
Proper way to use **kwargs in Python

What is the proper way to use **kwargs in Python when it comes to default values? kwargs returns a dictionary, but what is the best way to set default values, or is there one? Should I just access it as a dictionary? Use get function? class ExampleClass: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.val = kwargs['val'] sel...

How to replace Python function while supporting all passed in parameters

I'm looking for a way to decorate an arbitrary python function, so that an alternate function is called instead of the original, with all parameters passed as a list or dict. More precisely, something like this (where f is any function, and replacement_f takes a list and a dict): def replace_func(f, replacement_f): def new_f(*args,...

Why use **kwargs in python? What are some real world advantages over using named arguments?

I come from a background in static languages. Can someone explain (hopefully through example) the real world advantages of using **kwargs over named arguments? To me it they seem to only make the function call more ambiguous. Thanks. ...

Passing a list of kwargs?

Can I pass a list of kwargs to a method for brevity? This is what i'm attempting to do: def method(**kwargs): #do something keywords = (keyword1 = 'foo', keyword2 = 'bar') method(keywords) ...

Understanding kwargs in Python

What are the uses for **kwargs in Python? I know you can do an objects.filter on a table and pass in a **kargs argument. Can I also do this for specifying time deltas i.e. timedelta(hours = time1)? How exactly does it work? Is it classes as 'unpacking'? Like a,b=1,2? ...

Get kwargs Inside Function

If I have a python function like so: def some_func(arg1, arg2, arg3=1, arg4=2): Is there a way to determine which arguments were passed by keyword from inside the function? EDIT For those asking why I need this, I have no real reason, it came up in a conversation and curiosity got the better of me. ...

Interchange of Position of Two Keyword Arguments Throws Error

Hello everyone, I have an odd problem. I know that in Python, kwargs follow args, so I checked for that and it's not the problem. What is the problem is this: Fine: def __init__(self, sample_rate, label=u"", data=[] ): TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for keyword argument 'data': def __init__(self, sample_rate, data=[], l...

Passing in **kwargs from Flex over PyAMF

Anyone know if it is easily possible to send **kwargs over PyAMF from I would like it. I could write a wrapper around the actual function and expose that and perform some parsing manually to determine the kwargs to pass in, but I don't want to do that. I will just use a normal argument list in that case. ...

Merge decorator function as class

Need to create a class that will do all things as the "merge" function. In class i will change, process and add new arguments. def merge(*arg, **kwarg): # get decorator args & kwargs def func(f): def tmp(*args, **kwargs): # get function args & kwargs kwargs.update(kwarg) # merge two dictionaries r...

Django: How to write the reverse function for the following

The urlconf and view is as follows: url(r'^register/$', register, { 'backend': 'registration.backends.default.DefaultBackend' }, name='registration_register'), def register(request, backend, success_url=None, form_class=None, ...

form.cleaned_data as a dictionary

Why when I call a function like this : function(request, **form.cleaned_data) I can send form's data as a dictionary, but when I try doing like this : data = **form.cleaned_data I'm getting error ? ...

*args and **kwargs ?

So I have difficulty with the concept of *args and **kwargs. So far I have learned that: *args = list of arguments -as positional arguments **kwargs = dictionary - whose keys become separate keyword arguments and the values become values of these arguments. ?? To be honest I don't understand and don't get for what programming task ...

Update App Engine model with dictionary

You can create a new model in App Engine using a dictionary: my_model = MyModel.get_or_insert(keyname, **kwargs) Is there a way to update a model using a dictionary instead of doing the following? my_model.firstprop = 'first' my_model.secondprop = 'second' ...

Django pre_save signal: check if instance is created not updated, does kwargs['created'] (still) exist?

I am using Django's pre_save signal to implement auto_now_add. There is a lot of discussion on the internet on why you should or shouldn't implement it yourself. I do not appreciate comments on this. Neither on whether I should be rewriting the save function (I have a lot of models that use auto_now_add so using signals makes sense). My...

How can I set arbitrary attributes on Django Model Fields, then access them in a ModelForm?

What Django Does Django's Model Field "blank" attribute, and the way it gets negated and turned into the Form Field "required" attribute when you create a ModelForm, is pretty cool. It allows me to set the property on the model where it belongs, but have the "required" attribute available when handling a ModelForm created from it. Havin...

Form doesn't accept additional parameters

I was trying to pass an additional parameter to my form, which is anObject to ForeignKey relation. But dunno why form returns __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'parent' when I'm pretty sure that it is possible to send additional parameters to form's __init__ (ie here :