
How to kill a Thread with Objective C?

Hi there, I have a call to a third-party C++ library which I have put into its own thread (currently using NSThread). I would like to give the user the ability to stop the execution of that thread. (I am well aware of all the problems this might cause, but I still wish to do so.) According to Apple's Thread Programming Guide, there ar...

Python: Run a process and kill it if it doesn't end within one hour

I need to do the following in Python. I want to spawn a process (subprocess module?), and: if the process ends normally, to continue exactly from the moment it terminates; if, otherwise, the process "gets stuck" and doesn't terminate within (say) one hour, to kill it and continue (possibly giving it another try, in a loop). What is t...

How to detect a Kill Process event

In C# i using process.Kill() kill a process, at the same time in killed application how to detect this event? BTW: Application.ApplicationExit event has not been fired! ...

How to get notified when a process terminates in Windows and Linux?

I want to write a program, that should be notified by O.S. whenever any running process on that OS dies. I don't want to myself poll and compare everytime if a previously existing process has died. I want my program to be alerted by OS whenever a process termination happens. How do I go about it? Some sample code would be very helpful...

When a parent process is killed by "kill -9", will subprocess also be killed?

One of my colleague told me this morning, when he killed supervisord by "kill -9", the subprocesses of supervisord is not killed. He is quite sure about that, but I tried many times and did not find that happen. So when a parent process is killed by "kill -9", will linux ensure that it's sub-processes also been killed? ...

what to do when windows goes in dreaded 100% cpu usage zombie mode

Hi, happens to me occasionally: I start my program in visual studio and due to some bug my program goes into 100% cpu usage and basically freezes windows completely. Only by utter patience requesting the task manager (takes forever to come up and paint itself) I can kill my process. Do others encounter this too sometimes? Is there a ...

Kill detached screen session

I learned from somewhere a detached screen can be killed by screen -X -S [session # you want to kill] kill where [session # you want to kill] can be gotten from screen -ls . But this doesn't work. Anything wrong? What's the correct way? ...

QT: kill current process?

Is there a way in QT to terminate a'la TerminateProcess the current process? QProcess::kill() seem to be only applicable to other, external processes. ...

Automatic timeout for launchd jobs

I have a launchd job that I've configured to run my unit tests. Every now and then, the unit tests will hang (usually because of some bad code). I know that my test usually only take a couple minutes to run. When they do hang, I usually don't notice it for about an hour, at which point I have to pop open Activity Monitor and forcibly ...

How do I close the stdout-pipe when killing a process started with python subprocess Popen?

I wonder if it is possible to shut down the communication pipe when killing a subprocess started in a different thread. If I do not call communicate() then kill() will work as expected, terminating the process after one second instead of five. I found a discussion of a similar problem here, but I got no real answers. I assume that I eit...

linux: kill background task

How do I kill the last spawned background task in linux? Example: doSomething doAnotherThing doB & doC doD #kill doB ???? ...

In perl, killing child and its children when child was created using open

Here's my code, with error handling and other stuff removed for clarity: sub launch_and_monitor { my ($script, $timeout) = @_; sub REAPER { while ((my $child = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG)) > 0) {} $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; } $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; my $pid = fork; if (defined $pid) { if ($pid =...

killing a win process from a C# console application: How do I set permissions?

using Process.Kill() from an ASP.NET web application... I get a Win32Exception with text "Access is denied" googling has several times told me to set permissions. However i don't really understand the Windows XP User system well enough to know how to get started. At the time the exception is thrown, Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity h...

What is the best way to write a C# application "kill switch"?

I need to write a "kill switch" into my C# application for licensing/billing purposes. What is the best way to do that? The requirements are as follows (its actually 2 kill switches): 1 - "passive kill switch" - If a particular user does not log into the application in X days then the application stops working. 2 - "active kill switch...

SQL Server: Kill Process using Stored Procedure

Hello all, I want to modify the following as it doesn't seem to kill processes - I think its supposed to disconnect users (is this the same?). I want to be able to kill all process for a particular database - how can I modify the below: create procedure [dbo].[sp_killusers](@database varchar(30)) as ------------------------------------...

list and kill at jobs unix

i have created a job with at command on solaris 10 it's working now but i want to kill it but i dont know how can i find job number and how to kill that job or process any help ? ...

why Ghost Process appears after kill -9

Hi, In my Python script, I first launch a subprocess by subprocess.Popen(). Then later on, I want to kill that subprocess by kill -9 Pid. What I found is that after the kill is executed, the subprocess is "stopped" because the GUI window of that process disappeared immediately. But when I perform a "ps aux" right after the kill, the sa...

when a process is killed is this information recorded anywhere?

Question: When a process is killed, is this information recorded anywhere (i.e., in kernel), such as syslog (or can be configured to be recorded syslog.conf) Is the information of the killer's PID, time and date when killed and reason update - you have all giving me some insight, thank you very much| ...

can matlab catch signals from linux? SIGIO

does matlab have the capability to catch signals from linux? for example, the signal SIGIO (29) can be sent to a process with a lease on a file when another process attempts to open that file. from my testing, when I try kill -s 29 pid, where pid is the process ID of a running matlab window, the matlab process is killed. similarly,kill -...

After forced quit, "killall Finder" says "No matching processes..." but PID still exists?

Here's one for ya. Upon a forced quit of the Finder with unsuccessful relaunch, "killall Finder" in terminal returns: "No matching processes belonging to you were found" Oddly enough, the PID for finder does actually show up after a "ps -A" to reveal all processes. But the time is perpetually listed as 0:00:00, upon repeated PID listi...