
Transitioning from "Web" into "Application" Development

I realize this comes at an enormous risk of being branded "subjective" and "discussion-based", but you don't have to argue with anyone, or me. I'd just like honest answers to the question. So first, the question: In your experience, is it feasible to say I could find a job as a java or other "non-web" language/system developer without a...

[Coding Exercise] What are some ways to map & normalize related data?

Let's say you need to funnel random, related data given to you into more succinct categories. Example - You're given the following data. NOTE - There could be any number of other related, columnar data: Customer Product Category ========== ========= ================================= Customer A Product A ...

What is a stack overflow?

What is a stack overflow error? What type of programs/programming languages is it likely to occur in? Is it unlikely to occur in web application code? ...

How to find the smallest interval containing a set of values modulo N?

First the practical application that led me to the problem: Given a set of angle measurements v[i] in the range of [0,360) degrees, what is the smallest interval containing all v[i]? Note: the interval may be on both sides, close around 0. Abstract description of the problem: For a given set of values v[i], what are the values c and ...

Can one know how large a factorial would be before calculating it?

I'm using GMP to calculate very large factorials (e.g. 234234!). Is there any way of knowing, before one does the calculation, how many digits long the result will (or might) be? ...

What's the best way to send pictures to a browser when they have to be stored as blobs in a database?

I have an existing database containing some pictures in blob fields. For a web application I have to display them. What's the best way to do that, considering stress on the server and maintenance and coding efforts. I can think of the following: "Cache" the blobs to external files and send the files to the browser. Read them from di...

GROUP BY ID range?

Given a data set like this; +-----+---------------------+--------+ | id | date | result | +-----+---------------------+--------+ | 121 | 2009-07-11 13:23:24 | -1 | | 122 | 2009-07-11 13:23:24 | -1 | | 123 | 2009-07-11 13:23:24 | -1 | | 124 | 2009-07-11 13:23:24 | -1 | | 125 | 2009-07-11 13:23:24 | ...

Creative uses for cryptography beyond the usual encryption/authentication

Lately I've been intrigued by some of the less traditional uses of cryptography. Things like: making invoice numbers unpredictable rolling dice in a p2p game shuffling a deck of cards in a p2p game What other applications of cryptography can you think of outside the usual realm of message authentication and confidentiality? ...

Affiliate System

Hello, I am trying to get an affiliate system in place using PayPal and 2checkout. I am wondering exactly how the process should be. Here is an outline but I am not sure: User enters via third-party-site and a cookie is set of that site (for lifetime) User then pays PayPal/2checkout redirect after payment to my site and then I update...

Beyond simple coding: Where to go from here?

Hi there, I've been coding since my early teenager years. I started out with HTML, went on to PHP/MySQL (created my own forums, social networking sites, etc..) and then branched out into more traditional languages such as Java and C++ (also picked up a little VB .NET in high school). I'm most familiar now with C++ as that is the langu...

Most harmful misconception of beginners about programming?

Possible Duplicate: What is your longest-held programming assumption that turned out to be incorrect? What do you consider to be the most harmful misconception about programming from people who are new to programming that you have seen? ...

Is firing off a Thread a valid answer to simplifying code?

As multi-processor and multi-core computers become more and more ubiquitous, is simply firing off a new thread a (relatively) simple and painless way of simplifying code? For instance, in a current personal project, I have a network server listening on a port. Since this is just a personal project, it's just a desktop app, with a GUI int...

Best practices when taking a small project on your own

I've always worked in small companies, mostly doing small websites, and they all sucked in project management. That means I have no experience whatsoever (even though I learned a little bit studying on my own) about the best practices and tools when developing a project. Currently I'm unemployed to finish college and I decided to take ...

Algorithm to make a String nice or ugly

Im having difficulty finding an algorithm for the following puzzle- A string is called ugly if it has 3 vowels in a row, or 5 consonants in a row, or both. A string is called nice if it is not ugly. You are given a string s, consisting of uppercase letters ('A'-'Z') and question marks ('?'). Can you find an algorithm that tells if the ...

Print a simply linked list backwards with no recursion, in two passes at most, using constant extra memory, leaving it intact

You must print a simply linked list backwards: Without recursion With constant extra memory In linear time Leaving the list intact Added Later Two passes at most ...

reconstructing a tree from its preorder and postorder lists.

Consider the situation where you have two lists of nodes of which all you know is that one is a representation of a preorder traversal of some tree and the other a representation of a postorder traversal of the same tree. I believe it is possible to reconstruct the tree exactly from these two lists, and I think I have an algorithm to d...

Function Parameter best practice

I have question regarding the use of function parameters. In the past I have always written my code such that all information needed by a function is passed in as a parameter. I.e. global parameters are not used. However through looking over other peoples code, functions without parameters seem to be the norm. I should note that these ...

Visualize compiler warnings

I'm looking for a way to visualize compiler warnings and remarks, by annotating or otherwise showing which lines cause a report. This is much like a modern IDE like NetBeans or Eclipse already does, but I'd like to take output from several compilers (and other static code analysis tools) at once, and create one single annotation in ord...

How should I name a method that does this...?

I have a method that receives two range endpoints - start of range and end of range and an integer. It checks to see if the integer falls between the two end points and returns either the integer or the corresponding end point if the integer falls outside the boundary. Example 1: RangeStart = 0; RangeEnd = 10; Value = 5; Returns 5 ...

Why should hash functions use a prime number modulus?

A long time ago, I bought a data structures book off the bargain table for $1.25. In it, the explanation for a hashing function said that it should ultimately mod by a prime number because of "the nature of math". What do you expect from a $1.25 book? Anyway, I've had years to think about the nature of math, and still can't figure it ...