locked. how can i do that. Any help regarding this is really appreciated. Thanks Hougen for the solution. could you please suggest me should we include any Dlls to handle "Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.SessionSwitch" this event...